Collectively-owned, worker-run. Radical publishing and distribution since 1990.

Publishing Submissions

Thanks for your interest in publishing with AK Press. Before submitting, please familiarize yourself with our list and the range of works we tend to publish. As an anarchist collective, we're primarily interested in works that reflect the rich traditions within anarchism (theory, history, art, culture, economics, labor) and related movements—both historically and contemporarily (for more about AK Press please see About AK). We make an effort to provide materials of use to activists, academics, and individuals in pursuit of intellectual self-defense and revolutionary social/economic change. Further, we welcome the opportunity to work with authors from diverse backgrounds.

When submitting materials please include the following:

  • A brief cover letter which explains why you wrote the book, who the intended audience is, and why you chose to submit your work to AK Press.
  • A brief bio of the author and contributors.
  • Whether the submission is simultaneous or if you are only contacting AK Press at this time.
  • A table of contents and brief synopsis of each chapter (including an indication of length, photos, illustrations, etc.).
  • If the manuscript is not finished, please include an accurate completion date.
  • Any previous books, anthologies, or publications you have been published in.

Please keep in mind:

  • We do not actively publish fiction or poetry.
  • Due to the nature of the book trade, projects accepted typically are released 12 months subsequent to receipt of final manuscript.

If submitting a completed manuscript, please send it in electronic format along with items 1–6 to:

Because we are a bi-coastal collective, we strongly prefer to receive your submissions in electronic format. However, if you would prefer to submit a hard copy, please mail it to:
AK Press/Submissions
370 Ryan Ave. #100
Chico, CA 95973

How we evaluate manuscripts:

The AK Collective members responsible for all publishing projects (currently three individuals) recommend potential manuscripts for collective consideration. Submissions are then read by several other collective members, discussed and evaluated, and voted on by every member of the collective.

Please be aware that due to the number of manuscripts and proposals we receive, AK Press cannot individually respond to each one (if you have not heard from us within 4 to 8 weeks of submitting chances are that we have decided against your project, and please do not contact us to confirm). If sending hard copies, we will only return materials with self-addressed stamped envelopes enclosed.

Thank you for considering AK Press. We appreciate all of the interest and support, and regret not being able to publish all of the worthy projects that are offered to us.

If you have self-published your manuscript, or have a book published by another independent press and would like to discuss distribution options with AK Press, please visit our Distribution Submissions page!