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Today's Extinct Animal

Roger's posts about vanishing fauna.
St. Helena Giant Earwig

St. Helena Giant Earwig

December 23, 2014

When considering the death of species and the grim biological impoverishment of earth, we have to take the lesser with the larger, and the less lovely as well. Recent news…

100 Years of Silent Skies

100 Years of Silent Skies

September 1, 2014

Today is September 1st, 2014, and marks the 100th anniversary of the death of the last Passenger Pigeon in a Cincinnati zoo. That last bird, named Martha, represented the culmination…

A World of Wounds

A World of Wounds

March 28, 2010

Here’s a list of ten of my favorite quotes pertaining to the state of the world that I’ve gleaned in the past several years: A: “We don’t change our behavior,…

No More Jaguars

No More Jaguars

April 8, 2009

That’s all, folks! The last Jaguar in the United States has been killed. The beast in question, a sixteen year old male named “Macho B”, was euthanized by state biologists…

The Totoaba Croaks

The Totoaba Croaks

April 3, 2009

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any depressing stories about doomed animal life on this blog. Now that I’ve actually gone through with the whole moving-to-portland, thing, maybe I’ll…