• Enforce FTC Facebook Order Slide


    With the one-year deadline of the reopening of the Facebook investigation approaching, EPIC has launched the campaign #EnforceTheOrder. EPIC is urging the Federal Trade Commission to act before March 26, 2019.

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  • Slave To The Algorithm

    OECD: Slave To The Algorithm

    EPIC President Marc Rotenberg took part in a discussion about a new film "Slave to the Algorithm" at the opening of the OECD Going Digital Summit. The Public Voice has proposed the Universal Guidelines for AI, a framework for the protection of human rights.

  • EPIC 2019 International Privacy Champions

    EPIC 2019 International Privacy Champion Awards

    At the Computers, Freedom, and Data Protection conference in Brussels, EPIC presented the 2019 Champion of Privacy awards to EDPS Giovanni Buitarelli and former EDRi director Joe McNAmee. Also pictured are Kristina Irion, Marc Rotenberg, Max Schrems, Shoshana Zuboff, and members of the EDPS staff.

  • Privacy Protection Framework

    Consumer Organizations Announce New Framework for US Privacy Protection, Propose Privacy Agency

    EPIC joined 16 organizations in support of a “A Framework for Privacy Protection in the United States. The consumer framework states that the Federal Trade Commission has failed to enforce the orders it has established and calls for a U.S. data protection agency.

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  • EPIC Cloud 2019

    EPIC 2019

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2019, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, facial recognition, data protection and democracy, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

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  • Universal Guidelines for AI

    Universal Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence

    New developments in Artificial Intelligence are transforming the world, from science and industry to government administration and finance. The Universal Guidelines set out 12 principles to "inform and improve the design and use of AI. The Guidelines are intended to maximize the benefits of AI, to minimize the risk, and to ensure the protection of human rights."

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  • Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2019, EPIC will work to protect democratic institutions, promote algorithmic transparency, and defend the right to privacy. We need your support. And EPIC is a top-rated non-profit - Charity Navigator (Four Star) and Guidestar (Gold). Please donate to EPIC today.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

Top News

Senator Hawley Says FTC Approach to Big Tech is "Toothless"

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission urging a more aggressive approach to privacy protection. Senator Hawley outlined the many privacy violations by tech giants in recent years, including Facebook's failure to honor the promises it made when it acquired WhatsApp, Google's use of location data, and the disclosure of personal information to third parties by many platforms. "There is no excuse for inaction," Senator Hawley said. Earlier this year, EPIC joined a coalition of groups urging the FTC to unwind the Facebook-WhatsApp merger, citing promises the companies made at time of the merger. With the one-year deadline of the reopening of the Facebook investigation approaching, EPIC has launched the campaign #EnforceTheOrder, @FTC.

EPIC Advises Senate on Federal Privacy Legislation

Prior to a hearing on "GDPR & CCPA: Opt-ins, Consumer Control, and the Impact on Competition and Innovation," EPIC has sent a letter and related materials to the Senate Judiciary Committee advising on federal privacylegislation. EPIC Executive Director Marc Rotenberg recently wrote in the New York Times, "There is still much that Congress can do to strengthen privacy protections for Americans. Enacting federal baseline legislation and establishing a data protection agency would be a good start." EPIC also sent the Committee EPIC commentaries from the Financial Times, Techonomy, the OECD Observer, and the Harvard International Review.

Buzzfeed: EPIC Docs Reveal Flawed Facial Recognition Program

At the start of Sunshine Week, Buzzfeed featured documents obtained by EPIC about a deeply flawed facial recognition program that could impact all U.S. travelers returning to the United States. The documents, released following an EPIC FOIA request, describe the Administration's plan to extend a faulty CBP pilot program to TSA, ICE, and the Coast Guard. Documents previously obtained by EPIC, following a lawsuit against DHS, found similar problems with a facial recognition program at the southern border.

At OECD, EPIC's Rotenberg Calls for "Bold" AI Framework »

EPIC Celebrates Sunshine Week With 2019 FOIA Gallery »

EPIC Investigates the Transfer of Personal Data from DHS to Census Bureau »

Senator Blumenthal Calls on FTC to Unwind Big Tech Mergers »

Senate Report Finds Equifax failed to Address Known Cybersecurity Risks »

Second Court Blocks Census Citizenship Question »

EPIC news Archive »

EPIC's Work

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Open Government »

EPIC v. FTC: Seeking disclosure of Facebook assessments, reports, and related records required by the 2012 FTC Consent Order.

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Appellate Advocacy »

In re: OPM Data Security Breach Litigation: Whether the government's failure to safeguard sensitive personal data from a breach violated individuals' constitutional right to informational privacy and caused a cognizable injury under Article III.

US Capitol

EPIC Policy Project »

EPIC provides expertise to shape strong privacy and open government laws at both the state and federal level.


Privacy Campaigns »

EPIC has launched a new project promoting PrivacyNow!, including updates to U.S. privacy laws.