Donate 2018-09-18T16:34:26+00:00

Donate to keep CERES your place

CERES is your place for pressing a lemon myrtle leaf between your palms and inhaling its fragrance, for seeing white-faced heron stoop gracefully into the dam, for hearing the low hum of bees carrying their gold dust home to the hive, for digging into the cool earth and smelling the sweet humus – it’s your place for community, for building hope, for falling in love with the earth.

Make a tax-deductible online gift today to help us care for our park and support education for a sustainable future.

The Inner North Community Foundation is a local not-for-profit that is a safe pair of hands for gifts to the CERES sub-fund. 

By making a monthly donation of any size, you are helping us plan ahead and supporting our continuing work in regenerating earth and community.

If you are considering leaving a bequest to CERES or wish to make a special gift in celebration of an event or as memorial for an important person in your life.

In 2017, donations we received from our community enabled us to establish new beehives and educational area, upgrade the chicken house, help revegetate the Merri Creek, plant 1,700 indigenous plants, transform two outdoor teaching areas, and continue to welcome almost 500,000 people through our gates.

This year, your donation will:

  • Contribute to major solar energy improvements that demonstrate best practice carbon reduction strategies
  • Assist development of integrated educational programs for visiting schools to broaden kids’ understanding of our living world
  • Help build peaceful spaces for you to connect more deeply with the Earth, such as the Welcome Garden and Meditation Garden

Without your donation we would not be able to maintain all the vital services that keep the park open, green and free for all.

We so appreciate your support and couldn’t exist without you – our community. You come to this special, chaotic, spirited place in the middle of the city and keep it nourished, keep it blossoming and keep it growing. Your contribution is what makes CERES so unique, so special and so essential – a hopeful little piece of land raised with love and determination.