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Perspectives issues available for 25% off & with free shipping


All issues feature cover art and design by Josh MacPhee, of Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, and art by Justseeds’ artists. Take a look at which issues are available, and some of each issues’ highlights below!

Available issues:

The Politics of Climate Change, featuring “Atmospheric Dialectics” by Javier Sethness; “All Power to the People: Energy Production and the Climate Crisis” by Lara Messersmith-Glavin, on behalf of the Parasol Climate Collective; and “Movements for Climate Action” by Brian Tokar, plus so much more!

Movements, featuring “The Panthers, the Black Liberation Army, and the Struggle to Free All Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War” by Ashanti Omowali Alston; “Where’s My Movement? Contemporary Anarchist Mothers and Community Support” by Victoria Law; “Movement, Cadre, and Dual Power” by Joel Olson, plus more essays and book reviews!

Care, featuring “Alternative to EMS” by Rosehip Medic Collective; Class and Health: Community Acupuncture” by Paul Messersmith-Glavin; “To Care is to Struggle” by Kevin Van Meter; “Remembering Joel Olson” by Joe Lowndes and many book reviews!


Strategy, featuring “Elsipogtog: River of Fire” by Andrea Schmidt; “Octavia’s Brood: An Interview with Walidah Imarisha” by Lara Messersmith-Glavin; “Do-It-Yourself Strategies for Revolutionary Study Groups” by Mamos Rotnelli; “‘Strict Discipline Combined with Social Equality’: Orwell on Leadership in the Spanish Militias” by Kristian Williams; “Building Revolutionary Anarchism” by Colin O’Malley; plus many book reviews!

Justice, featuring “Interviews from an Uprising” by Sarah Coffey; “Brick by Brick: Creating a World Without Prisons” by Layne Mullet; “Meditation on Domestic Intervention” by Sara Rahnoma-Galindo; “Confronting Vigilante Responses in Accountability Work” by Romina Akemi; “Breaking the Chains of Command: Anarchist Veterans of the US Military” by Brad Thomson; “Against Deep Green Resistance” by Michelle Renee Matisons & Alexander Reid Ross, plus book reviews, of course.

Each issue is $7.50, including free shipping.

You can notify us how many of which issues you want by email at: We’ll tell you how to pay via Pay Pal.

Or write us c/o IAS, PO Box 90454, Portland, OR 97290 and send us a check, made out to IAS, to cover how many of each that you want.



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