March 7, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: ”Scripta Manent” – P.M. requests for sentencing

Italy: ”Scripta Manent” – P.M. requests for sentencing

The Turin Public prosecutor Roberto Maria Sparagna made the following requests for sentencing of those accused in the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial:
Alfredo Cospito: 30 years
Anna Beniamino: 29 years
Gioacchino Somma: 7 years and 6 months
Valentina Speziale, Marco Bisesti, Pasquale Valitutti, Omar Nioi, Erika Preden, Alessandro Mercogliano, Daniele, Stefano, Claudia, Sergio: 6 years and 6 months
Alessandro A. , Francesca G.: 8 years
Nicola Gai: 10 years
Danilo Cremonese: 10 years
Patrizia Marino: 7 years  and 3 months
Carlo Tesseri: 8 years and 3 months
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Stefano Fosco, Elisa Di Bernardo: 7 years
For none any extenuating circumstances.
No contested recidivism.
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March 7, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on [Ελβετία] Αφίσα – Αλληλεγγύη, Switzerland solidarity poster in Greek and English :

[Ελβετία] Αφίσα – Αλληλεγγύη, Switzerland solidarity poster in Greek and English :


(English below)
Να ανταποδώσουμε το χτύπημα
Αλληλεγγύη με τον σύντροφο στην Ελβετία που συνελήφθη για επιθέσεις σε οχήματα του στρατού και σε κεραία της αστυνομίας.
Αυτή η κοινωνία προωθεί την εικόνα της κοινωνικής ειρήνης. Ενώ τρώμε όλη μας τη ζωή σε δουλειές για να βγάλουμε κάποια λεφτά και να πάρουμε gadgets που δεν θα μας ικανοποιήσουν στο τέλος, πρέπει πάνω απ’όλα να μη διαταράξουμε αυτή την ειρήνη. Αν κάποιος ταράξει την τάξη των πραγμάτων, οι αρμόδιοι θεσμοί θα κληθούν να παρέμβουν. Μπάτσοι, δικαστές, στρατιώτες, κλητήρες, κτλ – ειδικοί της νόμιμης βίας. Η ψευδαίσθηση της κοινωνικής ειρήνης είναι εδώ για να μας αφοπλίσει, ενώ οι φρουροί αυτής της κοινωνίας επιτρέπεται να ακρωτηριάζουν, να δολοφονούν, να εξευτελίζουν, να φυλακίζουν, να παρενοχλούν…
Αυτή η δημοκρατική κοινωνία είναι κοινωνία καταπίεσης, οπλισμένη με θεσμούς καταστολής.
Αυτή η καπιταλιστική κοινωνία είναι κοινωνία εκμετάλλευσης, οπλισμένη με τεχνολογία παρακολούθησης.
Αυτή η εξουσιαστική κοινωνία έχει κηρύξει πόλεμο στην ελευθερία.Δεν ξεγελιόμαστε όταν κάποιοι απ’τους πιο κατασταλτικούς και βίαιους θεσμούς αυτής της κοινωνίας προσπαθούν να παρουσιαστούν σαν θύματα τη στιγμή που άνθρωποι εξεγείρονται κατά του καθημερινού εξευτελισμού τους.
Όταν μετά τις αναρίθμητες αστυνομικές βιαιοπραγίες στα προάστια της Λισαβόνας (όπως και σε τόσα άλλα μέρη), κόσμος αποφασίζει να ανταποδώσει τη βία. Όταν αστυνομία, πολιτικοί και μήντια, εξαπολύουν την καταστολή τους πάνω στην (κίτρινη) οργή στη Γαλλία που αρνείται να συμβιβαστεί και να υποχωρήσει. Όταν η δημοκρατία παρενοχλεί και τιμωρεί τους πιο σκληρούς της αντιπάλους και τους αποκαλεί τρομοκράτες (Από την Ελλάδα μέχρι το Βέλγιο), και όταν αυτό δεν φτάνει, συντάσσει ατέλειωτες λίστες με τους απείθαρχούς της (όπως στη Γαλλία), αναπολώντας τα δικτατορικά αστυνομικά κράτη της πρόσφατης ιστορίας.

Είμαστε με τους εξεγερμένους, ποτέ με τη πλευρά της καταστολής.

Είμαστε αλληλέγγυοι με τον σύντροφο μας που συνελήφθη τέλη Γενάρη στη Ζυρίχη, κατηγορούμενο για εμπρησμό εννέα οχημάτων του στρατού στο Hinwil τo 2015, για εμπρησμό κεραίας της αστυνομίας στη Ζυρίχη το 2016, και για δημόσια τοποθέτηση αφίσας που εξέθετε τις εταιρίες που κατασκεύαζαν το νέο κεντρικό κτίριο της αστυνομίας και των δικαστηρίων, και τη φυλακή απελάσεων στη Βασιλεία.
Είμαστε αλληλέγγυοι με τον σύντροφο μας που εξαναγκάστηκε να εξαφανιστεί το καλοκαίρι του 2016 μετά από πολυάριθμες αστυνομικές εισβολές σε σπίτια συνδεόμενες με έναν εμπρησμό αστυνομικής κεραίας στη Ζυρίχη, και που έκτοτε διαφεύγει.
Δεν ξεχνάμε τους υπόλοιπους συντρόφους μας που ενώ πολεμούν για ελευθερία, έχουν μπει στο στόχαστρο της καταστολής τα τελευταία χρόνια.
Είστε στις καρδιές μας όταν ανταποδίδουμε τα χτυπήματα.
Αγώνας για ελευθερία – Αλληλεγγύη & Αλληλοβοήθεια – Άμεση δράση! –
Ανατροπή – Ενάντια στην εξουσία, για την αναρχία
Strike Back
Solidarity with the comrade arrested in Switzerland and accused for attacks against army vehicles and a police antenna.

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March 7, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Spain , Madrid: ATM burned in solidarity with Lisa and other anarchist prisoners

Spain , Madrid: ATM burned in solidarity with Lisa and other anarchist prisoners

On the night of February 18, a bank ATM in the Usera neighborhood was set on fire. This small action is a sign of encouragement for Lisa, recently moved from Germany to Madrid; for the repression of the G20; the comrades arrested in Madrid on 30 October – accused of burning another Bankia ATM – and for the comrades in Italy, recently beaten in new operations against the anarchist environments in Turin and Trento, as well as for the comrades on trial in the Scripta Manet and Panic operations.
Let the Spanish and Italian states know that anarchist solidarity will not stop. And it will be formed by more than words. Sabotage is easy and simple. In the possibilities of its reproduction is its strength.
Also, this small action serves as a contribution to the week of agitation and propaganda against gentrification, spatial capitalism and in defense of squatting.
Freedom for Lisa, freedom for all!
Long Live Anarchy!
via: 325

March 7, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Sortie de « Des Ruines » n°3/4

Sortie de « Des Ruines » n°3/4

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer, après une longue absence, quelques complications et un travail de plusieurs années, la sortie d’un double numéro de la revue anarchiste apériodique mais loin d’être prématurée Des Ruines, au format A4 relié et avec cette fois-ci 308 pages et trois grands dossiers.
Des Ruines se donne toujours pour ambition de remuer les
réflexions, recherches et débats autour des perspectives révolutionnaires anarchistes et antiautoritaires ; certains débats vifs et d’actualité, certains autres intemporels ou laissés de côté et exhumés pour l’occasion.

Sur le site de la revue, on pourra télécharger les quinze premières pages au format PDF (couverture + édito + sommaire):

Pour plus d’infos sur ce double numéro, son contenu, comment se le procurer et sur les commandes :

Des Ruines,
Revue anarchiste apériodique.

March 6, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°14 (février 2019) vient de sortir.

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°14 (février 2019) vient de sortir.

Télécharger Avis de tempêtes #14 en PDF

Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est en format A5, et celui-ci fait 20 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le
blog :

“Quelqu’un disait que si la société est une prison à ciel ouvert, les guérites modernes doivent certainement être ces antennes et relais de communication qui font partout obstacle au ciel bleu, et les barbelés toutes ces fibres optiques et ces câbles électriques. Pour celles et ceux qui désirent enrayer la reproduction de la domination, il devient ainsi primordial qu’ils et elles arrivent à regarder ailleurs et autrement.
Ce n’est pas que le commissariat du coin ne devrait plus attirer l’attention de l’ennemi de l’autorité, ou que la vitrine de la banque ne mérite pas d’être fracassée, ou que le tribunal ne devrait pas
recevoir de visites enragées, mais il est aussi vrai que la domination a diffusé sur le territoire une vaste quantité de structures relativement petites et peu protégées dont toujours plus de choses, pour ne pas dire presque tout, dépendent.
C’est dans ces petites choses que la toile invisible qui nous enferme et qui permet la restructuration du capital et de l’État se matérialisent. C’est là que peuvent être attaquées les artères de la domination qui irriguent les champs de l’exploitation et de l’oppression ; c’est là que peuvent être enfin réduites au silence les prothèses technologiques et leurs bourdonnements asservissants.”

March 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Madrid, Spain : Anarchist comrade Lisa no longer under isolation regime 18th of February 2019

Madrid, Spain : Anarchist comrade Lisa no longer under isolation regime 18th of February 2019

Lisa was put in isolation following her transfer from Willich prison [in Germany] to Madrid. In a recent letter she says she has gone [from the FIES regime] to ordinary detention conditions and that she no longer has restrictions on her mail. She is well and strong.
To write to her :
Lisa Dorfer
C.P. Madrid V
Módulo 13
Carretera M609, km 3,5
28971 Soto del Real, Spain.
via: sansattendre.
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March 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Solidarity against the repression

Italy : Solidarity against the repression

Milan : Bank attacked

Round Robin / Thursday 21 February 2019

Intesa San Paolo Bank in Viale Umbria, Milan, attacked during the night.
All the windows and ATM smashed with hammers.
Freedom for the comrades of Turin!
Freedom for the comrades of Trento and Rovereto!

Pinerolo : Solidarity attack

Round Robin /Thursday 21 February 2019

During the night we attacked the Poste de Pinerolo office [near Turin] with hammers as a gesture of solidarity and complicity with the anarchists arrested in Turin and Trentino and with the comrades imprisoned for the  Florence affair and operation Scripta Manent.
Salvini hatchet man – Asilo is everywhere

Turin : Demo in the streets of Aurora

summary by Macerie / Friday 22 February 2019

Yesterday, Thursday 21 February, a wild demo/carnaval of about 200 people went through the Aurora district, still militarised following the Asilo eviction. (A few days ago the inhabitants of the surrounding streets had to show their documents to the cops before they could pass and get to their homes). A leaflet pointing out the role of artists in the “requalification” of the neighbourhood was given out. The cops blocked them in the main streets of the area for hours.

Action in solidarity in Cremona

Round Robin / Sunday 24 February 2019

Following the arrests and raids in Trentino we put an optic fibre cabinet out of use during the night. Silence the techno-world to let the living flesh scream. Also in solidarity with the comrades in Turin, the comrade of Fermento, the prisoners of operation Scripta Manent and Panico. In the fog of Cremona we don’t swallow the pill of repression either.
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March 1, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on The Local Kids – Issue 3 – Winter 2019

The Local Kids – Issue 3 – Winter 2019

A compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those who desire anarchy and subversion.
Life is separated into different phases; as you pass through the years,you are supposed to move on, to progress. One part of life is dedicated to education and exploration, inspired by the naivety and idealism of the inexperienced. Another is about application and comfort, framed by the maturity and pragmatism of the learned. Eventually you arrive at
accomplishment and can reap the rewards of a fulfilled life. Only maybe temporarily upset by some (un)desired reskilling and the uncertainty that the future holds.
At least that’s how it should be. Or should it?
The progress you make seems often nothing more than a narrative structure imposed on loosely related events. That destabilizing thought sometimes flickers through the activities of everyday life. But forget that thought, because you have already invested your time and you want the results. Stubbornly we hold on to the story of achievement and merit. In the meantime we become attached to the perpetuation of this
social reality because we don’t want to lose everything.

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March 1, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece, Thessaloniki : Intervention at the consulate of Switzerland against the arrest of anarchist comrades

Greece, Thessaloniki : Intervention at the consulate of Switzerland against the arrest of anarchist comrades

On the 29th of January the swiss police arrest an anarchist comrade in Zurich. A house search follows and also a search in the Bibliotheque Anarchiste, a venture where he actively participates. It must be noted that Bibliotheque Anarchiste is one of the most active ventures in which very important books and magazines of the anarchist movement of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century are hosted. He is prosecuted and charged for participating:
  • in an arson attack against vehicles of the swiss army
  • in an arson attack on o radiofrequency tower of the swiss police
  • sticking a poster which urges the “destruction of property and use of violence against companies and individuals who take part in the building of the Basslergut prison (a migrant detention center) in Basel and the construction of the new police and court center in Zurich

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February 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece : Taking responsibility for a raid attack

Athens, Greece : Taking responsibility for a raid attack


Anarchist Spyros Christodoulou is on hunger strike since 14/01 demanding the merging of his sentences. Being held hostage by the court, his sentence will be prolonged for another ten years if his demand is not met although his other court cases are over.

The reasons that he is being kept in prison are the obsessions, vengeful ness and law machinations of his persecutors, with second-degree prosecutor Drakos in the lead. The stance of the judicial system against Spyros Christodoulou isn’t random but aims for the exemplary punishment of everyone behind bars who isn’t reformed or doesn’t repent.
For all the above reasons we chose to carry out a raid attack with heavy hammers against the central offices of the national insurance company and the nearby national bank in Syggrou avenue. An avenue full of offices of capitalist giants, of centres of women’s exploitation and total control either by police forces and mob groups or by cameras.

Our solidarity doesn’t end in empty threats and easy trash-talking, but builds its flesh and bones through multi-formed direct action. With our act we want to contribute to the escalation of solidarity actions towards the acceptation of the demands of the comrade, who has been on hunger strike for one month now.

Strength and solidarity to hunger striker Spyros Christodoulou




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February 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile Comrade Joaquín García has been transferred

Chile Comrade Joaquín García has been transferred

febrero 7, 2019
Anarchist comrade Joaquín García, sentenced to 13 years in prison for placing an explosive device against a police station and for carrying a weapon, had been imprisoned in the Maximum Security Unit in a High Security prison, a unit of confinement and punishment.
Only now, with the final sentence, the comrade has been transferred to the ‘High Security’ unit of CAS.
Insurrectional and active solidarity with Joaquín García!
Translated by act for freedom now!

February 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Crete, Heraklion: Taking Responsibility for sabotage of ATMs

Crete, Heraklion: Taking Responsibility for sabotage of ATMs

Each and every one of us chooses a way to forward his/her refusal against the normality of an indifferent society, the oppression of power and the impoverisation of the capitalist model of which the regulators are the banks. Some of these people empty them out, others burn them, others sabotage them.

So we too, on the dawn of Monday 11/02, chose to “cancel the operation” of 22 bank ATMs in the centre and suburbs of Heraklion city, sabotaging the machines as a least act of solidarity to Spyros Christodoulou, hunger striker from 14/01, for the most basic and self-explanatory reason.




PS. we are not surprised that the action has been concealed by the local media when Spyros’s struggle has been met with the same silence by all mainstream media throughout Greece.

Collusion for solidarity

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February 28, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Plovdiv,Bulgaria: solidarity to Spyros Christodoulou on hunger strike since 14th of January 2019

Plovdiv,Bulgaria: solidarity to Spyros Christodoulou on hunger strike since 14th of January 2019

Today 26.02.19, we ask for support for political prisoner Spyros Christodoulou, who has been on hunger strike since 14 January, and to call for solidarity with the world. Together in the fight until each cage is empty!
Днес 26.02.19 искаме да искажем пълната си подкрепа за политическият затворник Спирос Христодулю, който е в гладна стачка от 14 януари насам и да отправим призив за солидарност към целия свят. Заедно в борбата докато всяка килия не бъде опразнена!!
Solidarity to Spyros Christodoulou from Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Until every cage is empty.

February 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Switzerland : 15 anarchists in Basel sentenced to fines and prison time

Switzerland : 15 anarchists in Basel sentenced to fines and prison time

On January 15, 2019, 15 of the 18 defendants in the “Basel”-process have been found guilty of willful damage of property, actual bodily harm, breach of the peace, multiple acts of violence, threats against public authorities and officials and breach of the traffic laws.
The preposterous sentence ranges from 20 months conditionally to two years, up to 27 months unconditionally. Thereby the three judges of the criminal court of Basel city followed the claims of the prosecution in most parts. Some persons even had to pay an additional fine of 200,000 Swiss franks for the violation of the ban on wearing face coverings, as well as individual fines – between five and ten daily fines in lieu of jail time – for insults, violation of the gun control law, trespassing or hindrance to an official act.

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February 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Overview of repressions against anarchists and antifascists in Belarus in 2018

Overview of repressions against anarchists and antifascists in Belarus in 2018

At the beginning of the year everybody were shocked by “Network case” in Russia where anarchists were tortured and detained. According to the FSB, a chapter of the “Network” also operated in Belarus. The KGB hasn’t publicly reacted to this statement, however, we noticed increased efforts to recruit youth associated with the anarchist movement in different parts of Belarus.
At the beginning of February 2018, the KGB started investigating a regional educational organisation Critical Thinking. One of the volunteers was summoned to an informal chat via phone – previously he had been detained together with Russian anarchist Piotr Ryabov and sentenced to a fine for “public display of Nazi symbols”[1] and the confiscation of his hard drive. At the same time, his mother was called for an informal conversation. Several friends of this volunteer were picked up by the police, questioned and later released. The police was interested in the activity of Critical Thinking, as well as attempted to force people to sign cooperation papers[2].
On February 8, the anti-extremist police in Mogilev visited parents of an activist. They were asking about their child’s activity, her political interests and so on. The flat was searched with a warrant issued under a criminal case initiated in 2017, when red paint was spilt on Lenin’s statue in the city. The raid happened in one more flat of parents of another activist. This activist was considered a witness on the same criminal case [3].

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February 26, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Marseille, France : Sabotage of electric scooters

Marseille, France : Sabotage of electric scooters

This last week we sabotaged 7 electric scooters Lime-S in Marseille, because they are really annoying there, sliding softly through the town that is turning into a giant building site.
Against the gentrification of our living spaces, and hoping it will awaken desires!
Sans Attendre Demain / mardi 18 février 2019
Translated by Act for freedom now!

February 24, 2019
by actforfreedom





Look around you, but do it with your own eyes. Do you see how the planet has become a giant industrial dump? Do you see how the States are choking your minds and bringing war and mas­ sacres everywhere? Do you see how everything around us is based on the exploitation and op­ pression of millions of people? Can you still keep track of the millions of deaths that give rise to all skyscrapers, supermarkets and factories? The hungry, the drowned, the massacred, the bombarded, the tortured, the intoxicated, do you see all these mountains of corpses?
Perhaps. Because everything is made so that you to see nothing. You are exploited at work, you fulfill tasks of which the meaning escapes you, without the minimum satisfaction. You help produce harmful objects, toxic food, tools of death, useless goods. You keep a close eye on your fellow man, keeping him on a leash through bureaucracy, documents, benefits. You are controlled in every moment of your life, followed by thousands of cameras, numbed by thou­ sands of drugs and distractions. You are rotting on the inside, since you live with and thanks to technological devices that dominate you. You don’t even want anything that is not already pre-formatted, you no longer desire anything that is not already displayed on a screen. Ulti­ mately, you do nothing but obey.
It­ is to you that these words are addressed. Because we also recognize ourselves in this dark picture. It takes courage to look things in the face, to be able to look at oneself in the mirror. What have we become?
 The enemies of freedom are strong. The State has at its disposal means of coercion and con­ trol (from the police force to the army, from prison to school, from bureaucracy to courthouses). The capitalists never stop the progress of enhancing exploitation. The researchers add a new bar every day to our technological cage. The politicians, religious bosses, the intellectuals in the service of order keep control over the human herds.
But look, nothing is completely lost. From the bottom of our hearts, we are convinced of this. Because quite different things also catch our eye. Yesterday, it was entire regions which rose up to the cry of freedom; today a wave of revolt is sweeping through France and elsewhere. Handfuls of insurgents are launching attacks in all corners. Police barracks are burning. Com­ panies are burning. Construction sites of new horrors are burning. Institutions are burning. Lab­ oratories are burning. Relay antennas are burning. Rage is showing its teeth.
Nothing is completely lost. Each individual holds within them the choice to rise up. Alone or with others, but always confronting power, struggling. It is the challenge of freedom that awak­ ens an affronted dignity, a trampled life, a shattered dream. This is why anarchists fight, as ene­ mies of all power, to re-awaken freedom, a freedom that will come with a knife clenched be­ tween the teeth.
At the end of January 2019, in mountainous Switzerland, an anarchist was thrown in prison. He is accused of having incited revolt against power, and of having acted against the State, militarism and war, specifically by burning ten vehicles of the Swiss army on the military base of Hinwill in 2015 and by setting fire to a police network antenna in Zurich in 2016.
The anarchist who has been taken hostage by the State is our comrade. In solidarity with him, we continue to combine liberating thought with destruc­ tive acts, never losing sight of our enemy. In solidarity with all anarchists facing repression, we continue onwards on the revolutionary paths of the only war worth fighting: the war against all oppressors and exploiters, the war for freedom. Let’s give life the exquisite elevation of the rebellion of our hands and spirits.
Solidarity with anarchist prisoners
Death to the State
Anarchists from Zurich, Franche-Comté, Alsacian lowlands and Vosgian massif, the Meuse, Paris and banlieue, Marseille, Brussels, Ghent, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Munich, South London, Occidental Alps, Trieste, Rome, Milano, Pisa, Napoli,  Salento, Sicily, Montréal.

February 24, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation

Italy : Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation

[Below in French and Italian / Sotto in francese ed italiano].

Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation

On Monday 11 February in the bunker hall of the Turin prison a large group of comrades expressed their solidarity with the anarchists on trial following the “Scripta manent” operation (6.09.2016). Roberto Sparagna (the public prosecutor in the trial) was unable to take a word to formulate his indictment. After several slogans and the reading of the following text, the Court interrupted the hearing. The courtroom was evicted through the intervention of the riot squads. During the protest, solidarity was expressed to all the anarchists arrested and on trial during this period, following the repressive operations “Scripta manent”, “Panico” and “Scintilla”, and against the eviction of Asilo Occupato in Turin.

Freedom for all prisoners! Long live anarchy!

Below the text:

Twenty years of history of anarchism are being impeached here.
We are not charged, but this is our history and our revolutionary path.
And it is precisely this path that the practices currently under trial belong to.
We are all involved and the executioners of the state can neither define nor understand our ideas and our lives.
Solidarity with anarchist and revolutionary prisoners!
Not a step back, Always Headed Up.
“Firmly and without compromise towards our goal”.
For Anarchy!



Procès Scripta Manent : un texte lu par les solidaires

Lundi 11 février, dans la salle-bunker de la prison de Turin, un groupe important de compagnons et compagnonnes a exprimé sa solidarité aux anarchistes sous procès suite à l’opération Scripta Manent. Le Procureur Roberto Sparagna n’a pas pu prendre la parole, il n’a pas pu lire sa réquisitoire.


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February 24, 2019
by actforfreedom
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(Argentina) Actividad de presentación de revista realizada por compañerxs en prisión

Saludamos y alentamos la iniciativa de lxs compañerxs que aun
transitando una situación de encierro deciden sacar estas páginas a las calles. Páginas cargadas de experiencias, anécdotas y reflexiones que a su vez son parte de un recorrido salvaje que con sus errores,
contradicciones y aprendizajes nos demuestran que la lucha no termina en el cautiverio, por el contrario, ella prevalece como una de las múltiples acciones que dan vida a la ofensiva contra el poder, por encima de todos los pronósticos y aun en un terreno con total adversidad.
¡¡¡ Adelante compañerxs, el abismo no nos detiene, decididxs vamosen busca de la libertad absoluta !!!

February 23, 2019
by actforfreedom


Unfortunately, Italy has a long history of repressive operations against anarchists.
Since Operation Marini in 90s, the waves of repression against comrades, which brought into jail many people with charges of terrorism or criminal association, were countless. Just to name a few of the biggest repressive operations: Cervantes, Croce Nera, Ardire, Mangiafuoco, Thor, Ixodidae, Nottetempo, Fuoriluogo… These operations usually lead to several house raids in all Italy and to the arrest of several comrades who spend 1 or 2 years in pre-trial detention. Then they face trials with charges of ‘association’ and usually they are also accused of several direct actions for which the inquisitors never found any responsible. Sometime the public engagement of these comrades in the anarchist struggle and their open expression of anarchist ideas (direct actions support, prisoners solidarity, running an anarchist magazine or website and so on) is the only evidence that the prosecutors bring into the court. For this reason, in the majority of the cases all the accused are later acquitted at the trial, but only after having spent many months or years in prison.
Besides these huge operations, there is a constant small-scale repression against local anarchist groups which are expecially active on the territory, for example with struggles against police repression, evictions, detention centres for migrants, jails, gentrification, corporate interests… In these cases anarchists are constantly repressed with recurring trials and spend much of their time going in and out of prison, house arrest or other restrictions of their freedom. This kind of police strategy of trying to burn out comrades with the aim of destroying the local anarchist group happens in many cities but since many years has been expecially strong in Torino.

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