
Keeping this blog online costs money, although admittedly not much. Your donations help me keep this website online, but they also do more than that.

I want to write the kind of articles people would be happy to pay for, regularly. When you donate, even if it’s just a dollar, you give me a massive dose of encouragement to continue.

Donate with PayPal.

Hosting Expenses

I utilize a hosting service that operates on a “pay as you go” basis. The variation in hosting costs basically reflects changing traffic levels.

2016 – $170.74
2015 – $184.56
2014 – $237.70
2013 – $218.80

The hosting service I use is not the cheapest, but they have a commitment to keeping my stuff online in the face of frivolous legal threats; it has proven invaluable in the past.

I really should keep better records of my other blogging related expenses. I spend approximately $5 a month on Skype credit, an enormous amount of money on mobile credit (though far from all blogging related), and even more on the overpriced coffee I consume whilst writing.

Wish List for 2017

I would love to be able to spend the following on this project:

$260 – Promoting posts (approx $5 a week)
$221 – MEAA Freelance Membership (public liability insurance!)
$300 – AK Press Membership for a year
$300 – subscriptions to various publications

The Pie in the Sky

In 2016 2017, once again, I’ll be a full time student juggling work, politics, writing and study. It will cost approximately $300 a week to ditch paid work and concentrate on this project.

Obviously in 2015 2016 I’ve barely put out an article a week and I can’t imagine anyone paying to support my not-writing habit!

I have a series of escalating goals for 2016 2017 that range from the achievable (three articles a week) to the utterly ridiculous (three articles a week and a regular podcast).

Wish me luck.