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Anarchist FAQ author

An Anarchist FAQ: Introduction to Volume 2

An Anarchist FAQ: Introduction to Volume 2

Why does the Makhnovist movement show there is an alternative to Bolshevism?

Why does the Makhnovist movement show there is an alternative to Bolshevism?

What was the Kronstadt Rebellion?

What was the Kronstadt Rebellion?

The Kronstadt rebellion took place in the first weeks of March, 1921. Kronstadt was (and is) a naval fortress on an island in the Gulf of Finland. Traditionally, it has served as the base of the Russian Baltic Fleet and to guard the approaches to the city of St. Petersburg (which during the first world war was re-named Petrograd, then later Leningrad, and is now St. Petersburg again) thirty-five miles away.

Were any of the Bolshevik oppositions a real alternative?

Were any of the Bolshevik oppositions a real alternative?

As well as the obvious failure of the Russian Revolution (see section H.6), the limitations in Bolshevism can be seen by the various oppositions to the mainstream of that party. That Bolshevik politics are not a suitable instrument for working class self-liberation is expressed in the limited way opposition groups questioned Bolshevik orthodoxy -- even in the case of the opposition to the rising Stalinist bureaucracy.

How did Bolshevik ideology contribute to the failure of the Revolution?

How did Bolshevik ideology contribute to the failure of the Revolution?

It is a truism of Leninism that Stalinism has nothing to do with the ideas of Bolshevism. Moreover, most are at pains to stress that these ideas have no relation to the actual practice of the Bolshevik Party after the October Revolution. To re-quote one Leninist:

What caused the degeneration of the Russian Revolution?

What caused the degeneration of the Russian Revolution?

11 What is the myth of "Natural Law"?

11 What is the myth of "Natural Law"?

10 Would laissez-faire capitalism be stable?

10 Would laissez-faire capitalism be stable?


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