24 year old Mapuche Youth Murdered by Chilean Police

24-year-old Mapuche youth, Camilo Catrillanca Marin, murdered by the "Jungla" Commando—a Columbian trained special force unit of the Chilean National Police Force


Machi Medicine Healer, Francisca Linconao, Acquitted on Terrorism Charges

On 5 May 2018, the Criminal Court of Temuco acquitted Machi Francisca Linconao and eight Mapuche men of all charges relating 2013 deaths of the Luchsinger-Mackay couple. However, three other Mapuche community members who faced charges in this case, José Peralino Huinca, José Tralcal Coche and Luis Trancal Quidel, were convicted under Chile’s Anti-Terrorist Act.  …

Machi Medicine Healer, Celestino Córdova, Ends Hunger Strike After 102 Days

The following is a summary of the recent actions carried out by Machi (Medicine Healer) Celestino Cordova, who resisted 102 days on hunger strike. All our Newen to our Mapuche warrior and our dignified people for supporting this brave endevour and resisting ongoing colonial encroachment by the Chilean State and other capitalist interest.  More on …

Chile: Lies, dam lies and a Mapuche activist murdered

Freedom News Jan 30th It has taken nearly a year-and-a-half of fighting the authorities, and a second autopsy, to confirm what the family of Macarena Valdés Muñoz already knew – she was hanged after her death. There was no suicide.  On the afternoon of Monday August 22nd, 2016 Macarena, a Mapuche environmental activist fighting against the construction of a …

PRESS RELEASE – We Won’t Forget the Quebec Mosque Shooting! Stop Hatred Now

  PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—25 January 2018 “Communities Across Toronto Stand With Muslim Community and Resist Fascist Violence” Toronto, Ontario—Across Turtle Island, people mobilized and gathered in acts of remembrance for those during the Quebec City Mosque Shooting and in solidarity with the Muslim community. A year ago, in Toronto, vigils and rallies were …

3 of 4 Mapuche Political Prisoners End 116 Day Hunger Strike – ARIEL TRAGOL continues fast

3 of 4 Mapuche Political Prisoners End 116 Day Hunger Strike – ARIEL TRAGOL continues fast Oct 2nd, 2017 – On Friday, September 29th, family members of Mapuche Political Prisoners on hunger strike gathered at the Chilean Presidential palace to put forward the demands of their relatives, many of whom were nearing their deathbeds after …

For the Life and Freedom of Mapuche Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike: ONTO THE STREETS! 114 Days & Ongoing

For the Life and Freedom of Mapuche Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike: ONTO THE STREETS! 114 Days & Ongoing   September 28th, 2017 Our brothers in prison lie between life and death, 114 days into their hunger strike, due to the insensitivity of the racist Chilean government of Michelle Bachelet. Lonko [Chief] Alfredo Traical Coche …

Day 114: Toronto Rallies in Support of Mapuche Hunger Strikers – More than 40 Orgs Worldwide Support Mapuche Mobilization

Day 114: Toronto Rallies in Support of Mapuche Hunger Strikers - More than 40 Orgs Worldwide Support Mapuche Mobilization   September 28th, 2017 See WCCC Statement of International Solidarity here. TORONTO – On Thursday September 28th, the Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu  (WCCC) rallied along with supporters in solidarity with Mapuche Political Prisoners …

Toronto Sale a la Calle en Apoyo a los PPM – Mas de 40 Organizaciones Mundiales Apoyan Movilización de los Huelguistas

Toronto Sale a la Calle en Apoyo a los PPM - Mas de 40 Organizaciones Mundiales Apoyan Movilización de los Huelguistas TORONTO – Hoy en la tarde del 28 de septiembre, la Coordinadora por un Wallmapu Libre (WCCC) salió a la calle en apoyo a los PPM del caso iglesias en 114 días de huelga …


POR LA VIDA Y LIBERTAD DE LOS PRESOS POLITICOS MAPUCHE EN MAS DE 114 DIAS DE HUELGA DE HAMBRE SEPTIEMBRE 28th, 2017 - DIA INTERNACIONAL DE ACCION Y SOLIDARIDAD En más de 114 días de Huelga de Hambre en Wallmapu, mal llamado Sur de Chile, y ante la insensibilidad del gobierno racista de Michel Bachelet, …