This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Steven Goldman
  • TOPICS: Baseball, sociology, and decline of journalism.

Ilhan Omar Exposes US Hegemonic Positioning and Takes on Both Political Parties    

Somali-American Ilhan Omar is a member of the US House of Representatives from Minnesota’s 5th district. Elected to the United States Congress in November 2018, Omar is a critical and strong voice that advocates for progressive policies and lawmaking in regards to housing, a living wage, student debt forgiveness, and the protection of immigrants. Since More

The Boeing 737 Max 8: a Case Study in Uncreative Destruction

On October 29, 2018, a Boeing 737 Max 8 belonging to Lion Air in Indonesia crashed into the Java Sea 12 minutes after take-off. All 189 passengers and crew members were killed instantly. It is extremely unusual for planes to suffer such accidents in clear weather after having reached their cruising altitude. Flight experts concluded that the pilots were not adequately trained in the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), a robotics technology that lowers the nose of a plane to prevent a stall. Although there is no definitive judgement on exactly what happened, it appears to be a combination of inadequate training for the pilots and a malfunctioning MCAS. More

“Please Step Away from the Socialism”:  The Red Scare Dems at MSNBC

I find Donald Trump reprehensible as a human being, but a socialist candidate is more dangerous to this company, country, as far as the strength and well-being of the country, than Donald Trump.  I would vote for Donald Trump, a despicable human being…I will be so distraught to the point that that could even come More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Wall From the Other Side

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on how Mexico views Trump’s border wall; Master of the Lost Cause: Lee Ballinger on Robert E. Lee, Then and Now; Trump Does Africa: Nick Pemberton on the 21st Century War on Africa; Abbie Hoffman: American Environmentalist by Jonah Raskin; The ESA: Noah’s Ark or Titanic? by Craig Collins; Plus: Dan Glazebrook on Alexander Dugin and the New Fascism; Ron Jacobs on the Antiwar Movement in Olympia; Daniel Raventos and Julie Work on the Politics of Violence in Europe; Pete Dolack on Trickle-Down Economics’ Latest Failure; Ruth Fowler on Magnet Schools; Jeffrey St. Clair on Honduran Refugees; Chris Floyd on Virtual Reality Politics; and Charles Pierson on Trump and the New World Order.

Courtney Barnett: “Charity”
