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asylum seekers

Ai Weiwei and the Superficial Politics of Victimhood

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The image of Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei lying prostrate on a stony beach in Greece, recreating the now iconic photo of drowned Syrian infant Alan Kurdi, has predictably gone viral and generated fierce argument about the role of art and politics.

The problem with an image of this sort is that its meaning is endlessly debatable.

Garage Lecture #1: Transit and Establishment

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Garage Lectures presents the first lecture in a series of six for 2016 on forced migration, with critical focus on refugees and asylum seekers. Soups, drinks and all round discussion await you.

Iraq and Our Democracy by Alison Caddick

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If the non-response to the marches against the Iraq war in 2003 confirmed a disabling political cynicism in many people, today we witness the political fruits of two decades of aggression in the Middle East and its fallout.

Latest comment: Alison, you said: "We know the story, but it is worth reminding ourselves of it: despite huge popular...