June 2012
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Month June 2012

2nd Annual Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair 2012

The second annual Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair is a little over a month away. It takes place on Saturday, August 4 at the Abbotsford Convent. Last year’s fair was very successful and this year’s promises to be even more so. For more information please see the bookfair website.

Australian Museum of Squatting

We have added the Australian Museum of Squatting to our blogroll. The website documents the history of modern squatters (not to be confused with the 19th century landowners).

Source: australianmuseumofsquatting.org

Black Rose Books on hiatus, Loophole lynched by landlord

Sydney’s Black Rose Books has closed down after six years at Enmore Road in Newtown. In a post on their website, the collective announced:

After 6 years at 22 Enmore Rd in Newtown, Black Rose Books has once again been moved into storage awaiting it’s next reincarnation. We expect this web address will disappear sometime later this year.

Refer to Jura Books for Anarchist Literature
Peoples’ Kitchen is starting up again on Wednesdays at Dustmonster

Thanks to all those who have been involved over the past 6 years (and the past 30 years!!). There is no collective to be contacted anymore so please direct any questions to Jura books.

Love & Rage

And there you have it.

In other news, Loophole in Melbourne looks set to lose its venue. The fate of Barricade Books, housed at Loophole since they left the Melbourne Anarchist Club, is unknown. The “non-denominational, intergenerational, non-hierarchical, not-for-profit, wheelchair accessible” venue must be vacated by June 11, 2012.

This leaves Jura Books and the Melbourne Anarchist Club as the only permanent anarchist spaces in Australia. Correct us if we’re wrong in the comments.



Sources: Black Rose and Loophole