How much is a politician’s skin worth?


  The IMF has added its voice to the calls for Australia to reform how we tax ourselves to be more productive, fairer and better placed to manage the headwinds ahead. Its annual consultation report with the Australian government says: “Stamp duties should be replaced by broader land taxes, which would strengthen incentives for efficient […]

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The Monthly Discussion in February – Should we protect free trade?


  What: Discuss + Debate + Drinks + Pizza When: Wednesday, February 27 Time: 6pm Cost: Free Join us for our Monthly Discussion of 2019 on the last Wednesday of every month. We’ll be talking politics, economics, justice, resource stewardship and taxation through a Georgist lens. Discussions are structured around a topic, an article, or a guest speaker. Information […]

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Will Rents rise under Labor?


The proper function of the property industry is to keep the productive economy housed as cheaply as possible, so that investment in future production is not crowded out by the cost of occupying space — that is, by the cost of mere existence. To serve this purpose, the property industry must itself be productive — by […]

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Media Release: The Economy Made Easy


Real estate cycle expert Bryan Kavanagh says turnover and price declines in Sydney and Melbourne during 2018 indicate an economic recession in the 2019-20 financial year. The 2018 “Kavanagh-Putland Index”, released today, shows the total value of Australian real estate sales to GDP. Mr Kavanagh said the $50 billion pumped into markets by the Rudd-Swan […]

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The Economy Made Easy


Bryan Kavanagh’s new report on the state of the real estate cycle, in light of the latest Kavanagh-Putland Index. The Economy Made Easy from Prosper Australia Background – See the latest edition of Progress where Bryan includes his findings in ‘The Truth About High Land Prices‘.

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LVT Animated


Dominic Frisby teams up with animator Leon for one of the best animations yet on the need for a more effective tax system. Share this one!

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The Monthly Discussion in December – Bust and Beyond


  The Monthly Discussion in December – Bust and Beyond   What: Discuss + Debate + Drinks + Pizza When: Wednesday, December 5th Time: 6pm Cost: Free Is the property market in meltdown? In the blue corner sits plunging auction clearance rates (sub 40% in Melbourne last weekend), tighter lending conditions, and national land prices down 5% year-on-year […]

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Individualism and collectivism reconciled


Letter to the Editor AFR, 21/11 Aaron Patrick appears to rue the fact that Professor Joseph Stiglitz has moved beyond standard neo-classical economic theory in pointing out the flaws of monopoly-capitalism, and especially the now entrenched failure of this system to deliver a fair rate of wages to workers. Stiglitz is clearly very concerned about […]

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Is there anything to fear in Dan Andrews tax plans?


Victoria is two weeks out from an election and finally somebody is talking revenue policy. The Liberals have launched a new website, in ominous shades of red and black, detailing the government’s taxation agenda. The website reveals Labors’ shocking new taxes (9) and their dastardly agenda to increase taxes. While the site is designed to […]

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The other vacancy report. New rental streams from excess car parking?


According to the lovely Dr. Elizabeth Taylor over at RMIT, parking in Melbourne’s city centre now occupies the equivalent of 225 MCGs. The main reason for this bounty: minimum car parking requirements in the planning scheme. These requirements compel developers to provide a ratio of private car parks in all new developments. Cost for land […]

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