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On the Barricades of Berlin: An Account of the 1848 Revolution

by August Brass, translated by Andreas Weiland

A Packed Seattle Launch of Free Public Transit

Free Public Transit: And Why We Don't Pay to Ride Elevators is discussed at a packed event in Seattle. Rosalie Ray, author of the chapter "Seeking Transit Justice from Seattle to NYC" spoke on an inspiring 70 minute panel at the book launch organised by the Transit Riders' Union. She was joined by: 
 * Ifrah Abshir, a leader in the successful campaign to win free transit passes for Seattle public school students 
 * Alex Finch, SHARE board member * Seattle City Councilmember Mike O'Brien 
 * Michael Maddux, Legislative Assistant to Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda 
 * SEIU 925 member Elizabeth Bauerle 
 * Katie Wilson, general secretary of the Transit Riders Union.

07/24/2018 - 0 Comments - Rating: rating rating rating rating rating

A Successful London Launch of Your Freedom and Mine

There was a successful launch of Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdogan's Turkey held at SOAS University in London. The event was organised by Black Rose Books, Peace in Kurdistan, Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) UK, and the Freedom for Öcalan Campaign. 

The book, edited by Dr. Thomas Jeffrey Miley (Cambridge University) and Dr. Federico Venturini, was received with great interest. The event was organized as a panel discussion with Miley and Venturini as well as Dr. Radha D’Souza from Westminster University, Labour MEP Julie Ward, foreign correspondent and author Jonathan Steele, UNITE International Director Simon Dubbins, and Joe Ryan from the Westminster Peace and Justice Commission. KNK representative Adem Uzun participated via video conference from Brussels.

Read the full article from ANF English here:

07/24/2018 - 0 Comments - Rating: rating rating rating rating rating

COP23 is "Useless" According to Dimitri Roussopoulos, Author of 'Political Ecology'

As the COP23 climate summit in Bonn, Germany enters its second and final week, Dimitri Roussopoulos, author of Political Ecology: The Climate Crisis and a New Social Agenda (Black Rose Books, 2017), dismisses the conference as another example of the failure of governments to deal the world's environmental crisis.

"Yet again," Roussopoulos reflects, "the various State representatives sit around a table, debating over technical minutiae while the slow-motion climate Apocalypse continues. The whole exercise is useless. Insignificant progress has been made since the much-lauded Paris Accord in 2015, which even James Hansen lambasted as a 'fraud'. Our governments have failed us."

11/16/2017 - 0 Comments - Rating: rating rating rating rating rating

Climate Pushes Doomsday Clock Close to Midnight [TruthDig Article]“In 2015, unchecked climate change, global nuclear weapons modernisations, and outsized nuclear weapons arsenals pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to the continued existence of humanity,...

01/27/2015 - 0 Comments - Rating: rating rating rating rating rating

The Kurdish Social Revolution in Rojava - Statement from the Academic Delegation to Rojava

Web Source: battle over Kobanê, which began in the summer of 2014, has brought to the world’s attention the Kurdish resistance to the brutal...

01/17/2015 - 0 Comments - Rating: rating rating rating rating rating

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On the Barricades of Berlin: An Account of the 1848 Revolution

Published in English for the first time, On the Barricades of Berlin provides a riveting firsthan...



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