The Seattle Worker: Vol 2, #2, February-March 2019, Seattle General Strike Centennial Edition

In honor of the Seattle General Strike of 1919, and in commemoration of the Centralia Tragedy that happened later that year, the Seattle Worker Committee is proud to present our General Strike Centennial Edition. Along with our regular “In the News” snippets from James Smith, we also have two historical essays by our contributors Hannah Hopkins, Lexi Owens, and Lindsay Mimir.

Deliveroo Couriers Strike Against Poverty Pay – Manchester, 26th Feb!

On Tuesday 26th February between 11am and 7pm, Deliveroo couriers in Manchester will be striking in protest of the company’s recent cuts to pay and the poor working conditions they endure.

No Love for Deliveroo! A reflection on organising and mobilising in the “gig” economy.

A report from the New Syndicalist blog, discussing the recent Deliveroo riders' strike in Manchester.

The Drop: London Couriers Bulletin

Since September 2018, the London Branch of the IWW union has been organising with workers in the food delivery sector, most of whom work for Deliveroo and UberEats. Besides aiding individual members and helping to organise strikes, we have begun a monthly newsletter which reports on local as well as international conditions and struggles. We hope this bulletin can help London couriers develop their struggle against the companies and the state, as well as enable our union to maintain local contact with workers in various areas of our city.

E19: The IWW in Australia

The IWW in Australia.

Episode on the early history of the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in Australia, in conversation with Paula DeAngelis. Paula is a historian and contributed to Wobblies of the World: a global history of the IWW.

Dissecting the right's "free speech" rhetoric

An analysis of the reactionary co-option of the term "freedom of speech" in the age of Trump and Bolsonaro, and discussion of how best to respond to it.

E16: Women in the early IWW

Women in the early IWW.

Podcast about the early history of women in the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States, in conversation with Heather Mayer, author of Beyond the Rebel Girl: Women and the IWW in the Pacific Northwest, 1905-1924.

E09: The Industrial Workers of the World in the US, 1918-1950s

Podcast episode about the later history of the revolutionary union the Industrial Workers of the World 1918-1950s. We went to Chicago to talk to our friend Warren to learn more about this little-known period in the union’s history.