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Philippines: A critique of Duterte’s ‘Cha-cha’ and federalism



By Sonny Melencio


September 9, 2018 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — The draft charter, also called the “Bayanihan Constitution,” presented by the Constitutional Committee headed by former Supreme Court Justice Reynato Puno to President Rodrigo Duterte, is neither imbued with Bayanihan spirit in its drafting or its implementation of federalism.


Bayanihan spirit means the entire community in action supporting the interests of all its members. The Bayanihan Constitution is not at all like this. It is not the result of consultation among the people, or the various sectors and communities that encompass the nation. It is the creation of a 22-person committee, all appointed by President Duterte himself. There has not been a single consultation where people have been asked about their views and proposals for a Charter change (Cha-cha).


José Mariá Sison: 'The perfect storm for Philippine armed struggle'



By Denis Rogatyuk


July 13, 2018 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Jacobin — This year marked the 49th anniversary of the beginning of the armed rebellion by the New People’s Army (NPA) of the Philippines, alongside its political affiliates of National Democratic Front (NDF) and the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). The armed rebellion, initially concentrated on the island of Samar during the 1970s, grew to encompass practically of the Philippines, with the provinces of Mindanao, Isabella and Tarlac having been the most prominent throughout the time of the rebellion. Most of the modern-day estimates place their strength at anywhere between ten thousand and four thousand fully armed fighters, with additional tens of thousands of communist party members and other supporters.


'Trust me, I am the one who will drain the swamp': An interview with Walden Bello on fascism in the Global South



By Wolfram Schaffar


July 18, 2018 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies — Since the election of Narendra Modi in India in 2014 and Donald Trump in the USA in 2016, political analysts and commentators around the globe have increasingly used the concept of fascism to capture the rise of new right-wing authoritarianism in various countries.


Philippines: The emergence of a united left opposition to Duterte



Two articles looking at the rise of Laban ng Masa (Struggle of the Masses),
a coalition of socialist groups that has emerged in opposition to
Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte.


The Philippines: On the frontline of Duterte’s ‘war on drugs’



In its first year in operation, Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte’s ‘war on drugs’ has cost more than 13,000 lives and left the country mired in a human rights crisis.


One of the organisations at the forefront of opposing Duterte’s war is In Defence of Human Rights and Dignity Movement, iDefend, a coalition of more than 50 human right and grassroots organisations.


Peter Boyle spoke to iDefend spokesperson Ellecer “Budit” Carlos about the situation.


Philippines - Ellecer Carlos: 'Duterte's drug war constitutes a crime against humanity'



Ellecer Carlos will a featured speaker at the Radical Ideas conference
that will be held on August 18-20 in Melbourne, Australia


By Ellecer Carlos


August 11, 2017
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Ang Masa Para sa Sosyalismo - Online — On behalf of the In Defense of Human Rights and Dignity Movement (iDEFEND), I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Representatives McGovern and Hultgren, as well as all the other good members of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for their support to the human rights protection of the Filipino people. The concern, involvement and solidarity by people abroad is very important during these very challenging times.


Filipinas: renace la resistencia contra la dictadura



Walden Bello (centro) y Sonny Melencio (derecha)


12 de agosto de 2017
Sin Permiso traducido por Enrique García — El pasado 20 de julio tuvo lugar en el Benitez Hall, Universidad de Filipinas en Diliman, la Conferencia Nacional contra la Dictadura (NCAD), que pretende articular un frente de izquierdas contra la evidente evolución del régimen del presidente Duterte hacia la dictadura mediante la extención del Estado de Guerra impuesto en Mindanao. Recogemos las intervenciones de dos viejos amigos y colaboradores de Sin Permiso (en cuyos archivos se pueden consultar varios de sus artículos), Sonny Melencio y Walden Bello (en la foto), dos veteranos luchadores contra la dictadura de Marcos y los sucesivos regímenes EDSA. SP


Sonny Melencio: A dangerous situation in the Philippines



Talk presented by Sonny Melencio (right) at the opening session of the National Conference Against Dictatorship (NCAD), Benitez Hall, UP Diliman, July 20, 2017.


July 25, 2017 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Ang Masa Para sa Sosyalismo - Online — This is an initiative appropriate to the times. President Duterte has just confirmed that he’s raring to establish a dictatorship. He wants to extend martial law in Mindanao until December this year. And his chuwariwariwap boys in Congress had agreed to this. And now even Vice Leni said don’t be suspicious of his intentions, because he’s out to do good. Seems like he’s out to no good for me.


Philippines: Walden Bello on fighting fascism



Intervention by Walden Bello at National Anti-Dictatorship Conference, University of the Philippines at Diliman, July 20, 2017.


July 25, 2017 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Ang Masa Para sa Sosyalismo - Online — Fascism comes in different ways in different countries, and even within the same country, it can appear in a different manner at a later date than it did earlier. The common view of how fascism comes to power is what we may brand the Marcos model of “creeping fascism.” First, there are the violations of civil rights and political liberties, then comes the lunge for absolute power, then indiscriminate, massive repression. Duterte reverses this process. First, there is massive repression, in this case, the indiscriminate killing of over 10,000 suspected drug users. Then the power grab, in this case the declaration of martial law, the first phase of which we have witnessed with the imposition of military rule in Mindanao. Finally, there's the suppression of basic political and civil rights and liberties in an atmosphere that has been largely sanitized of political opposition. As opposed to creeping fascism, this is “blitzkrieg fascism.”


Philippines: On Duterte's strategy - Why diplomacy can't be a one-man show



Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte and Japan's Prime MInister Shinzo Abe 
offer a toast to the two countries' relations in Oct. 26, 2016,


By Walden Bello


October 30, 2016 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from InterAksyon – Just into his fourth month as head of state, President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines has managed to become one of the most controversial actors on the global stage, rivalling if not eclipsing Donald Trump. His war on drugs, marred by the extra-judicial execution of drug users and peddlers, won him the title of “serial killer” on French television. More recently, his telling US President Obama to “go to hell” and his declaration of “separation” from the United States and “alignment”with China and Russia during a state visit to Beijing has alarmed and befuddled governments in the East Asian region.


Filipino socialists on Duterte's separation from the US: 'Yes to ‘separation’, but an economic anti-imperialism is also needed'



By Rei Melencio, International Department, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM)


October 23, 2016 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Partido Lakas ng Masawebsite — President Rodrigo Duterte’s statement declaring his intentions to “separate” from the United States in both military and economic relations should be welcomed, but it’s easier said than done. Hence the President’s constant ‘backtracking’ on his statements. Given the President’s inconsistency, the question is posed: What does it mean to be an anti-imperialist government today? And is lining up with China (and to a lesser-extent Russia) an anti-imperialist positioning?


100 days of the Duterte presidency: the present tactical period and our tasks



By Sonny Melencio


October 3, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Partido Lakas ng Masa -- This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.


Philippines: The contradictions of the Rodrigo Duterte regime



By Sonny Melencio


July 24, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Partido Lakas ng Masa with permission – The following text is based on a talk delivered at All Leaders Meeting of Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (Solidarity of Filipino Workers, BMP)-Sanlakas-Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses, PLM) at Claret Parish Church on July 13, 2016.]


* * * * *


1. The Rodrigo Duterte government is right now the most popular government since the Cory Aquino administration [1986-1992]. (It cannot be compared though to the euphoria that greeted Cory Aquino’s installation to power through the Edsa 1 uprising, which occurred in a different historical context and circumstance.) According to the Pulse Asia survey, President Duterte enjoys a 91% trust rating. This means 9 out 10 Filipinos trust him; and practically no one (0.2%) rejects him, as the remaining 8% are the undecided.


Phillipines: Rodrigo Duterte's administration in search of an opposition; plus PLM statement 'Stop death squad killings!'



Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte


By Walden Bello


July 16, 2016 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Rappler — The events of the last few weeks have engendered much goodwill towards the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte at the same that it has triggered apprehensions about where it is headed.




The naming and shaming of 5 former and current police generals for their alleged involvement in the drug trade was only the most dramatic in a series of moves by the new president that elicited popular approval.


Hopes for a new social dispensation were stirred by several fast-moving events, among them a promise that the administration would end contractualization and an announcement that an executive order would institutionalize Freedom of Information. That a new deal was at hand for the marginalized sectors appeared imminent with the appointment of people associated with the National Democratic Front (NDF) to the top posts in the Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of Social Welfare and Development, and the National Anti-Poverty Commission.


Philippine Left facing a Duterte-CPP Coalition Government?, plus Duterte, a socio-political outcome



On coming to power, newly elected Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte (left) originally offered cabinet posts to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), headed by Jose Maria Sison (right). The move only intensified debate on the  Left surrounding Duterte's rise and what it means for politics in the Philippines. As part of bring this debates to an international audience Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal is publishing below a May 15 CPP Central Committee resolution outlining its position - "Prospects under a Duterte presidency" -, along with some introductory comments by Reihana Mohideen from the Party of the Labouring Masses (PLM). We are also publishing an update version of article by Sarah Raymundo, vice-chairperson of the Philippine Anti-Imperialist Studies: "Duterte, a socio-political outcome".


Created by crisis: Rodrigo Duterte and his unorthodox quest for the Philippine presidency



Supporters the new Philippines president, Rodrigo Duterte, at a 40,000-strong Miting de Avance held on May 7 as part of his election campaign


By Walden Bello


May 16, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from InterAksyon -- For dejected supporters of Mar Roxas and Grace Poe, it was all over except for the voting when they saw the size and felt the energy of the crowd that jammed the Duterte miting de avance at the Luneta on Saturday evening, May 7.


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