The Writings of Bertell Ollman
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Recommended Links < DIALECTICAL MARXISM: The Writings of Bertell Ollman
Recommended Links

Encyclopedia of Marxism
Marxists Internet Archive
Introductions to Marxism
Marxism on the WWW

Monthly Review
Left Business Observer
Radical Philosophy (U.K.)
Hightower Lowdown
Solidarity (Against the Current)
Socialism and Democracy
www.journalsonline.tandf.co.uk (Capitalism, Nature, Society)
Science and Society
Z Magazine Online
Rethinking Schools Online
Political Affairs Magazine
Socialist Future
Socialist Review
The Nation
Alternative Press Center
Critique Journal of Socialist Theory
Cultural Logic
What Next
MEP Publications (Nature, Society, and Thought)
Capital and Class
Union For Radical Political Economics
Post-Autistic Economics Network
Economy and Society
Economic and Political Weekly
Historical Materialism
Journal of Critical Realism

Michael Parenti
Noam Chomsky
Doug Dowd
Rich Gibson
Gunder Frank
The C.L.R. James Institute
Sean Sayers
Humphrey McQueen

Teaching for Change
Resist, Inc.
IPPN (Independent Progressive Political Network)
Alliance of Radical Academic/Intellectual Organizations
Center for Study of Working Class Life
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
People Link
Center for Non-Profit Technology
Northland Poster Collective
Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School
War Resisters League
Labor Notes

Socialist Party of G.B.
American Communist Party
Communist Party of G.B.
Socialist Labor Party of America
Workers World
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Socialist Party UK

Marx and Marxism Web Guide What follows has been compiled by Ralph Dumain at http://www.autodidactproject.org/guidmarx.html and is used here with his kind permission.

Resources on the Web

Web resources on Marx and Marxism comprise too huge a category to document comprehensively. The focus here is Marxology and Marxist philosophy, theory, and history, primarily resources in the English language. While these links in turn lead to the widest variety of sources, the concentration here is on general sources and theoretical matters, implying, even with the coverage below, an inevitable slighting of: (1) specific thinkers, schools of thought, traditions, some of which I document separately (e.g. Soviet Philosophy, Frankfurt School); (2) organizations and political parties, political tendencies, journals, newspapers, and other periodicals, presses and publishers, archives, individuals, topical political issues, blogs, online discussion lists; (3) non-Marxist resources on socialism, communism, anarchism, the left, the general labor movement and social movements; (4) non-English-language sources.

Text Archives & Repositories & General Research & Theoretical Resources

Marxists Internet Archive
The largest digital library of Marxist & related literature on the web. Multilingual.

Note additional resources compiled in the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL), including tendencies, international & U.S. organizational history, pseudonyms, newspapers/periodicals, oral histories, research institutions, books (bibliography), audio-visual.

See also The Value of Knowledge: A Miniature Library of Philosophy.

From Marx to Mao
Substantial archive. See esp. collections on Marx & Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao
& Other Texts and Documents.

libcom.org | libertarian community and organising resource for Britain
Excellent Libertarian Communist Archive, esp. of Marxist theory.

Soviet titles & e-books. You are invited to contribute to the project to put Soviet books online.

Collective Action Notes
Libertarian socialist perspective, includes important theoretical articles.

Marxism Page
Includes classic & other theoretical texts.

Marx Myths and Legends
Project dedicated to countering misinformation about Marx, initiated by Rob Lucas. (R. Dumain, who independently thought up the basic concept, encouraged such a project.) Note Dumain's comments and criticisms.

Rainer Ganahl: Karl Marx Lesen (Reading Karl Marx)
Reading seminar & exhibition. A unique project.

Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought
Covers a wide range of philosophical and theoretical sources.

Voice of the Shuttle: Marxist, Communist, Frankfurt School, & Later-Marxist Critique
Wide variety of resources.

Generation Online
Variety of theoretical & philosophical texts & translations.

In Defence of Marxism
Trotskyist orientation. Comprehensive site. Includes materials on Marxist theory, philosophy, science and technology, art and revolution.

Trotskyist orientation. Provides texts, thematically organized.

World Socialist Web Site
Trotskyist orientation. Includes section on philosophy.

Movement for a Socialist Future
Broad coverage. Includes section on Ideas and philosophy.
See, e.g.: Contradiction, reflection and cognition: three articles on philosophy.

Institute for the Study of the Science of Society
Organizes classes, promotes study groups, provides study guides to Marxism-the-science.

Historical materialism: World History Archives
See esp. Bibliography for Historical Materialism by Haines Brown

WWW Virtual Library Labour History
Comprehensive reference source. See also WWW Virtual Library Labour History: Special Topics.
This is part of the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Netherlands web site.

Labor Arts
Virtual museum.

Socialist History Project
Documentation of the revolutionary socialist movement in Canada and Québec in the 20th Century.

Left Communism, Councilism, Libertarian Socialism, Situationism, Anarchism, & Other Independent Tendencies

Anarchy Archives

The Anarchist Encyclopedia; An almanac of Antiauthoritarians, Saints & Sinners, Poets & Anarchists...enciclopédia

"anti capitalist & anti state struggle, for world human community"
See esp. links page.

Bureau of Public Secrets
Situationist and other texts.

Situationist International Archives

Red & Black Notes
Libertarian Socialism. Includes texts by important authors & Martin Glaberman Archive.

"Left Wing" Communism - an infantile disorder?
"On the history and actuality of the Communist Left"
(Last updated Jan. 2003?)

Sojourner Truth Organization
In the 1970s SJO published an interesting journal called Urgent Tasks.
The journal is now in process of being archived on the web site.
See, e.g.: Stalin's Little Book on Philosophy by Lance Hill.

Break Their Haughty Power
Loren Goldner's site. Theoretical, historical, topical writings.

Texts & Resources on Marxist Philosophy, Philosophers & Theoreticians

Sources on Dialectical Materialism. Translations and Articles on Marxist Philosophy (Tom Weston)

Dialectics for Kids


Sartre Online

International Gramsci Society

Sito Web Italiano per la Filosofia-LUDOVICO GEYMONAT (in Italian)

Cornelius Castoriadis / Agora International Website

Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) Internet Archive

Centre for Critical Realism (CCR) (Roy Bhaskar)

Dr. Helena Sheehan / Home Page

DIALECTICAL MARXISM: The Writings of Bertell Ollman

hegel.net - System of Science
The definitive site on Hegel & Hegelianism

Web Sites on Other Marxists

Michael Parenti Political Archive

Mansoor Hekma
Iranian Marxist (1951-2002).

Werner Cohn
Highly eccentric & tendentious old ex-Trotskyist.
See esp. From Victim to Shylock and Oppressor: The New Image of the Jew in the Trotskyist Movement.

Individual Texts

Revolutionary Self-Theory: A Beginners' Manual
First published as Self-Theory: The Pleasure of Thinking for Yourself, 1975.

Partisanship and Objectivity in Theoretical Work by Maurice Cornforth

"Maurice Cornforth’s Contribution to Marxist Metaethics" by Renzo Llorente, in Nature, Society, and Thought, Vol. 16, No. 3 (2003), 261-275.

NOTE DE LECTURE: Les raisons de la science (Le ragioni della scienza) par Ludovico Geymonat et Giulio Giorello, avec la participation de Fabio Minazzi. (Sagittari Laterza, 1986) (in French)

LUDOVICO GEYMONAT A cura di Diego Fusaro (in Italian)

Fabio Minazzi, La Passione della Ragione. Studi sul pensiero di Ludovico Geymonat reviewed by Nicla Vassallo (In Italian)

The Two Marxisms by Alvin Gouldner

Biographies of Sociologists: Alvin Ward Gouldner (1920-1980)

The Unbroken Thread by Ted Grant
The Development of Trotskyism Over 60 Years.

Jack Lindsay - Wikipedia

The Origins of Alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt by Jack Lindsay
   Poem To Marie Delcourt-Curvers [HMTL]
   To Marie Delcourt-Curvers [pdf file]
   The First and Concluding Chapters

Aspects of Dialectics and Nonlinear Dynamics by J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.

The Attack on Margaret Mead and the Dialectics of Anthropology by Gordon Welty

Hegelian Marxism discussion
Ralph Dumain et al, on Hegel-by-Hypertext.

"Retorts" [letter to the editor], The Alembic, no. 2, Summer 1989, p. 8.
Anarchist texts and debate, with an embarrassing sample of R. Dumain's pre-1992 writing.


A Marx Bibliography
(with sections on the Young Hegelians and 20th-century Marxists)

Bibliography for Historical Materialism by Haines Brown

The Lubitz TrotskyanaNet
Comprehensive documentation of Trotsky & Trotskyism.


Marxist Educational Press / Nature, Society, and Thought (USA)

AK Press (USA)

Alternative Press

New Pages
"News, information and guides to independent bookstores, independent publishers, literary periodicals, alternative periodicals, independent record labels, alternative newsweeklies and more."

Alternative Press Center

Journals, Periodicals, Newsletters: Print, Current, Some with Texts Online

Science & Society (USA)
A Journal of Marxist Thought and Analysis.
"Published quarterly since 1936, Science & Society is the longest continuously published journal of Marxist scholarship, in any language, in the world."

Nature, Society, and Thought (USA)
A Journal of Dialectical and Historical Materialism.
MEP Publications (Marxist Educational Press)
Includes index, sample back issues, selected articles.

Rethinking Marxism (USA)
Theoretical journal. Also information on the association & conferences.

Radical Philosophy Review (USA)
Biannual journal of the Radical Philosophy Association.
Access via POIESIS.

Radical Philosophy (UK)
Includes abstracts (1 p.) of articles only, in most cases.

Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory (UK)

Thesis Eleven: A Journal of Critical Theory and Historical Sociology (Australia)

Capitalism Nature Socialism (USA)
A Journal of Socialist Ecology.
Published by the Center for Political Ecology (CPE).

Revolutionary History (UK)
Print journal. Trotskyist orientation. Several texts online. See also mirror at Marxists Internet Archive.

Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory (UK)
Originates from anti-Stalinist Marxism with Trotskyist inclinations.

What Next? Marxist Discussion Journal (UK)
Trotskyist orientation. See, e.g. sections on Marxist Theory & Socialist History.

Actuel Marx (in French)
Includes philosophical & theoretical articles.

Alternative Press Review :: Your Guide Beyond the Mainstream (USA)
Anthologizes the alternative press.

Journals, Periodicals, Newsletters: Online, Archives, Current &/or Defunct

Libertarian socialism. Issues 1-12 (1992-2004) online.

Communist History Network Newsletter On-Line
Biannual, 1996- .

The International Newsletter of Communist Studies
Online: #14-#17 (2000-2004).


Althusser material.

Ted Stolze: Resources of Hope, Logics of Struggle
February 20, 2006: Debating Lenin and Philosophy.

Marxist Philosophy & Theory Discussion Lists

Marxist Philosophy Yahoo Discussion List

Marxism-Thaxis -- Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl Marx and the thinkers he inspired

lists.econ.utah.edu Mailing Lists
Several Marxism & socialism related discussion lists.

Hegel-Marx yahoo discussion group

Libraries, Archives, Institutes, Information Centers (Materials Partially or Not Available Online)

Marx Memorial Library (UK)

Tamiment Institute Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives.
Several collections of relevance including American Trotskyist collections and oral history.
See also Guide to the Max Shachtman Papers 1917-1969.

Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University
Several collections, including archives of Martin Glaberman & James & Grace Lee Boggs.

Holt Labor Library
Labor Studies and Radical History.

Prometheus Research Library
Comprehensive collection on the Trotskyist movement.

Center for Socialist History
Archive of Hal Draper & Workers Party.
The Marx-Engels Cyclopedia is being made available online.

Texas Archives of Autonomist Marxism
See Alphabetical Index to the collection.

International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE)
Includes Ernest Mandel Study Centre (eminent Trotskyist thinker & leader).

The C.L.R. James Institute

James & Grace Lee Boggs Center

News & Letters
Organization dedicated to the Hegelian Marxist Humanism of Raya Dunayevskaya.
Site includes texts & articles from the periodical News & Letters.

George Padmore Institute

The Center for Political Ecology
See also Cyberbooks.

The Brecht Forum
Formerly known as the New York Marxist School.

Papers of Jack Lindsay (1900-1990) (MS 7168, National Library of Australia)

Organizations: Marxist & Radical Philosophy & Theory

Marx and Philosophy Society (UK)

Society for the Philosophical Study of Marxism (USA)

Radical Philosophy Association (USA)

Political Studies Association, Marxism Specialist Group (UK)
See also the annual Studies in Marxism, Annual & Conference Reports, & MEGA.

Organizations: Political Parties & Groups

Leftist Parties of the World


Esperanto & Laborista Movado / Esperanto & the Labor Movement
Retgvidilo, Bibliografio, Dokumentado / Web Guide, Bibliography, Documentation