Tag Archives: blogosphere

Blogging 2018 : A Summary

Another year done gone, and another opportunity to review what the Hell I’ve been writing about. Please note that, at this stage, I’m unsure if I’ll continue blogging in 2019 as — combined with having a social media presence on … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, Film, History, Media, Music, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, Student movement, Television, That's Capitalism!, Trot Guide, War on Terror | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Blogging 2017 : A Summary

January The year began with some reflections on the May 2016 Coburg protests in light of Andy Blunden’s criticisms in Arena; New Yawk-based neo-Nazi and host of ‘The Daily Shoah’ (for which ‘The Convict Report’ is the local version) Mike … Continue reading

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Blogs are dead. Long live blogs!

Having previously surveyed Journals & Zines and so on and so on, I’m now updating my blog links … dead and/or resting: a-films (–2014) After The Greek Riots / Occupied London [see : libcom] anarchia angry news from around the … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, Art, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , | 2 Comments

housekeeping for anarchy

Well well, bloody Hell. Because I’m an idi0t, I thought I’d spend some time doing some housekeeping: namely, going through the sites I link to in order to establish which are still active. Unsurprisingly, because I haven’t done so for … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, Broken Windows, Media | Tagged , , | Leave a comment