7 March 2019

Teachers strike wave spreads across five continents

By Eric London, 7 March 2019

From Bamako to Buenos Aires and Sacramento to São Paulo, the teachers’ strike movement shows the international character of the class struggle.

Union describes walkout as “disruptive”
Kentucky teachers’ sickout closes state’s largest district

By Naomi Spencer, 7 March 2019

The mass action, organized by a new group calling itself “JCPS Leads,” forced Jefferson County Public Schools to cancel school for the second time in the space of a week.

Denver schools ax jobs in wake of contract pushed through by union

“The unions are trying to divide the students and teachers”
Oakland students oppose sellout of teachers strike, plan to continue fight to defend public education

By Genevieve Leigh and Kayla Costa, 7 March 2019

There is growing anger among students and teachers in Oakland, California over the shutdown of the seven-day Oakland teachers strike by the Oakland Education Association.

Students and teachers outraged as
Oakland, California school board passes devastating budget cut following union sellout

Oakland strike, mass “sickout” in Kentucky
Teacher anger exploding across the United States

More on the defense of public education »

Demand the unconditional reinstatement of Sri Lankan plantation worker S. Balasubramaniyam!

By M. Thevarajah and W.A. Sunil, 7 March 2019

Balasubramaniyam’s sacking is part of a broader attack on estate workers by the plantation companies and the government.

Record US deficit in traded goods

By Nick Beams, 7 March 2019

The increased deficit is an expression of the inherent contradictions of Trump’s “America First” trade agenda, within the framework of a globalised economy.

Trump Homeland Security chief defends family separation and caging children

By Patrick Martin, 7 March 2019

Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen testified before the House Homeland Security Committee, one of four congressional hearings Wednesday on aspects of US immigration policy.

US detains 77,000 immigrants at border in February, a 10 year high

Amid national strike wave
Mexican ruling class responds to Matamoros: Militarization and alignment with Trump’s attacks on immigrants

More on North American immigrants »

Report reveals that armed troops were mobilized to force through US aid provocation on Venezuelan border

By Bill Van Auken, 7 March 2019

The threats of armed provocations and direct US military intervention continue to mount as Trump renews an Obama-era “national emergency” decree targeting Venezuela.

Guaidó returns to Venezuela for next stage of US regime-change operation

UK Labour Party members rebel against suspension of Chris Williamson MP for bogus claims of anti-Semitism

By Robert Stevens, 7 March 2019

Thousands of Corbyn supporters are demanding a full-scale confrontation with the Blairites and for them to be deselected and booted out, not Williamson.

The assault on Jeremy Corbyn is a warning that must be heeded

No to the witch-hunt of Chris Williamson!
Oppose the Blairites’ bogus claims of “left anti-Semitism”!

De Blasio accepts federal monitor to oversee New York City Housing Authority

By Josh Varlin, 7 March 2019

The Trump administration’s appointment of a monitor for the largest public housing system in the country presages further attacks on poorer sections of the working class in New York City.

New in Spanish

El ataque contra Jeremy Corbyn es una advertencia seria

Por Chris Marsden, 7 marzo 2019

El ataque del 3 de marzo contra el líder del Partido Laborista es la más reciente provocación ultraderechista en Reino Unido que refleja el claro y actual peligro que representa el crecimiento de los partidos ultraderechistas y fascistas por toda Europa.

Macron publica plataforma para elecciones europeas llamando a formar un Estado policial de la UE

Por Alex Lantier, 7 marzo 2019

Abandonando la gastada pretensión de que está promoviendo una política de desarrollo liberal, Macron aclamó a la UE como una posible potencia militar-policial global.

Alemania: El Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei –el Partido Socialista por la Igualdad– presenta candidatos para las elecciones europeas

Por nuestros reporteros, 7 marzo 2019

El lunes, el Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Partido Socialista por la Igualdad, SGP) presentó las firmas finales para su participación en las elecciones europeas.

“Julian Assange es un ciudadano internacional importante que ha luchado por la verdad”
Discurso del profesor emérito, Stuart Rees, al mitin Free Assange en Sídney

Por profesor Stuart Rees, 7 marzo 2019

Cuando la controversia sobre Julian apareció, un senador republicano de Nueva York, King, dijo: “¿Por qué nadie toma un arma y le dispara a ese hijo de puta? Sé que es ilegal, pero sería grandioso para la libertad de los estadounidenses si sucediera”.

New in French

En Allemagne, le Parti de l'égalité socialiste présente ses candidats aux élections européennes

Nos journalistes, 7 mars 2019

Le Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Parti de l'égalité socialiste, SGP) a remis lundi les dernières signatures requises pour sa participation aux élections européennes.

L'agression contre Jeremy Corbyn: un avertissement à prendre au sérieux

Chris Marsden, 7 mars 2019

L’attaque du 3 mars contre le dirigeant du Labour est la dernière d’une série de provocations de l’extrême droite en Grande-Bretagne, pointant le danger évident que pose la montée des partis fascistes et d’extrême droite à travers l’Europe

Les faussetés et les esquives du «Green New Deal»

Bryan Dyne et Barry Grey, 7 mars 2019

Les administrations démocrates, tout autant que les républicaines, ont imposé des politiques d’austérité et mené la contre-révolution sociale qui perdure depuis des décennies jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Réunion publique du PES à Montréal:
La menace fasciste et comment la combattre

7 mars 2019

Le parti de l’égalité socialiste (Canada) organise une réunion publique à Montréal pour alerter les travailleurs et les jeunes sur la menace du fascisme et élaborer une stratégie politique pour la combattre. Un élément central sera la présentation du livre nouvellement paru, «Falsification de l’histoire, conspiration politique et retour du fascisme en Allemagne», écrit par Christoph Vandreier, membre dirigeant du Parti de l’égalité socialiste allemand.

Le gouvernement libéral canadien en difficulté après une troisième démission importante

Roger Jordan, 7 mars 2019

Avec la démission de deux ministres de premier plan au milieu d’allégations selon lesquelles le cabinet du premier ministre serait intervenu indûment pour empêcher que SNC-Lavalin ne fasse l’objet de poursuites criminelles, la survie de Trudeau et de son gouvernement est mise en doute.

New in German

Der Angriff auf Jeremy Corbyn ist eine ernste Warnung

Chris Marsden, 7. März 2019

Der Angriff auf den Führer der Labour Party am 3. März ist der jüngste in einer Reihe von rechtsextremen Provokationen in Großbritannien und zeigt die reale Gefahr, die das Wachstum rechtsextremer und faschistischer Parteien in ganz Europa mit sich bringt.

Macrons Programm für die Europawahl: Plädoyer für einen EU-Polizeistaat

Alex Lantier, 7. März 2019

Macron hat auch den letzten Anschein aufgegeben, für eine liberale Entwicklungspolitik zu stehen, und feiert stattdessen die EU als künftige globale Militär- und Polizeimacht.

Mailand: 200.000 gegen Rassismus auf der Straße

Marianne Arens, 7. März 2019

In Italien wächst der Widerstand gegen die rechte Regierung von Lega und Fünf Sternen, aber die Arbeiterklasse braucht eine neue politische Führung.

Österreich: Regierung will Sicherungshaft für Flüchtlinge einführen

Markus Salzmann, 7. März 2019

Innenminister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) plant eine Verfassungsänderung, die es erlaubt, Asylbewerber ohne Vorliegen einer Straftat einzusperren.

Politische Instabilität nach der Wahl in Moldau

Andrei Tudora und Tina Zamfir, 7. März 2019

Die Wahl war der Höhepunkt eines langwierigen Zerfallsprozesses der Kräfte, die das politische Establishment von Moldau in den letzten 20 Jahren geprägt haben.

New in Norwegian

Mexicos styringsklasse responderer på Matamoros: Militarisering og innordning med Trumps angrep på immigranter

Alex González, 7. mars 2019

AMLO-administrasjonen har forhindret innvandrere fra å nå frem til grensa, holder dem voldelig innesperret og skaper rammeverket for eskalerende angrep på hele arbeiderklassen.

Amerikansk domstol opprettholder vitnebegjæring for varsleren Chelsea Manning

James Cogan, 7. mars 2019

Vitnebegjæringen er en eskalering av den amerikanske regjeringens innsats for å få utlevert Julian Assange, og en ny og hevngjerrig forfølgelse av Manning.

Angrepet på Jeremy Corbyn er en advarsel som må aktes

Chris Marsden, 7. mars 2019

Angrepet på Labour-Party-lederen den 3. mars er det siste i en rekke høyreorienterte provokasjoner i Storbritannia, og peker på den klare og akutte faren reist av veksten av ytrehøyre og fascistpartier over hele Europa.

Tyskland: Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei melder kandidater for Europa-valgene

våre reportere, 7. mars 2019

På mandag sendte Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP) inn de endelige signaturene for sin deltakelse til valgene for Europa-parlamentet.

«Julian Assange er en betydelig internasjonale borger som har tatt stilling for bekjentgjøringen av sannhet»
Professor emeritus Stuart Rees’ tale til Sydney ‘Free Assange’ samlingen

Stuart Rees, 7. mars 2019

Da kontroversen rundt Julian først startet, sa en republikansk senator fra New York, King: «Hvorfor tar ikke noen en pistol og skyter den jævla fyren? Jeg vet det er ulovlig, men det ville vært fantastisk for amerikaneres frihet, om det skjedde.»

New in Turkish

3 Mart’taki Assange’a Özgürlük Mitingi’nin siyasi dersleri

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (Avustralya) Siyasi Komitesi, 6 Mart 2019

3 Mart’ta Sidney’de Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi tarafından düzenlenen miting, Julian Assange’ın özgürlüğünü sağlama mücadelesinde ileriye doğru önemli bir adımı temsil etmektedir.

SEP’in Sidney mitinginde Julian Assange’a özgürlük talebi yükseltildi

Muhabirlerimizden, 6 Mart 2019

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’nin (SEP) Pazar günü Sidney’de düzenlediği gösteri, Avustralya hükümetinin, Julian Assange’a yönelik zulme suç ortaklığı yapmaya son vermesi talebini güçlü bir şekilde dile getirdi.

Cezayir’de Buteflika’nın beşinci dönem adaylığına karşı kitlesel protestolar

Alex Lantier, 6 Mart 2019

Cuma günü, Cezayir genelinde, Devlet Başkanı Abdulaziz Buteflika’nın 18 Nisan’daki seçimlerde beşinci dönem için adaylığını açıklamasına karşı yüz binlerce kişi gösteri yaptı.

100 yıl önce: Komünist Enternasyonal’in kuruluş kongresi Moskova’da toplandı

6 Mart 2019

2 Mart 1919’da, Avrupa’nın, Amerika’nın ve Asya’nın 22 ülkesinden 35 komünist ve sol partiyi temsil eden 51 delege, Kremlin’de, Komintern’in kuruluşu için toplandı.

New in Arabic

أربعون عام على الثورة الإيرانية

١٢ شباط فبراير ٢٠١٩

في مثل هذا الأسبوع قبل أربعين عام أسقطت الثورة الإيرانية ديكتاتورية الشاه، وهي حكم استبدادي أقامته الولايات المتحدة من خلال انقلاب عسكري دبرته عام 1953 واستمر طوال ربع قرن في لعب دور مسمار عجلة عنف إمبريالية الولايات المتحدة ومؤامراتها في الشرق الأوسط وعبر منطقة أوراسيا.

Other Languages


The shutdown of GM’s Lordstown plant

7 March 2019

The closing of the iconic factory, the site of a series of wildcat strikes and other militant struggles in the early 1970s, is the tragic outcome of a half century of betrayals by the United Auto Workers union.

Earlier Perspectives »

WSWS Archives

From Lordstown to Vietnam and Back

By David North, 7 March 2019

In the wake of the iconic plant’s final day of production Tuesday the WSWS is posting an interview with a GM Lordstown worker published February 12, 1973 in the Bulletin, the weekly organ of the Workers League, forerunner of the Socialist Equality Party.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

The betrayal of the Oakland teacher strike and the way forward for students

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 7 March 2019

The OEA has declared the strike over, but students, teachers and parents are determined to continue and expand the fight to defend public education.

For a unified struggle of Oakland students and teachers to defend public education!

Oppose Eastern Michigan University’s privatization schemes!

By IYSSE at Eastern Michigan University, 5 March 2019

Arts Review

André Previn, versatile composer, conductor and pianist, dies at 89

By Fred Mazelis, 7 March 2019

Previn was often compared to Leonard Bernstein, for the breadth of his achievements and his insistence on appealing to a broad public.

69th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 4
Brecht: A new film about the famed left-wing German dramatist

By Stefan Steinberg, 5 March 2019

69th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 3
Israeli films, Mr. Jones and Marighella

69th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 2
Midnight Traveler—“Sometimes life takes you through hell”

69th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 1
Between identity politics and opposition against the far right

On the Basis of Sex and Ruth Bader Ginsburg: The manufacturing of a “living legend”

By Ed Hightower, 2 March 2019

Featured Commentary

Why is there so little media skepticism about Leaving Neverland and its allegations against Michael Jackson?

By David Walsh, 6 March 2019

Leaving Neverland consists principally of two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, detailing their claims that singer Michael Jackson sexually abused them over the course of many years, in the 1980s and 1990s.

Socialist Equality Party

Germany: Socialist Equality Party submits candidates for the European elections

By our reporters, 6 March 2019

SEP meetings launch Tamil edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By our correspondents, 6 March 2019

The Fight Against Fascism

Socialist Equality Party April meeting series: “The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight it”
Christoph Vandreier, German Trotskyist and prominent opponent of fascism, to speak in US

By our reporters, 5 March 2019

Attend March 17 of London Book Launch of Why Are They Back?

Updated: Letters oppose barring of SEP panel on the fight against fascism from Historical Materialism conference

ISO and DSA bar Socialist Equality Party panel on the fight against fascism from upcoming Historical Materialism conference

By Joseph Kishore, 15 February 2019

Free Julian Assange!

The political lessons of the March 3 Free Assange rally

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) Political Committee, 5 March 2019

More voices from the Sydney Free Assange rally and Brisbane Livestream meeting

By our reporters, 6 March 2019

“We need to demand of the government, ‘what are you going to do to assist Julian now?’ We should not be beating around the bush because his life is in danger.”

Rally to demand the Australian government acts to free Julian Assange!
Sydney Martin Place Amphitheatre, 2pm, March 3! Melbourne State Library, 1pm, March 10!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 25 January 2019

Attend March 10 Solidarity Vigil in London for Julian Assange

By Robert Stevens, 25 February 2019

The SEP (UK) calls on all defenders of civil liberties and democratic rights, all opponents of imperialist wars for regime change, to attend the March 10 vigil and make it known in your workplaces, campuses and schools.

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »


US court upholds subpoena of whistleblower Chelsea Manning

By James Cogan, 6 March 2019

Days after coming to the brink of all-out war
India and Pakistan stoke chauvinism, exchange threats

By Deepal Jayasekera, 6 March 2019

India and Pakistan tobogganing toward a catastrophic war

India-Pakistan war tensions escalate

Bernie Sanders adapts to racial politics at Chicago campaign rally

By George Gallanis, 5 March 2019

“Socialism appeals to me”
Sanders rally attendees speak on socialism, Democratic Party

The fallacies and evasions of the Green New Deal

By Bryan Dyne and Barry Grey, 5 March 2019

One year since the Skripal poisoning

By Robert Stevens, 5 March 2018

German Left Party congress backs imperialist campaign against Venezuela

By Johannes Stern, 5 March 2019

The social crisis in America

“I was treated like a caged animal”
Single mother and healthcare worker jailed for three days in Indiana over unpaid ambulance bill

By George Marlowe, 1 March 2019

Flint water crisis claims its youngest Legionnaires’ victim to date
“Her failing health was due to the government failing her”

By Sheila Brehm, 27 February 2019

Three children dead, four others injured in Imlay City, Michigan mobile home fire

By Niles Niemuth and Zac Corrigan, 27 February 2019

25 years ago: Clinton on the defensive over Whitewater

On March 7, 1994, US President Bill Clinton was forced to open a press conference with the declaration that his wife, Hillary Clinton, was “not a criminal,” following a widening investigation, begun in January, into allegations about the Whitewater real estate investment in which the Clintons had lost money.

More »

50 years ago: Scientists organize antiwar protest at MIT

On March 4, 1969, faculty and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who were working on military projects began a work stoppage to protest the misuse of science and technology.

More »

75 years ago: Greek Stalinists form anti-fascist government

On March 10, 1944, the National Liberation Front (EAM), dominated politically by the Stalinist Communist Party of Greece, formed a Political Committee of National Liberation (PEAA).

More »


100 years ago: Arrest of nationalist leader sparks revolution in Egypt

On March 8, 1919, the British colonial regime in Egypt, which had occupied the country since 1882, arrested Saad Zaghloul and two other leaders of the Wafd (Delegation) Party, which was soon to become the leading bourgeois-nationalist organization in the country, for continuing to demand that Egyptians be allowed to send a delegation to the imperialist Paris Peace Conference.

More »

History of the ICFI

From the arsenal of Trotskyism
The Political Report by David North to the International Committee of the Fourth International—February 11, 1984

12 February 2019

Thirty-five years ago this week, David North, then the national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), presented at a meeting of the International Committee of the Fourth International a critique of the British Workers Revolutionary Party’s abandonment of key theoretical conceptions and programmatic principles of Trotskyism.


How the ruling elite sought to suppress revolution
Renewal: Life after the First World War in Photographs

By Paul Mitchell, 22 February 2019

Halil Celik, 1961-2018

Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

February 9 demonstration against GM plant closings

Watch: March to Fight GM Plant Closures

Autoworkers and supporters from across the Midwest marched on February 9 in Detroit to oppose General Motors’ plans for plant closings and layoffs in the US and Canada.

Autoworkers must prepare fight as UAW plans new givebacks in 2019 contracts

By Shannon Jones, 14 February 2019

Striking workers in Matamoros, Mexico support Detroit demonstration against auto layoffs

In this video, striking auto parts workers at Fisher Dynamics in Matamoros, Mexico send their support to last weekend’s demonstration against mass layoffs in the US auto industry called by the Socialist Equality Party.

“It is necessary to base our struggle not on one company or on one nation, but by mobilizing the workers of the world”
Maruti Suzuki workers in India send greetings to February 9 protest

Autoworkers, supporters demonstrate in Detroit to oppose GM closures and layoffs

February 9 demonstration against auto plant closures in Detroit
The program and strategy to defend jobs

Book Review

The State, Business and Education: How rapacious corporations are dismantling public education globally

By Erika Zimmer, 16 February 2019

Billionaires, global tech companies and national governments are imposing a profit-driven, user-pays system.

ICFI meeting announcement

Indian Trotskyists campaign for Kolkata meeting to mark the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By Arun Kumar and Ritwik Mitter, 26 January 2019

Indian university students discuss the rising danger of war and the betrayal by the Stalinist parties of the working class.

Indian Trotskyists in Kolkata to celebrate 80 years of the Fourth International

7 January 2019

The Kolkata meeting will review the essential political lessons of the protracted struggle of the Fourth International and their relevance to the fight for socialist internationalism today.

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

International Committee of the Fourth International

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

David North addresses New Zealand meeting celebrating 80 years of the Fourth International

By our reporters, 11 December 2018

80th anniversary of the Fourth International celebrated in Melbourne with public lecture

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Book Review

Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA

By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018

Rohini Hensman’s book, issued by the International Socialist Organization’s (ISO) Haymarket Books publishing house, is an endorsement of imperialist war.

Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four