Banking - ACTU Australian Unions


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“Australia has been built by working people who have had the courage to stand up to unfair and unjust rules and demand something better. Australian unions support ME because we share the same values. ME grew out of the union movement - our hard fought principles of fairness and demanding something better for members. It’s a bank committed to helping Australians get ahead.”


Sally McManus, ACTU Secretary


all about ME

Every Australian deserves to get the most out of their money. We’re here to help them do it.

We were originally created by member-owned industry super funds to be a fairer home loan lender, helping Australians reach the dream of owning their own home. These days we’re a fully fledged bank, but our profits still go back to the industry super funds – the very same ones that look after the retirement savings of more than seven million Australians.

We help Australians get ahead. We give you ways to get more from your savings, pay less on your loans and cut down on fees – however we can, whenever we can.

We’re making banking as simple as possible. You shouldn’t have to wade through jargon to find what you need, and opening an account should be easy.

And because financial know-how doesn’t always come naturally, we give you tools to spend wiser and save smarter: things like our online school of money ‘ed’, which is fast, free and simple to use.

more for union members.

Eligible union members, get access to ME’s Member Benefits Program – a full program of special offers and deals to help you get more from your banking.

Here are just some of offers we’ve had in the past:

  • More on home loans
    Save more with ME’s already-low rates
  • More on everyday accounts
    Enjoy bonus offers to make your money go further
  • More on credit cards
    Save with a competitive low rate

ME has new special deals regularly; to find out what’s available right now check out:

Looking to get more out of your money? Make the most of ME.

Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. Applications for credit are subject to credit approval.

This is general information only and you should consider if these products are appropriate for you.
Members Equity Bank Ltd ABN 56 070 887 679 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 229500.







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