
‘The Free’- read and download here

The Free is a book and a blog. .”the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read.. imagined strongly enough to allow readers to believe that events could happen this way.” 366,789 blog reads so far (10/07/18). The updated edition is out, you can read it here.



  for ebook Free Downloads /book orders  CLICK HERE  

Stop Offshore Climate Criminals Conference.. MCEDD London 2-4 April 2019

Last time they held their obscene junket, in France in 2016, brave climate activists blockaded and closed down the conference despite violence and tear gassing from police and security heavies. see photos below.This time around it seems our climate heroes may have been caught off guard, (at least we can’t find any public planned actions), but there’s still time to act and close down this immoral profiteering .

The event’s main sponsor is BP.. What a cheek!  Still trying to convince us they are GREEN, when their climate initiatives amount to less than 0.5% of their murderous business. Still trying to make us forget the Deepwater Horizon and the destruction of the gulf of Mexico.. Still ….

Also taking part will be Exxon.. well… #EXXON KNEW

And Total, now covertly fracking in Algeria while ”supporting” anti fracking in France.

And Repsol..  oof.  Repsol still looting Libya and the Amazon

etc etc

Continue reading “Stop Offshore Climate Criminals Conference.. MCEDD London 2-4 April 2019”

Direct Action Violence is Morally Justified to Stop Climate Extinction

It’s always been a  no no. Until total Climate chaos is upon us its impossible to imagine a majority of people agreeing to the hardship of a fast conversion to a simpler cooperative lifestyle.
Not to mention the rich and powerful who imagine surviving in their luxury bunkers and paradise islands..
In the ‘rich’ west we are totally dependent on our jobs in the capitalist mashine, with our CO2 spewing cars and plastic gadgets …… of all types.
By the time necessity makes us say YES to real measures it will be far too late, with tipping points long passed and the climate dominoes inevitably falling to make Earth uninhabitable by humans for millions of years.
Track Blockades and Sabotage Continue in Hambach Forest .
In this scenario, which becomes more obvious every year, we can assert a moral justification and even an obligation to take Direct Action which hurts people as little as possible.
Please Break the Law? | The Art Assignment | PBSThis has already begun to happen in various court cases where activists have successfully  cited the moral necessity of breaking the law for the greater good.Imagine you are on a sinking ship holed by an iceberg. You know about ships and how to seal off the burst hold. But an official commands you to wait on deck.. .. Now you are morally justified in punching the official on the nose if necessary and closing the bulkheads.Greta Thunberg alludes to the same moral imperative with her magnificent call to youth action ..”I WANT YOU TO IMAGINE YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE.”We all live in a thin and fragile layer of breathable gas, no thicker than the skin of an apple, relative to the size of the Earth, with just the right mix of gases to make our lives possible and kept in a miraculous balance by the water and vegetation. The only one of trillions of space rocks that we know has life.
so..  Direct Action is Justified
The burned hulks of heavy trucks sit on Highway 1806 near Cannon Ball, N.D., on Friday, Oct. 28, near the spot where protesters of the Dakota Access pipeline were evicted from private property a day earlier. Authorities say protesters burned several pieces of construction equipment Thursday during a chaotic confrontation with law enforcement.

Continue reading “Direct Action Violence is Morally Justified to Stop Climate Extinction”

Catalunya: #StopVox. United Anti Fascist and Racist demo vs. Vox. Barcelona today 5.00pm

Catalunya: #StopVox. United Anti Fascist and Racist demonstration against Vox in Barcelona today 5.00pm

By Infolibre

The manifestation, described as transversal, will be next Saturday 23 and under the slogan “Stop Vox”.

200 entities will manifest Barcelona on Saturday, called by the platform Unitat against the racisme i feixisme against Vox, which they see as the current exponent of racism and xenophobia in Spain. The manifestation, described as transversal, will be next Saturday 23 and under the slogan “Stop Vox”.

The march, scheduled for 17:00 on Saturday 23 March, starting from the Jardinets de Gràcia, will drop by Passeig de Gràcia to the confluence with the Gran Vía, where various interventions will be made and there will be a musical performance.

At a press conference Monday, the member Unitat against feixisme i el racisme David Karvala explained that this is a worldwide protest played in several cities in Spain and countries which have decided to focus the demonstration in Vox because ” in the Spanish state, the far right now has its name and surnames, it is not something abstract “.

“Now we have to point out Vox, and this does not mean it’s the only problem. Pablo Casado (PP) I do not know what’s wrong, but eliminating Vox I think we eliminate the temptations of others, “he assured.

Karvala has linked the rise of Vox to an increase in racist, homophobic and sexist attacks: “The fascist bully people was once an isolated nutcase and now has a party with 10% of the vote and this gives grounds to commit aggression”.

So, he called to point out to members of Vox to end his success as happened with defending Platform for Catalonia (PXC): “In 2015 the city was eliminated them from all municipalities where they had strong groups. They went from 67 to 8 councilors and those who remained were not indicated. “Image result for anarquistes antifascistes contra Vox

He also pointed out that the protests that will be played in several cities of the world will serve to condemn the recent massacre that took place in Christchurch (New Zealand) against the Muslim community. Continue reading “Catalunya: #StopVox. United Anti Fascist and Racist demo vs. Vox. Barcelona today 5.00pm”

Orso killed by ISIS.. But Lives Always in our Hearts

ON MONDAY morning came the devastating news that an Italian YPG volunteer, Lorenzo “Orso” Orsetti, had been killed by an Isis ambush in Baghouz, the small town on the Deir Ezzor front where the remnants of the Isis caliphate are surrounded.

Orsetti, also known by his nom-de-guerre Tekoser Piling, had been in northern Syria since September 2017 when he travelled from his hometown in Florence, Tuscany to defend the revolution in Rojava led by the Kurds in northern Syria, one he described as “the most beautiful revolution in the world,” “the closest thing I’ve ever found to my ideals and it is a pleasure and an honour to take part.”Clarifying his motivation for taking up arms in Rojava, he said that it wasn’t because he liked war or wanted fame, that he didn’t have any mystifications or delusions, simply that “freedom cannot exist without taking risks.”

According to countless stories, Orso (“bear” in Italian) was an incredibly brave and selfless fighter, and whilst he always impressed on friends and comrades the need to act in an altruistic manner in his dispatches from the front line, he never boasted or exalted his own activity.

He never even told people how, whilst fighting in the hills of Afrin against the Turkish/FSA invasion in spring 2018, with defeat in sight, he refused to be evacuated with the rest of his internationalist unit, insisting on staying with the civilians to defend them from the invasion at huge risk to himself until civilians themselves were evacuated.

Fighting in the hills of Afrin in incredibly difficult conditions surrounded by jihadists and bombarded day and night by Turkey’s air force (equipped by both Britain and Italy), his dispatches from the front line sounded like epic tales of guerilla warfare from the partisan resistance, swapping the olive tree-filled mountains between Florence and Bologna for those of the north-west Syrian Kurdish enclave.

Orso came from a very ordinary family in Rifredi, a working-class neighbourhood in Florence filled with monuments and plaques to the anti-fascist partisans, many of whom hailed from the area in which he grew up. Bored by successive menial service jobs, mainly as a waiter and chef, he looked to Rojava as an escape from the drudgery and trappings of individualistic capitalist society. Continue reading “Orso killed by ISIS.. But Lives Always in our Hearts”

Bolsonaro and Sons in Brazilian Death Squads 

”Extensive, direct, multilayered, and deeply personal ties to the paramilitary gangs and militias responsible for Brazil’s most horrific violence”.

This 18 March 2019 video speaks for itself:

Investigations now point to President Bolsonaro as a Death Squad promoter and paymaster. The evidence so far is enough to convict in many countries, but the corrupt Brazilian judges support him.

Jair Bolsonaro’s Close Family Ties to Paramilitary Gangs Drew Scrutiny Ahead of White House Visit

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro is in Washington and met U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday. While the trip officially is focused on the joint efforts of the U.S. and Brazil to change the government of Venezuela, it is being billed by the Bolsonaro government as a “restart” of his presidency and image after multiple, serious scandals crippled the first three months of his presidency.

But when it comes to recreating his image, the timing of this trip could hardly be worse. Key news events of the last several weeks — including the arrests of two former Rio de Janeiro police officers for the March 2018 assassination of Rio City Council Councilor Marielle Franco — have highlighted the most damaging and, to many, most terrifying revelations  ..about Bolsonaro and his three politician sons –

 – Their extensive, direct, multilayered, and deeply personal ties to the paramilitary gangs and militias responsible for Brazil’s most horrific violence. Continue reading “Bolsonaro and Sons in Brazilian Death Squads “

Lisa moved to Catalonia! FREEDOM FOR LISA, FREEDOM FOR ALL!

Posted  by Solidaritat Rebel  en Català aqui

Your Health!!

This last Wednesday evening, March 13, we received a call from our comrade stating that she had been transferred to Catalonia, specifically Brians I Prison.

Her penitentiary regime remains the same as she finally received in Soto del Real Prison: second grade, without blocked communications, no correspondence limit and without being in isolation!

Write to Lisa…  see below


statement at prison demonstration

On April 13, 2016, the Mossos d’Esquadra, in collaboration with the German police, raided three homes in Barcelona, ​​which culminated in the arrest of two women accused of a bank expropriation of a Pax Bank branch (owned by the Vatican). in Aachen, Germany.

see also: Continue reading “Lisa moved to Catalonia! FREEDOM FOR LISA, FREEDOM FOR ALL!”

Open Letter to the Climate Strikers: Direct Action/ No Leaders

An Open Letter to the Climate Strikers
The following text was produced by anarchists in so-called Canada with the intention of being distributed to young people taking part in Friday’s climate strike actions on March 15th. It was originally published on North Shore Counter-Info.

First of all, thank you. Thank you for giving a shit. For deciding that there are futures worth fighting for, even when the future being imposed on us looks increasingly bleak.

The good news is that you are here, with your body, along with so many others around the world.

Today we have a chance to acknowledge that we are connected to each other and to the living and non-living beings on this planet, in ways that are far more complex and beautiful than any #hashtag could express.

Every few days, another horror story, or another prediction, reminds us that we’re facing an existential threat.

Experts no longer study how to prevent climate change, instead they discuss how we might mitigateits effects.

We already know that everything is going to change. The question for 2019, for this generation, is: change towards what?

The vultures are already circling.

Corporations ask, “How can we profit?” Whether it’s tapping new oil reserves under the melting glaciers or marketing a ‘green’ product to make us feel comforted, their goal is always profit.Governments ask, “How do we stay in control?” Whether it’s expanding surveillance programs, or encouraging ‘democratic dialogue’ so long as nothing gets out of hand, their goal is always to consolidate power.

The most advanced governments today will do this in the name of combatting climate change. Here in Canada, the government isn’t quite so sophisticated, and still pushes for massive expansions of fossil fuel infrastructure and mining projects, forcing them on indigenous people at the barrel of a gun if they can’t be bought.


Politicians, including some aspiring ones who call themselves ‘activists,’ ask how the growing fear and discontent might be exploited for personal gain.

History clearly demonstrates that if we allow these people to lead our movements, they will pull the plug at precisely the moment that we become a real threat to the existing order.

Those in power rely on funneling our rage towards dead ends. Let’s get organized, but not behind politicians trying to sell us the latest Hope™.

We don’t know exactly what a ‘better world’ could look like. But like you, we feel that we have to try. We don’t want to just feel like we’re on “the right side of history,” a narcissistic trap.

We want to be effective, within an ethical framework that values freedom, autonomy and solidarity. Let’s start taking seriously the idea we might actually have an impact.

To that end, we propose a joyful, strategic, and fierce resistance that might include these ingredients:

Transformation, not reform.Capitalism is killing the planet. It is a system based on endless growth, and only serves the rich and powerful.

Hamburg Stop G20 Demos

No lifestyle change or government reform is going to touch that. It’s gotta go.

Those in power will not simply be persuaded to change their ways and give up the wealth and power they have accumulated through centuries of patriarchy, colonial plunder, and mass exploitation.

The police stand in our way. Maybe you already hold your breath when a cop drives by. If not, remember that even the friendliest cops have to follow orders or get fired. Police are the violent defenders of this rotten system.

To even make a dent, many people will have to break a lot of laws, and not just in the “arrest me for the cameras” kind of way.

Let’s build lives worth living. We’re cynical, but we are not hopeless. When we refuse to resign and instead build lives worth living now, we see glimpses of a different future, and start to feel compelled to defend ourselves.

We want collective lives rife with empathy, creativity, and openness.

Thank you, again, for showing up. This is the beginning of a long road, or maybe a tightrope. Let’s walk it together, trying to avoid the traps that lay ahead.

– some anarchists

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