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Radical People: Enbridge to Nowhere

Radical People returns with a new show on pipeline resistance. In this episode, Eamon speaks with MKoontz about their resistance to the tar sands pipeline,...

Between Rhetoric and Reality: Evaluating the Oakland Teachers’ Strike

For eleven days in March, Oakland teachers walked off the job in a strike that galvanized not just the city but many neighboring schools...

Montreal: Callout for the March Against Police Brutality 2019

As is the case each year, the COBP organizes a week against police brutality which starts on March 8th and ends on March 16th,...

Vaughn 17 Defendants Moved Out Of State In Spite Of Exoneration

The State of Delaware retaliated against defendants in the Vaughn uprising trial last week, by moving them out of state to Pennsylvania. Kevin Berry, Abednego...

Minneapolis, MN: A Belated Communique From February’s Ilhan Omar Protest

The following report back was originally published on Conflict Minnesota. On Sunday, February 17th a small group of right wing protesters rallied in downtown...

Green Anti-Capitalist Front Manifesto & Open Letter to Extinction Rebellion

Anti-capitalist manifesto aimed at the emerging new youth movements that are fighting climate chaos. Originally published on the Earth First! Newswire. The Green Anti-Capitalist...

Scaling Our Climate Resistance Tour: Strategies and Stories from the German...

Rising Tide North America is launching a tour to bring stories and strategies from the global struggle against climate change to those of us...

Montreal: Campaign Launched to Fight for Over $20K in Unpaid Wages

Report from Montreal IWW about a current campaign to force bosses to pay back bar workers more than $20,000 in unpaid wages. In addition to...

“Just Kill the N****** TBH”: Identity Evropa Activist Fired from Modesto...

The following report on a successful call-in campaign against a member of Identity Evropa was anonymously submitted to It's Going Down. Anti-racists and antifascists...

Identifying Evropa: Exposing A Growing Neo-Nazi Network

What follows is a breakdown and analysis on the recent and massive data dump from Unicorn Riot of chat logs from an Identity Evropa Discord...

Facing the Disaster: Looking Back on a Year of Autonomous Relief

This is the first episode of the It's Going Down podcast looking back on 2018 and anarchist and autonomous activity on a large scale....

“Modern Day Lynching”: Sacramento In Wake of Stephon Clark Ruling

What follows is a blow by blow account of what has been happening on the ground in Sacramento coupled with analysis of the State...

Mexico: Collective Radio Transmission for Territorial Defense in Remembrance of Samir...

Invitation to the collective transmission of community radios and free media for territorial defense. #SamirViveMarch 9th, 2019To all of the community radios, free, independent and...

Four Imprisoned Rhode Islanders Punished With Solitary Confinement at the ACI...

The Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee reports on four men who for ten days have been held in solitary confinement for allegedly possessing IWW literature....

Pro-Hitler Troll Outed to Community As “Director of Activism” for Identity...

In-depth report from Atlanta Antifascists exposes a leading member of the Alt-Right, white nationalist, and "Identitarian" organization, Identity Evropa, a group which was central...

Do All Organizing Roads Lead to Bernie?: A Response to Eric...

Critique from Michael Mochaidean on left electoralism and hope placed into the Bernie Sanders campaign. On a recent interview with the Dead Pundit Society...

Toronto: Report from Feb 23 Anti-PEGIDA Action

Report back from antifascist mobilization in Toronto against far-Right Nativist group, PEGIDA. Around 12:45 PM, members of the IWW GDC, Toronto Against Fascism, and...

Final Straw: Rayquan Borum Trial Begins & Scaling Up Climate Resistance

Long running anarchist radio show and podcast bring us two new interviews. Listen and Download HEREFirst up, Bursts spoke with glo merriweather and jamie marsicano,...

Abolish Risk Assessment

In this episode, Rustbelt Abolition Radio speaks with three abolitionists who attended the 2018 Allied Media Conference in Detroit. Barabas and Rodrigo Ochigame of...

Help Fund Salvo Through 2019

Help Salvo, an autonomous print and digital media project that covers issues in the greater Los Angeles area from a revolutionary working class perspective,...

Neo-Nazis and KKK See Chance to Regroup at “Hiwaymen” Rally in...

On Saturday, March 9th, a collection of the Hiwaymen, KKK members, and neo-Nazi groups will rally in Little Rock, Arkansas to "Make America Great...
The following statement was submitted to It's Going Down and addresses a series of ongoing attacks on queer and trans people in the Portland, Oregon area. The attacks come hot on the heels of an escalation of violence and rhetoric from far-Right groups in the area like the Proud...
This statement has been developed by residents of the Empire State’s “ground zeroes,” Upstate New York’s hundreds of economically-ravaged communities. Having been left out of the discussion surrounding Amazon’s proposed HQ2 development in Queens, we hope to provide a silenced regional perspective on Big Tech’s plans to encroach into...
The State of Delaware retaliated against defendants in the Vaughn uprising trial last week, by moving them out of state to Pennsylvania. Kevin Berry, Abednego Baynes, Obadiah Miller, Johnny Bramble, Dwayne Staats, and Jarreau Ayers were all transferred to solitary confinement at SCI Camp Hill, a maximum security facility. They...
The following report back was originally published on Conflict Minnesota. On Sunday, February 17th a small group of right wing protesters rallied in downtown Minneapolis to protest Ilhan Omar over her controversial remarks. Naturally, their protest only gathered a handful of participants and took place in front of the...
What follows is a breakdown and analysis on the recent and massive data dump from Unicorn Riot of chat logs from an Identity Evropa Discord server. Also, a new website has launched, Identify Evropa, which maps out existing IE members and groups. Identity Evropa is one of the many far...
What follows is a blow by blow account of what has been happening on the ground in Sacramento coupled with analysis of the State response and recent actions carried out by demonstrators. For background information on the police killing of Stephon Clark, check out this report from Colorlines. Timeline:...