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Hugh White is a professor of strategic studies at ANU and a visiting fellow at the Lowy Institute. He has been an intelligence analyst with the Office of National Assessments, a journalist with the Sydney Morning Herald, a senior adviser to Defence Minister Kim Beazley and Prime Minister Bob Hawke, and a senior official in the Department of Defence, where from 1995 to 2000 he was deputy secretary for strategy and intelligence and a co-author of Australia’s Defence White Paper 2000.


America is fading, and China will soon be the dominant power in our region. What does this mean for Australia’s future?
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This important essay clarifies China’s brinkmanship in Asia and confronts the hard facts of what it means for Australia

In ... Without America: Australia in the New Asia, Hugh White has given us possibly his best piece of writing, and on a subject of the first importance.

Just when the foreign-policy orthodoxy seemed to be catching up with him, White [has] upend[ed] it again.

The Interpreter 

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