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Single-page websites for all kinds of things.

Free to create, pay to publish with no recurring fees.

Choose a template to get started:

Coming Soon


Create a website for your event. Customize details & sell registrations with PayPal or Stripe.

Feature Requests
Coming Soon


Create a page for any type of job listing using your own brand and domain.

Feature Requests
Coming Soon


Create a website for your podcast. List episodes, run your newsletter, link to Patreon.

Feature Requests

Everything you need,
nothing you don’t.

The perfect blend of design and features.

Your Domain or Ours

Your Domain or Ours

Use Leeflets on your own domain (e.g. or ours (e.g. Both options come with a free SSL via Let's Encrypt.

Perfectly Responsive

SEO & SMO Optimization

All templates have been optimized for search and social. Customize exactly how you want your landing page to appear on any platform.

Perfectly Responsive

Perfectly Responsive

All templates have been designed and developed to be pixel-perfect, accessible and functional on any screen/size.

Customization Controlled

Customization Controlled

Because sometimes too many options get in the way. With Leeflets, you can customize and publish any page within minutes instead of hours or even days.

Smart Integrations

Smart Integrations

Each template includes smart integrations with 3rd party platforms and services such as payment processors (e.g. Stripe and PayPal) and email marketing tools (e.g. MailChimp and Convertkit).

Pay to Publish

Pay to Publish

Leeflets are free to create & preview, then just $25.00/each to publish — no recurring fees or subscriptions, because who needs another monthly bill.

More template options coming soon.

We’re just getting started. Here’s what’s coming soon.

Ask Me

In Development

Create a website for free or paid Q&A’s.


In Development

Create a website for donations.


In Development

Create a website for your services.


In Design

Create a website for any survey.


In Design

Create a website for any type of article or story.


In Design

Create a website for raising funds.


Leeflets are free to create & preview, then just $25.00/each to publish — no recurring fees or subscriptions.

10% of every purchase will be donated to local art programs
Created With Leeflets
Minimalist Landing Pages