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Forget the leadership rumours, the Nationals have to get through NSW first

As federal Nationals whisper of a pre-election leadership spill, the NSW branch has its own share of problems in the imminent state election.

On finding a place for women in the modern Liberal Party

The shockwaves of Julie Bishop's retirement from politics are still being felt. But her so-called "moderate" nature hid a support for an ideology which keeps women out of power.

Wage stagnation is the front line of a class war

Business' refusal to pay higher wages, and the indifference of policymakers towards the issue, is an act of economic warfare by wealthy elites against ordinary people.

How much does the media care about International Women’s Day?

Today, Aussie media outlets are going to varying lengths to celebrate International Women's Day.

Authorities relentlessly hound whistleblower behind the Afghan Files

From Collaery and Witness K to McBride, we've seen an acceleration of punitive laws aimed at those who reveal alleged government misconduct.

Morrison’s recession hysteria comes back to bite him as economy softens

Scott Morrison has been hysterically talking about a Labor recession. Instead, the economy has stalled since he became prime minister.

How Australia can produce its own Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

There are three main factors stopping an Australian Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from emerging.

How the media helps keep millennials out of office

Crikey readers discuss Australian politics' millennial problem, and the delusion of the business class in Australia.

Coalition hits the big 5-0 in bad Newspolls

Coalition hits the big 5-0 in bad Newspolls

Good morning, early birds. An Ethiopian Airlines flight has crashed leaving 157 people dead, plus the government cracks 50 bad Newspolls. It's the news you need to know, with Chris Woods.

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Trending news

Conservatives’ defence of Pell alienates them from their base

The right commentariat, to their own detriment, have decided to go down swinging with Pell.

Aussie boardrooms set to be overrun by union thugs… say the Oz and AFR

The latest scare campaign against industry super funds is the fantasy that trade unions will start calling the shots for big business.

Can Julian Burnside turn Kooyong Green?

Julian Burnside was once a lawyer for CEOs and heiresses. Now, the refugee advocate is hoping to win a Liberal stronghold for the Greens.

In Denial

From climate change denialists to anti-vaxxers, Australia has its fair share of those who reject scientific consensus (and common wisdom).

The cardinal and the king

The new Michael Jackson reckoning ought to serve as a lesson against blind faith — and wilful blindness.

Publication prohibited: a history of the biggest suppression orders in Victoria

From underworld killings to high-level corruption scandals, here are some of the biggest stories which have been gagged by Victoria's suppression order regime.

Conservatives’ defence of Pell alienates them from their base

The right commentariat, to their own detriment, have decided to go down swinging with Pell.

The road to anarchy: conservatives’ retrial of Pell is dangerous beyond reasonable doubt 

The refusal to accept Pell’s conviction is not merely a reactionary whinge; it is dangerous.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen labels Trump ‘racist, conman, cheat’ in Congress testimony

Good morning, early birds. Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen has used his time testifying to congress to make far-reaching allegations against the President, and George Pell spends his first night behind bars after his bail application is withdrawn. It's the news you need to know, with Chris Woods.

FYI & Side View
Suck it and see

Suck it and see

Welcome to For Your Information. This week, Helen cleans out the bulldust about vacuum cleaners.

Monopoly men

Monopoly men

Welcome to Side View — a curated guide to new and overlooked content on politics, policy, and public affairs. This week, still another reason to hate Facebook. Plus, seeing monopolies and why we need to talk about Kevin. This edition of Side View brought to you by my monster cold and all the Codral I've taken to deal with it! And how does that stuff even work anyway?

What is the ABC for?

Crikey tries to unravel and distill some of the crucial questions we think the ABC should be asking itself in this post-Guthrie/Milne era.

Also trending

PM names airport after Nancy-Bird Walton, while her Australian descendants are made stateless

Australian aviation pioneer Nancy-Bird Walton's nieces have been rendered temporarily stateless due to an "administrative error".

Morrison’s recession hysteria comes back to bite him as economy softens

Scott Morrison has been hysterically talking about a Labor recession. Instead, the economy has stalled since he became prime minister.

Does Australian politics have a millennial problem?

We asked young Australians across the political spectrum for their views.

Holy Wars

How The Australian targets and attacks its enemies

How would Labor regulate access to abortion?

Labor has pledged to expand access to abortion services if elected this year. But how would it overcome the messy web of state abortion rules?

Is the Milo Yiannopoulos ban a moral victory or an election consideration?

The beleaguered right wing "Deplorables Tour" has suffered another blow, but what really caused the government to deny Milo Yiannopoulos a visa?

Does Australian politics have a millennial problem?

We asked young Australians across the political spectrum for their views.

A three-point checklist to help you tell fact from fiction in climate coverage

Australians shouldn’t need advanced degrees in climate and energy science to make informed decisions on the issues that will affect virtually every aspect of their lives.

ParentsNext is the culmination of a decade of attacks on women

Since the days of the Howard government, the ability for single parents to get suitable welfare support has become harder and harder. Crikey tracks the changes.

Prying Eyes

How personal surveillance invades our lives 24/7

How radio stations are dealing with Michael Jackson allegations

Not for the first time, radio stations have to decide what to do with the music of someone at the centre of sexual misconduct allegations.

Australia’s ruling class is in denial. The AFR’s business summit proves it.

Australia's business elite remains convinced all it needs to do to restore community trust is offer a better "narrative". It's a view only the deeply delusional and out of touch could possibly hold.

Daily Mail tops list of most prolific journalists thanks to ‘churnalism’

A new study of the most published journalists in Australia reveals that The Daily Mail's practice of producing content by rewriting stories by other outlets is a prolific business.

Media players jostle for control in digital platforms inquiry

Media organisations may get what they asked for. But there's a catch.

There were giants, once: the decline of the journalist celebrity

We used to have huge journalistic personalities dominating our screens — now it's difficult for the average person to name even one.

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