
Visit these sites to see supporting views on economic reform.

  • EarthSharing is a world movement dedicated to achieving economic justice for all the peoples of the world, and to reforming the way we treat our planetary resources. Home to the Renegade Economists radio show.
  • Land Values Research Group, where you will find report after report backing our claims with solid evidence back to the 1940s.
  • Bryan Kavanagh’s blog – The Depression. Dare we say humourous. Mr Kav is always right on the money.
  • Our leading author, Fred Harrison – his campaign to Share the Rents holds his prolific literary and youtube work.
  • Michael Hudson on the Financialisation of Rents in the FIRE sector.
  • The Progress Report An excellent report on daily news stories from an Land Value Tax perspective.
  • Earthrights Institute Consider the work of Alanna Hartzok, our UN representative working towards an Earth Rights Democracy.
  • Philip Soos – the chartmeister’s website, with leading analysis of land and all things related. Graphing back to 1830. Extraordinary.
  • Center for the Study of Economics Based in the most successful Georgist state of America, Philidelphia – extensive work on reforming municipal rates.
  • The Geonomy Society is one of the best introductions to Geonomics and Georgism.
  • Econamici – Polly Cleveland’s blog. Another leading female Georgist, writing regular commentary.
  • Rent-Grabbing Germany’s LVT campaign via Prof Dirk Loehr’s blog.
  • Dr Gavin Putland the key intellectual writes up a storm, always an interesting take on how this system can be implemented.
  • Site Revenue Society Queensland David Spain’s thorough writing on varied topics such as the stock exchange, money and indigenous rights.
  • Association for Good Govt Our Sydney cousins tell it as it is. Check their articles section.
  • Geolibertarian Home Page“We Geolibertarians distinguish ourselves from right-wing, “royal” libertarians by our profound respect for the principle that one has private property in the fruits of one’s labour” by Dan Sullivan, whose clarity is rarely surpassed.
  • Geonomics & Community Power One of the best written pieces on how this system makes the most of both capitalism and socialism and winds them into a common sense system.
  • Resource Rents for Revenue – NZ Our kiwi colleagues keep the educational framework moving amongst one of the world’s most sensible people.
  • Wealth and Want A top resource featuring with extensive Georgist documentation.
  • James Robertson A leading progressive thinker in the Georgist field and one of the founders of the New Economics Foundation, this is a must read on how the money supply is also a ‘privilege’.
  • Henry George Institute offers a tuition-free course in economics that goes beyond “left & right” to shed light on today’s baffling economic problems. Plus in depth analysis of current social problems.
  • Cooperative Individualism The Georgist archive, where Ed Dodson has documented the movement’s work extensively.
  • Council of Georgist Organisations coordinates an annual conference for Georgsim – linking our various bodies.
  • Land Value Taxation Campaign is your gateway to many aspects of land value taxation: LVT – the theory, its application in other countries, examples of its many benefits, and its effect on other issues such as poverty, housing, planning, transport and mobility, environment, national economics, international trade, etc.
  • The International Union of LVT – the English coordination body. Highly recommended.
  • Henry George International Education Centre (Nicaragua) has a fantastic centre – drop in for a visit!