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Waleed Aly
Waleed Aly
What's Right? The future of conservatism in Australia

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Gail Bell
Gail Bell
The Worried Well The depression epidemic and the medicalisation of our sorrows

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John Birmingham
Appeasing Jakarta Australia's complicity in the East Timor tragedy
A Time for War Australia as a military power

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Judith Brett
Judith Brett
Fair Share Country and city in Australia
Exit Right The unravelling of John Howard
Relaxed & Comfortable The Liberal Party's Australia

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James Brown
Firing Line Australia's Path to War

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John Button
John Button
Beyond Belief What future for Labor?

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Andrew Charlton
Dragon's Tail The lucky country after the China boom
Man-Made World Choosing between progress and planet

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David Corlett
David Corlett
Sending Them Home Refugees and the new politics of indifference

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Annabel Crabb
Stop at Nothing The life and adventures of Malcolm Turnbull

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Robyn Davidson
Robyn Davidson
No Fixed Address Nomads and the fate of the planet

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Richard Denniss
Dead Right How Neoliberalism Ate Itself and What Comes Next

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Tim Flannery
Tim Flannery
After the Future Australia's new extinction crisis
Beautiful Lies Population and environment in Australia
Now or Never A sustainable future for Australia?

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Raimond Gaita
Raimond Gaita
Breach of Trust Truth, morality and politics

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Stan Grant
The Australian Dream Blood, History and Becoming

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Germaine Greer
Germaine Greer
Whitefella Jump Up The shortest way to nationhood

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Gideon Haigh
Gideon Haigh
Bad Company The cult of the CEO

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Clive Hamilton
Clive Hamilton
What’s Left? The death of social democracy

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Peter Hartcher
Peter Hartcher
Bipolar Nation How to win the 2007 election

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John Hirst
John Hirst
'Kangaroo Court' Family law in Australia

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Karen Hitchcock
Dear Life On caring for the elderly

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Rebecca Huntley
Australia Fair Listening to the Nation

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Linda Jaivin
Found in Translation In praise of a plural world

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Kate Jennings
Kate Jennings
American Revolution The fall of Wall Street and the rise of Barack Obama

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David Kilcullen
David Kilcullen
Blood Year Terror and the Islamic State

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Anna Krien
Us & Them On the importance of animals
The Long Goodbye Coal, Coral and Australia's Climate Deadlock

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Mark Latham
Mark Latham
Not Dead Yet Labor's post-Left future

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Benjamin Law
Moral Panic 101 Equality, Acceptance and the Safe Schools Scandal

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Amanda Lohrey
Amanda Lohrey
Groundswell The rise of the Greens
Voting for Jesus Christianity and politics in Australia

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Ian Lowe
Ian Lowe
Reaction Time Climate change and the nuclear option

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Mungo MacCallum
Mungo MacCallum
Girt By Sea Australia, the refugees and the politics of fear
Australian Story Kevin Rudd and the lucky country

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David Malouf
David Malouf
The Happy Life The search for contentment in the modern world
Made in England Australia's British inheritance

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Anne Manne
Anne Manne
Love and Money The family and the free market

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Robert Manne
Robert Manne
In Denial The stolen generations and the Right
Bad News Murdoch's Australian and the shaping of the nation
Sending Them Home Refugees and the new politics of indifference

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David Marr
David Marr
The Prince Faith, abuse and George Pell
Political Animal The making of Tony Abbott
Power Trip The political journey of Kevin Rudd
His Master's Voice The corruption of public debate under Howard
Faction Man Bill Shorten's Path to Power
The White Queen One Nation and the Politics of Race

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John Martinkus
Paradise Betrayed West Papua's struggle for independence

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Paul McGeough
Paul McGeough
Mission Impossible The sheikhs, the U.S. and the future of Iraq

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Mark McKenna
Moment of Truth History and Australia’s Future

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George Megalogenis
George Megalogenis
Trivial Pursuit Leadership and the end of the reform era
Balancing Act Australia Between Recession and Renewal

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Guy Pearse
Guy Pearse
Quarry Vision Coal, climate change and the end of the resource boom

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Noel Pearson
Radical Hope Education and equality for Australia
A Rightful Place Race, recognition and a more complete commonwealth

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Guy Rundle
Guy Rundle
The Opportunist John Howard and the triumph of reaction
Clivosaurus The politics of Clive Palmer

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Margaret Simons
Margaret Simons
Latham's World The new politics of the outsiders

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Sebastian Smee
Net Loss The Inner Life in the Digital Age

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Laura Tingle
Laura Tingle
Great Expectations Government, entitlement and an angry nation
Political Amnesia How We Forgot How To Govern
Follow the Leader Democracy and the Rise of the Strongman

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Paul Toohey
Paul Toohey
That Sinking Feeling Asylum seekers and the search for the Indonesian solution
Last Drinks The impact of the Northern Territory intervention

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Don Watson
Don Watson
Rabbit Syndrome Australia and America
Enemy Within American Politics in the Time of Trump

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Hugh White
Power Shift Australia's future between Washington and Beijing
Without America Australia in the New Asia

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