Category Archives: Philosophy

Burnheim on Gray on Hayek

A few years ago I read some John Gray on Friedrich Hayek. In short, he’s very good on Hayek, though he seems to have moved on rather to larger topics, not always to good effect. Anyway, If you have the best part … Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Economics and public policy, Philosophy, Political theory | 1 Comment

What economic reform thinking might have looked like – if we’d bothered to do it

I have posted this talk previously, but can now post the transcript, worked up from a YouTube transcript with thanks to Shruti Sekar for editing it. You can download the slides to which I was speaking from this link.

Posted in Best From Elsewhere, Economics and public policy, Philosophy, Political theory, Politics - international, Public and Private Goods | Leave a comment

The logic of the inevitable (nuclear) apocalypse. Can the Gods save us?

The probability of a massive nuclear war the next 10 years between any of the 8 current nuclear powers (US, UK, France, Russia, India, Pakistan, NK, Israel) seems low. The bluster of the leaders is supposed to make the threat … Continue reading

Posted in Ask Troppo's Love Gods, Chess, Climate Change, Cultural Critique, Dance, Death and taxes, Democracy, Education, Environment, Ethics, Geeky Musings, Health, History, Humour, IT and Internet, Life, Literature, Philosophy, Politics - international, Politics - national, Religion, Science, Social, Society, Space, Terror | 26 Comments

The Future of Politics: by John Burnheim

Politics is about constructing those public goods that are necessary for communities, are a minimum to deal with problems that threaten life itself. In our present situation, the most serious problems are all posed on a global scale, as a … Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Philosophy, Political theory, Sortition and citizens’ juries | 1 Comment

My presentation in London

Herewith my presentation in London “Economic reform thinking as if we’d bothered to do it” and Martin Wolf’s commentary on it beginning at around the 40 minute mark. Judging from audience comments, a good time was had by all. You can download … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and public policy, Innovation, Methodology, Philosophy, Political theory | 2 Comments

Authoritarianism: GUEST POST by John Burnheim

Arguing with an American ex-Australian now resident in Canada, I contested his view that, of the three countries, America is the least and Australia the most, authoritarian. In part it was a verbal difference. I was taking “authoritarian” in the … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Critique, Democracy, Philosophy, Political theory, Politics - international | 25 Comments

The first page test: Hannah Arendt edition

There’s an amazing amount of dreck about – masquerading as the latest thinking. It’s not that there isn’t a lot to think about, so it’s easy to think you should read this or that. How to choose? One of my filters is … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Critique, Philosophy, Political theory | 9 Comments