The Benefits - ACTU Australian Unions

The Benefits


Australian Unions Member Benefits are provided to every union member through the ACTU in partnership with your union.  As a union member, you can take advantage of the collective buying power of more than 1.8 million members to get big discounts from a great range of companies.

Australian Unions is pleased to announce that we have entered a new partnership with Member Advantage from 1 July 2017. Through this partnership we offer union members a new and exciting range of benefits and savings on hundreds of everyday expenses, including gift cards, accommodation, movie tickets, insurances and many more.

Check out all the great benefits by clicking on the headings below or register for access on our secure site: 

Showing 2 reactions

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  • Brij Dixit
    test actuonline
    commented 2018-10-02 01:49:51 +1000
    Several benefits that can be useful for the owners of used car where no body wants to have pay of scrap vehicles. The guys request to get benefits at
  • Patty Mattos
    test actuonline
    commented 2017-08-26 04:47:51 +1000
    How cool, fantastic, I am in search of some organizations of my city to enter, I love to work and to help people, I see potential in this unial the ACTU has great conduct and seems to me to grow very fast. #australianuinions #love


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