Black Rose Anarchist Federation
Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra

Welcome to our website! Please follow us on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for daily news and analysis. Subscribe to BRRN Letter which features our top publishing content, updates and projects via email. 

About Us

Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) is a political organization with locals in over a dozen cities sharing a common set of politics and creating a shared strategic vision of how to build “popular power” in workplaces, neighborhoods, schools and all sectors of society towards the goal of libertarian socialism. Our organizing work is centered on building mass movements such as tenant unions, neighborhood assemblies, workplace campaigns, student unions, prisoner organizing, and in defense of communities resisting criminalization and deportations.

If you are interested in learning more about our politics we recommend you start with our core organizational documents: our Mission Statement, Role of the Revolutionary Organization and Points of Unity.

Learn More

To learn more about anarchism, libertarian socialism, working class feminism or the radical left generally we recommend our Education page (coming soon). Here’s some introductory materials to start with:

A Year in Popular Power,” is a four YouTube part series featuring members of BRRN presenting on their organizing work within larger movements and building popular power. 

Teaser video for: A Year in Popular Power - A Four Part Series on YouTube

Latest News:

From Below Podcast: Feminism Against Capitalism

Socialist Dog Catchers (or Presidents) Won’t Save Us

Elections and Class Struggle in South Africa: The Question of State Power and the Anarchist Response

Do All Organizing Roads Lead to Bernie?

“If You Want a General Strike, Organize Your Co-Workers” Interview with Joe Burns

Update: West Virginia Walkouts Beats Back Neoliberal Education Bill