
To Ban or not to Ban: The Case Against State Bans on Fascists - Jim Kane

From issue 7 of Anti-Fascist Action's Fighting Talk magazine, 1994.

"The Good Old Days" - The Roots of AFA in Manchester

Anti-Fascist history from issue 7 of AFA's Fighting Talk magazine (1994).

Let's Get Physical - Sid Martell

The implementation of a No Platform policy will invariably involve physical confrontation with the fascists. In this issue Fighting Talk's Sid Martell explores the politics of the pavement...

From Anti-Fascist Action's Fighting Talk magazine issue 7, 1994.

Fosatu Worker News

Fosatu poster

Fosatu Worker News was first published in 1979 with the formation of the Federation of South African Trade Unions (Fosatu) in the wake of the Durban strikes in 1973. It was distributed to all union members. It continued until the formation of the less workerist and more ANC aligned Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) in 1985.

Graeber’s Bullshit Jobs Theory is Missing The Bullshit Reeking in The Room

David Graeber's new book provides interesting insights to the nature of modern work, but it fails to provide a materialist analysis.

Do All Organizing Roads Lead to Bernie? A Response to Eric Blanc’s Interview on Dead Pundit Society From a West Virginia Teacher and Strike Leader

West Virginia teacher and strike organizer Michael Mochaidean argues against an interpretation of the recent wave of teachers' strikes that links them to the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign. This article was originally published by the Black Rose Anarchist Federation.