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Tomorrow’s strike embodies an alternative to neoliberal ‘female empowerment’, writes Lola Olufemi.

Progress has been slow since the 2009 revelations of workers being blacklisted for union activity, Phil Chamberlain writes.

Nilanjana Bhowmick weighs up Modi's chances in the coming elections in India.

Research by Alex J. Wood, Mark Graham and others shows how gig economy platforms commodify labour in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Latest issue

March-April 2019, Issue 518

Big story

  • Worlds apart
  • How to be an internationalist
  • ¿Hasta siempre?
  • Solidarity with the Niger Delta
  • Corbyn vs the nation

Also this issue …

  • Uber drivers of the world, unite!
  • The far-right international
  • Vijay Prashad on Thomas Sankara
  • Is veganism too confrontational?
  • Žižek talks Trump and Twitter

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