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FAQs & Customer Support

Service status: AvailableJun 22, 2017 02:11

There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

  • What is Spacer?

    Spacer is an online marketplace for space, connecting people with extra space (Hosts) with those looking for storage space (Renters). At Spacer we are about utilising and sharing local resources to meet a need in the community. Our website makes it quick, easy and most importantly safe to store goods and make money.

  • What does it cost to list my space on Spacer?

    That’s the beauty of it, it is absolutely free to list! Spacer collects a small fee to handle payments and marks up the price you set for your space.

  • What is a fair price for my storage space?

    As a rough guide a lock up garage on average will rent for about $200-$300 a month, the closer to public amenities or the more features the more desirable the space becomes. A spare bedroom is about $150-$200 per month, an average shed about $100-$150 per month. Price to the market not over it, to ensure a quick rental. It is always a good idea to benchmark your space with other spaces available on Spacer at the same time and make it cheaper if yours has less features or vice versa. You may use our Space Calculator to get a recommended price for your space.

  • How will Spacer advertise my space?

    Spacer advertise online and offline. We use paid searches, internet ads, targeted leaflet drops, flyers and have enlisted promotions companies to further diversify our marketing spend. You will start to see Spacer popping up all over the place.

  • How am I protected as a host?

    As a Host you can refer all tricky issues to Spacer. On the rare occasion where the need may arise, we can help manage resolutions including but not limited to, payment, storage removal due to overstay, lost items claims by renter etc. On your behalf, we have taken out an insurance policy with IAG Sharecover, Australia’s largest general insurance company, to cover the costs and any losses / damage suffered as a result of needing to remove stored items from your space..

  • What if I need help listing my space?

    If you need help, we’ve got help, call us on 1300 500 538 or live chat with our customer service team.

  • What if I do not want to accept a renter's request?

    As Host, you are in control of your space. If you find a renter’s request unsuitable, you may ‘decline’ via SMS, email or by selecting the ‘decline’ button on your Spacer Dashboard.

  • What is the payment frequency and how will I get paid?

    Payments are made each month on the anniversary of your booking commencement. We deposit your earnings directly into your nominated Bank Account. At Spacer, we guarantee you monthly payments.

    If you do not receive a payment, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 500 538 or at

  • Can I get my storage space back if I need it?

    Length of rental can be set or left open ended when you start a new contract. If circumstances change and you need your space back, you need to give at least 4 weeks notice to Spacer and the Renter, to give them time to clear his/her goods.

  • What is the Spacer service fee and why is it being charged to Renters?

    Our 18% service fee allows us to maintain an active and safe marketplace with verified Hosts and Renters. We use the fee to advertise your spaces, connect the right Renters with the right Hosts, maintain and update our platform’s software, provide support networks for our users as well as Property and Goods insurance.

  • What are my tax obligations?

    Any income that you earn by renting out your space on Spacer should be declared on your annual tax return, as is the case with all income whether that be from Uber, AirBnB or eBay. We recommend that you consult with your accountant or tax advisor to understand your personal tax obligations, and any tax deductions that you may be eligible to claim.

  • What are my consumer rights on Spacer?

    You can expect that photos and representations made on the site are genuine and requests for bookings are made in good faith. For hosts, we guarantee all rental payments (pro-rata for the first month) will be paid within 48 hours of move-in. For renters, no payment will be deducted until the booking is confirmed.
    We always recommend that you meet with the other party, confirm the conditions of the rental and verify the items being stored. We also advise that you understand and use the review system provided, check the identity of the renter (via drivers licence) and never deal outside of the Spacer platform, as this nullifies any protections you are provided by us.

  • How does Australian consumer law apply to my listing or rental?

    Australian consumer laws apply to people engaging in trade or commerce. Generally, where a transaction is one-off in nature (such as a rental agreement via Spacer) that transaction is unlikely to be engaging in trade or commerce, and may not be required to comply with many of the requirements in the Australian Consumer Law; however a best practice approach is to always act as if the consumer law applies.
    All Hosts and Renters remain subject to the terms and conditions of our marketplace.

  • What is my relationship with Spacer and the other party?

    Spacer provides the technology platform and marketplace for Hosts and Renters to transact but does not supply the primary service, being the space rented. As a Host, you have a direct relationship with the Renter, and a separate independent relationship with Spacer. We strongly recommend you verify the identity of the contracting party, the items stored and clearly outline the conditions of the rental prior to accepting a booking.

  • I have a dispute with the Host / Renter – how do I resolve it?

    As a Host, you have a direct relationship with the Renter, and a separate independent relationship with Spacer. If you have a dispute, you should try to resolve the issue immediately with the other party.
    If this cannot be achieved, contact Spacer for assistance on 1300 500 538. We will work with both parties to solve the issue.

  • What are Spacer’s obligations to you?

    The ACCC has outlined a set of guidelines for sharing economy operators, by which Spacer is bound. These include:

    • Our obligation to be transparent and disclose the price and terms and conditions of marketplace use
    • Our obligation to be honest and accurate in our marketing and advertising materials
    • Our obligation to provide effective and robust review and safety procedures to protect consumers
    • Our obligation to be fair to both Hosts and Renters in operating our site We take these guidelines very seriously as trust and confidence in our platform is critical to the success of the business.

  • Do congestion levies apply if I lease my car space?

    It's best to refer to your local authority, as various factors effect whether a congestion levy applies to you.

    Advice for Victoria -
    Advice for NSW -

  • What does the payment status mean?

    Pending - The payment has not yet been processed.
    Fail Billing - The host has failed to provide their bank account details.
    Banking Processing - The payment has been submitted to the bank for processing, and we’re currently waiting on confirmation that it has been processed.
    Success - The host payment has been made.
    Fail - There’s been an issue with the bank processing the payment.
    Cleared - A cleared payment will not be processed.

  • Why am I not getting a full month's payment?

    The most common reason for this is that the booking is ending, and the final period is less than one month, with the payment being calculated pro-rata.

  • Why am I getting a lower amount than expected when I accept an offer?

    When a renter places an offer below your listed price, Spacer's commission and GST is deducted from the amount you see when the offer is received. Rest assured that the amount you see in your booking request or offer is always the amount you will earn.

  • Are renter’s identities verified by Spacer?

    Spacer undertakes steps to verify identity and payment details for all new accounts. For security reasons the exact process cannot be disclosed.

  • How do I know the renter will be able to make their payments?

    Spacer collects payment details before you receive your booking request. In rare cases where renters do have payment difficulties, our dedicated account team will work with the renter directly to quickly resolve the matter.

  • Does the renter have a commitment to see out the full duration of their fixed term booking?

    For bookings longer than one month, the renter can request to cancel the booking early, however they must provide Spacer with one months notice.

  • Can the renter park a different vehicle from the details provided when they booked my space?

    We ask renters to provide vehicle details so you can verify that the space is occupied by the renter, and that no-one else is blocking the renter from using the space. There are times however where the renter may park a different vehicle, or may have a colleague or partner use the space instead of them. In these cases we ask that renters keep hosts advised of any changes in usage.

  • Can I provide my own contract?

    All bookings made on Spacer are covered by the Spacer Booking Agreement. Any additional conditions or limitations for the space must be disclosed in your booking description. Additional contracts should not be provided by the host, except for commercial partners who have an agreement with Spacer.


  • How long will it take to book out my space?

    Quality spaces in high demand areas can be booked very quickly, as Spacer maintains waiting lists for renters who are notified when a new listing becomes available in their area. The time taken to get a booking will vary depending on the space, location, price and time of year. To increase your chances of securing a booking quickly, ensure you have a detailed description with photos clearly showing the space and entrance.

  • How much can I save?

    Depending on the space rented you can save potentially half what you may pay elsewhere. Rates will vary and are set by Hosts (based on our recommend benchmarks), which are typically set at up to 50% discount to traditional storage rates. That means that you could save $1,000's over the course of your storage period, and store your items in a more convenient location in your local neighbourhood.

  • How do I know my items are safe?

    We appreciate that the safety of your property is paramount. We vet users on our platform via 3rd party sources and use a review system to qualify future hosts and renters. We also have in place an insurance policy with IAG Sharecover, Australia’s largest general insurance company. Under this policy, we cover your stored goods up to $10,000 where you have suffered damage through no fault of your own. See our trust & safety page for more information.

  • Is the rental space locked up?

    Available space will vary from fully secured (alarmed security systems, lock & key) to outdoor. The listing will describe the security of the space and it is up to you to select the most suitable listing for your goods.

  • What can’t I store?

    No Illegal or toxic products, no perishables, no highly flammable or unstable products. You have a duty of care that means your items will not cause any harm to the space rented or to the host, if in doubt please check with host.

  • Can I take things out and put other things in?

    Conditions or “rules” of rental should be clearly listed and agreed to by the Host, but more often than not yes you can. You can directly message the Host at any time to arrange access through the Spacer website.

  • Who do I pay?

    Your payment always goes through, this is both safe and easy. If your host is asking for direct payment please contact us on

  • How do I store my items?

    Once you have agreed a move in date and time with the Host, it is your responsibility to transport and store your goods safely. You will need to ensure your items are ready for storage so as to keep disruption to a minimum on the day.

  • What about privacy?

    There should be no valuables stored in rented spaces, all items to be stored should be available to be seen if your host has any concerns.

  • How often and when can I access my items?

    The Host will set the access rules in the listing and you can directly message the Host to request access at any time. Flexibility and collaboration is important. If you have any issues accessing your items please contact Spacer immediately on

  • Can I cancel my reservation?

    Yes, of course! Please notify us ASAP if you no longer require storage or parking space. As per our guidelines, 1-month notice is required as courtesy to our hosts. If the booking is cancelled outside of the 24 hour cooling off period, without 1-month notice or for reasons other than a Spacer or Host error, Spacer will keep our small commission fee.

    Please see our terms and conditions for more information.

  • What types of spaces can I rent?

    If it’s practical storage then you can rent it. This would include but is not limited to; garages, carports, sheds, spare bedrooms, attics, yards, driveways and subfloor spaces.

  • What happens if I am late in my monthly payment?

    Recurring payments are charged 2 days before your booking anniversary. If your card has insufficient funds or payment is delayed, you are subject to a $25 late fee. This fee will be added to the payments you owe for that month.

  • What are my consumer rights on Spacer?

    You can expect that photos and representations made on the site are genuine and requests for bookings are made in good faith. For hosts, we guarantee all rental payments (pro-rata for the first month) will be paid within 48 hours of move-in. For renters, no payment will be deducted until the booking is confirmed.
    We always recommend that you meet with the other party, confirm the conditions of the rental and verify the items being stored. We also advise that you understand and use the review system provided, check the identity of the renter (via drivers licence) and never deal outside of the Spacer platform, as this nullifies any protections you are provided by us.

  • How does Australian consumer law apply to my listing or rental?

    Australian consumer laws apply to people engaging in trade or commerce. Generally, where a transaction is one-off in nature (such as a rental agreement via Spacer) that transaction is unlikely to be engaging in trade or commerce, and may not be required to comply with many of the requirements in the Australian Consumer Law; however a best practice approach is to always act as if the consumer law applies.
    All Hosts and Renters remain subject to the terms and conditions of our marketplace.

  • What is my relationship with Spacer and the other party?

    Spacer provides the technology platform and marketplace for Hosts and Renters to transact but does not supply the primary service, being the space rented. As a Host, you have a direct relationship with the Renter, and a separate independent relationship with Spacer. We strongly recommend you verify the identity of the contracting party, the items stored and clearly outline the conditions of the rental prior to accepting a booking.

  • I have a dispute with the Host / Renter – how do I resolve it?

    As a Host, you have a direct relationship with the Renter, and a separate independent relationship with Spacer. If you have a dispute, you should try to resolve the issue immediately with the other party.
    If this cannot be achieved, contact Spacer for assistance on 1300 500 538. We will work with both parties to solve the issue.

  • What are Spacer’s obligations to you?

    The ACCC has outlined a set of guidelines for sharing economy operators, by which Spacer is bound. These include:

    • Our obligation to be transparent and disclose the price and terms and conditions of marketplace use
    • Our obligation to be honest and accurate in our marketing and advertising materials
    • Our obligation to provide effective and robust review and safety procedures to protect consumers
    • Our obligation to be fair to both Hosts and Renters in operating our site We take these guidelines very seriously as trust and confidence in our platform is critical to the success of the business.

  • Why is the GST amount smaller than expected?

    The GST as displayed is correct. The GST however, only applies to Spacer's commission earnings on the booking, and doesn't cover the host's earnings. Hosts are responsible for managing their own tax obligations.

  • What does the payment status mean?

    Pending - The payment has not yet been processed.
    Processed - The payment has been successfully processed.
    Failed - The payment was attempted and declined.
    Refunded - The payment has been partially or fully refunded.
    Cleared - A cleared payment will not be processed.