TOTW: Gatherings

  • Posted on: 4 March 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

A whole lot of years ago I went to the North American Anarchist Gathering in Lawrence, Kansas. While I had been to anarchist assemblies and teach-ins locally, this was the first large and non-regional, but explicitly anarchist event I ever went to. Being from the west coast, it was interesting to encounter anarchists from other parts of the country (this was 2002, before the internet is what it is today).

The Final Straw: Rayquan Borum Trial Begins + Scaling Up Climate Resistance

  • Posted on: 8 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From The Final Straw Radio

This week we’re sharing two interviews.

First up, Bursts spoke with glo merriweather and jamie marsicano, two supporters of Rayquan Borum, a young black man accused by Charlotte PD of killing Justin Carr, another protester out during the Charlotte Uprising after the police killing of Keith Lamont Scott in mid September of 2016. Rayquan spent 2 years and 5 months in pre-trial detention and his trial just began. Some witnesses to Carr’s death claim the Charlotte PD killed him, not Borum. Check out our April 2018 interview with glo, jamie and ash for background on the case. You can follow CharlotteUprising at their fedbook page. (starts at 11min 30sec)

Precursors of Syndicalism II

  • Posted on: 8 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Anarchist Writers by anarcho

The first instalment of Precursors of Syndicalism (ASR No. 75, Winter 2019) sketched the rise of syndicalist ideas within the First International. Championed by Bakunin, the idea of the International as a militant union for economic struggle was the majority trend within it and Marx preferred to destroy the organisation when it did not endorse his position of transforming it into parties pursuing political action.

Anarchist Political Statement by Antonis Stamboulou of Revolutionary Struggle

  • Posted on: 8 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From AMW English

I want to clarify in principle that what I will say is a political statement, not an apology, as I am anarchist and do not apologize to the state power. I also do not want to ask for any mitigation and I am entitled to the law, as the dispute here is another.

FRR Audiobooks: Structures of Desire by Lewis Call

  • Posted on: 8 March 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

Free Radical Radio audiobooks is back with a recording of Lewis Call's Structures of Desire: Postanarchist kink in the speculative fiction of Octavia Butler and Samuel Delany. Lewis argues that kink theory is another product of Foucault (like gender theory) and both are relevant and important to anarchist liberation practice.

Listen here

Anarchy Bang: Introducing Episode Ten - Communist (con)

  • Posted on: 7 March 2019
  • By: anarchybang

From Anarchy Bang
Last weeks episode

This week we will try to have an conversation about why anarchist are not communists, why we are often against them, and use Commune magazine as an contemporary example of how this looks. This is not about Commune being bad, but about what the consequences of communist politics in practice using Commune as an appropriate framing of the same. What would an anarchist Commune magazine look like?

Anarchy Radio 03-05-2019

  • Posted on: 5 March 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)


Snowed in last week - no broadcast. Crises of the seas, ever-stranger weather. Control: essence, inner logic of civilization. Ardi hominins walked like us four million years ago. 131-car pileup (perfect metaphor). Longest oil spill. Sadder lives in a pathological world that breeds despair. Debora Spar's The Virgin and the Plow: technology, paternity, patriarchy. Two calls. Raptors take out miningco. drones. New anarchist zines, action news.

Against US Intervention in Venezuela: Death to Yankee Imperialism

  • Posted on: 5 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

RAM denounces any and all acts of U.S. imperialism and stands, unequivocally, in solidarity with the revolutionary movement in Venezuela, particularly our anarchist comrades formerly in the organization Manifiesto de La Federaction Anarquista Revolucionaria de Venezuela (FARV). We stand in solidarity with the destitute, the oppressed, those who have found dignity through the revolutionary process and who have organized within their own communities for decades, in an effort to gain autonomy from capitalism and the state.
