Thursday, March 7, 2019

How girlfriends of "La Union" end up murdered

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from Twitter/C4Jimeñezc4Jimeñez

 Kenny Finol ended up murdered and her body abandoned in a street in Ecatepec. Karina Itzel has not appeared since last December. Atzín Molina has been lost for a month. Valeria "N" and Elizabeth "N" were arrested by the Federal Police ... this is how some of the partners of the members of the La Unión criminal group have ended up.

They call themselves Las Novias de La Unión (The girlfriends of The Union). Most of them are inhabitants of Colonia Morelos and La Guerrero.

Aesthetic surgeries are performed regularly. Sometimes they are paid by the members of the criminal group, but in others they themselves do what they know as "money collections for the surgeon"; similar to any money collection, but what is paid for is for one of its operations.

 The authorities have detected that with the money provided by the members of the Union, from their illicit activities, they put clothes or food supplements, aesthetic, local merchants to fix nails...

They usually go to night clubs all together, to restaurants and bars in Polanco and La Condesa.

The two most recent of whom they heard were precisely Valeria and Elizabeth. The Federal Police captured them Friday morning in the same apartment where El Axel and El Perki were in the Álvaro Obregón mayor's office.

Both were imprisoned in the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Organized Crime Investigation (SEIDO). On Sunday night, the two were released. Although the investigation against them continues open.

The list of young people is headed by Kenny Finol, a Venezuelan girl who was Brayan's girlfriend "N", El Pozoles. The girl was found dead in February of last year in a street in Ecatepec, where La Unión has safe houses.

The main suspect in her death is El Pozoles. Authorities know that in addition to her, a young Argentine identified as Yesica, fled to her country after she had conflicts with the same subject with whom she had a relationship.

Last December, Karina Itzel, who was the girlfriend of El Alexis, disappeared. One Friday she went to an electronic music event in the State of Mexico, she was with her partner and with El Pozoles.

Early on Saturday she called home to say she was coming back. She never arrived. So far neither the authorities nor her family know what happened to her. The clues lead to Ecatepec, but there is nothing in particular.

Just a few weeks ago, another of these girls disappeared. It's Atzín, who liked to be called Medusa. The authorities know that one Sunday morning, she was to meet with El Manzanas, in the after club Cingaro, of the Zona Rosa. Since then there is no news of her.

The last thing they knew was that La Unión, blamed her for the capture of El Pozoles.

A couple of weeks before, she found this guy in a dive in the State of Mexico. They greeted each other with kisses and then he left. Minutes after leaving the bar, the police detained him.


  1. Nasty plastic putas they deserve to die

    1. No one deserves to die, they could be forced into their “puta lifestyle” to provide for their families. Who really knows?...

    2. At 4:18 why would you think like that? Believe me these women were probably forced!

    3. What a terrible comment! These women deserve death because you find them unattractive? Or do you just hate women in general? Truly awful hateful words! If your girlfriend/wife is reading this-RUN!!

    4. Ni body forced these gold diggers so missed me with that bs.

    5. 4:18 the crime of being a plastic puta...
      is not an offense that requires death penalty mister big mouth.
      But you could use getting hit on your snout with a 2x4.

    6. Only a narcissistic imbecile will wish death on someone.

  2. They got what they deserved in my opinion they were attracted to that wich gets other killed and ended up paying with their own life.

  3. dude, what are you doing with these posts? for real now. don't you think that the letters are a bit too big???

  4. Lol dumb bitches

  5. Live by the dick die by the dick. Feel no pitty for these gutter rats. Knew what they were in thought. Don't go saying their Soo beautiful. Those are fake as hoes 😂

    1. A trick is a trick so don't even trip cuh. Newmeen? Hell yeah

  6. Sol what’s up with all the CAPZ

  7. Trashy “ladies”.

    1. ... for trashy dudes in a trashy society in a trashy world.

  8. Just as the criminals have become second rate, so have the women that hang around them. Yuck.

  9. The new huge font is terrible, go back to the original .

    1. He is learning like we all had to. He went ahead without guidance, everyone thinks this is just copy and paste, it is not!

      Give him some slack at this time...please? he is smart it won't take long to catch on....thanks

  10. A few less idiots in the world. They want to be around drugs and money so they get what they deserve.

  11. I want you all to keep in mind that these are young girls it's very easy for anybody to be attracted to the lifestyle especially when you are young....... And don't be hypocrites because if you guys weren't attracted to the lifestyle you wouldn't be on websites like this everyday and watching gangster shows like narcos.... Now these girls could be your sister how would you like if someone talked bad about your sister like that?

  12. Theses poor ladies think they are the queens until these lowlifes are done with them, then just toss them away for the next one

  13. You live a dangerous life you pay the price.

  14. You get in with this crowd and getting out is usually a death sentence. The fleeting attraction money, cars, and excitement ends in the emptiness of one’s soul.

    1. As they say, youth is wasted on the young.

  15. Sol gracias for the contributions bro, your info opens our eyes to what's happening. Please keep it up.

  16. Sol Prendido..Keep up the great work! Nice read.

    - El Plata -

  17. Damn those were some hot little razzle dazzles.... Such a shame

  18. Valeria and Elizabeth, "Girlfriends of La Unión Tepito," are released

  19. Mang how wish them Kardashian prostitutes were mexican. We wouldn't have to deal with them or their stepdad which am pretty sure will be one of them cjng top guys was he messcan.

  20. I still don’t get it because you measure up the union guys to the vatos of LA or Chi and they’re minced meat.

    1. You kidding right. Those LA and Chi guys would be murked in Mexico

  21. Man! Oh! Man! The number of comments that are nasty towards these women is crazy.
    Some folks have zero compassion and basic humanity to say such nasty comments.
    People do what they have to, to survive and sometimes hooking is such escape, dont judge them untill you walked a mile in their shoes.
    Mexico has very little or no hope for normal life, with its corrupt politicians who are in bed with criminals, there is no wonder people will do things that normally would not be done.

    Have some compassion towards your country folks.

    1. 9:37 you better stop asking our male readers to walk a mile in those women's shoes, they are too small and the boys are already well trained in their own high heels, specially Sol Prendido...

  22. How girlfriends of a cartel end up murdered, you ask?
    They become girlfriends of the cartel.


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