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    You are a good dad, functional teacher, dedicated writer, studious observer....but website maker....well that's not one of your strong suits. Read a book, watch a video or do something because this looks rough. Reminder to self: It's more about content than appearance...but appearance is also worth paying attention to.
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Forget regrets we trod onward!

I’ve come to the abrupt realization that I will perpetually be behind in keeping this blog current. Every time I sit down to update, I instead jump into something else…so alas, enough with the regrets and here’s what I’ve been working on since I last updated: 1.) The book I’ve been helping to put together … Continue reading

Playing catch up: syllabi, articles & even (my first) book!

I am so very behind in keeping this blog current and for that I have my regrets. When I set it up I imagined it as a play-by-play of my work, updated as often as I published, but as I have learned, the clock never stops to allow us to take stock of what we’ve … Continue reading

Summer Lovin’ [why ‘time off’ is never ‘time off’]

So it’s officially the summer, and while some may assume that this grants us in the academic trenches some relief, I’d beg to differ. For me, the summer means not having to commute to Miami University, but I am still designing and teaching for Georgetown University’s Intersections program, and catching up on the many, many projects … Continue reading

[New publication] “Operação Splash Back!: A Queerização da Libertação Animal e as Contribuições dos Neo-insurrecionários queers”

I’m happy to share that a journal article I wrote back in 2012 has been translated and republished in Portuguese by Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales. The paper originally appeared as “Operation Splash Back!: Queering Animal Liberation Through the Contributions of Neo-Insurrectionist Queers” in the Journal of Critical Animal Studies, Inquiries and Interventions: Queer Theory and … Continue reading

[New Syllabi]: “Social/Political Activism” & “Terrorism” @ Miami University

With a very successful first semester behind me at Miami University, we’re now entering week two of my second term at the ‘Harvard of the Midwest’ as it’s locally known. I have really enjoyed my time teaching at MU so far. The students are eager and engaged, my colleagues welcoming and warm, and the facilities are … Continue reading

[New essays] “Fatherhood, Veganism & Masculinity” and “To Throw the Baby Out With the Bath Water”

While much of my ‘professional’ writing time is spent developing and revising papers for journal publication, I always have a few less formal pieces under development at any given time. This month, two of these shorter essays reached the public and I wanted to take a moment to hare them here. Fatherhood, Masculinity, and Veganism To … Continue reading

[New video] Two talks at the Peace & Justice Studies Association conference

It has been a little over two months since I returned from the picturesque hideaway of Neslon, BC, the site of the 2016 Peace and Justice Studies Association conference. While it was my first conference as the Executive Director of PJSA, we got off to a running start. Besides the usual tasks that fall upon … Continue reading

[New publication] Activism, Terrorism, and Social Movements: The “Green Scare” as Monarchical Power

I am happy to report that another one of my articles has made its way to the great wide world. Though this was originally written a few years back, re-editing it for publication allowed me to make a whole host of new connections between the Green Scare, and the more current wave of right-wing violence … Continue reading

[New publication] Interpreting Insurrectionary Corpora: Qualitative-Quantitative Analysis of Clandestine Communiqués

It is with great pleasure that I can announce the release of a new journal article. This article appears in the Journal for the Study of Radicalism, and I am happy to say constitutes the first ‘in print’ piece from my doctoral research project.   Interpreting Insurrectionary Corpora: Qualitative-Quantitative Analysis of Clandestine Communiqués   Anyone … Continue reading

[New Syllabi]: 3 courses in sociology & social justice

As I mentioned in a post 2 months back I have recently been hired to begin two new jobs, both of which I am beyond excited to begin! While my work as the Executive Director of the Peace and Justice Studies Association will get into full swing in August, I have spent the past few … Continue reading

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