
ARP publishes books on contemporary politics, culture, and social issues. We publish literary titles, and will consider works of nonfiction, fiction, and poetry that fall within our mandate. We are especially interested in works that contribute to the debates that are not often covered by mainstream publishers or media.

To determine if your work fits with our mandate, please review the titles in our catalogue.

Our focus is on Canadian-authored books. We are particularly interested in local (Manitoba) authors. Foreign-authored titles are considered, but we are limited in the number we can publish.

We are not seeking works of speculative fiction, genre fiction, books for children or young adults, self-help titles, personal memoirs (unless directly linked to our mandate), novellas, travel books, or family histories.

If you are interested in publishing with us, please send us the following documents as PDF attachments:

  • A cover letter explaining the primary objective of your manuscript. This letter should include the work’s title, its unique attributes, and why you think ARP would be a suitable publisher. It would be helpful for us if you could describe your intended audience, what works it compares with, and how it is distinct in the field. Please note the current state of the manuscript, when you expect it to be completed, and its approximate length.
  • A brief synopsis and an outline of the work (or the table of contents).
  • A sample chapter or portion of the work.
  • A writer’s CV.

We do not accept submissions by mail, phone, or through social media. Please email your submission to

Our review process can take several months to a year or longer, depending on the number of submissions we receive. Therefore, we ask that you do not send follow-up queries until six months after your original submission.