
The London Years - Rudolf Rocker

A first hand account of legendary anarcho-syndicalist Rudolf Rocker's years in London, where he became involved in the Jewish anarchist movment of the East End. In his time in London, he helped set up the Jewish Bakers' Union, organised mass demonstrations as well as the 1912 Jewish tailor's strike.

Anarchy #100

Issue of Anarchy magazine from June 1969, this issue is dedicated to an article by Nicolas Walter about Anarchism.

Socialist Dog Catchers (or Presidents) Won’t Save Us

With Bernie Sanders entering the race to be the Democratic candidate for the 2020 election, Pádraig Sinjun discusses whether diverting resources from grassroots struggles to electoral campaigning is really the way to pursue class struggle.

Buddhist Anarchism

GARY SNYDER’s article is reproduced from the “Journal for the Protection of All Beings” (City Lights, San Francisco) by kind permission of Lawrence Ferlinghetti. An appreciation by Jim Burns of Gary Snyder’s work appeared in ANARCHY 32.

On Government

(Extracts from DEMOCRATIC VALUES, selections from the addresses of Vinoba Bhave, 1951-1960, Sarva Seva Sangh Prakashan, Kashi, 1962.)

Indian anarchism

GEOFFREY OSTERGAARD. who is a frequent contributor to ANARCHY, is visiting Professor of Political Science at Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Anarchism and Agriculture

ALAN ALBON is a farm worker in Sussex

Montague "Monty" Miller - 1831 -1920

From Eureka, 1854 to the IWW, 1917. Campaigning for One Big Union.

Biographical information on the life and death of Montague "Monty" Miller, Australian anarchist and IWW member.