This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Liza Featherstone
  • TOPICS: Elitist feminism and progressive politics.

This Jew Tells Speaker Pelosi: “You May Well Prove Ilhan Omar Correct”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reportedly still considering a symbolic “show vote” in Congress on an anti-Semitism and “hate” resolution – which would offer all the authenticity and honesty of a Soviet show trial. If Pelosi proceeds, it will prove Rep. Ilhan Omar’s point about the inordinate influence wielded over Congress by the “Israel-right or-wrong”/AIPAC lobby and its power to stifle criticism of Israel. More

Big Capital, the Working Class, and US Imperialism: a Brief Look at Recent History

Today, the two looming “existential threats” are the possibility of nuclear war, and unprecedented human-caused climate change, yet neither of these seems to unduly concern our plutocrats. Capitalism thrives on war, and we forget this historical fact at our peril. Nor do they seem worried about the drastic consequences of global warming, which has been More

Stop Weaponizing “Anti-Semitism” and “Racism”

What’s in a word?  Plenty, if those words are “racism” or “anti-Semitism.” Just ask Virginia Governor Ralph Northam or freshman Congresswoman Ilham Omar.  Last week both found themselves engulfed in political firestorms.  All because of those two barbed words.  More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Wall From the Other Side

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on how Mexico views Trump’s border wall; Master of the Lost Cause: Lee Ballinger on Robert E. Lee, Then and Now; Trump Does Africa: Nick Pemberton on the 21st Century War on Africa; Abbie Hoffman: American Environmentalist by Jonah Raskin; The ESA: Noah’s Ark or Titanic? by Craig Collins; Plus: Dan Glazebrook on Alexander Dugin and the New Fascism; Ron Jacobs on the Antiwar Movement in Olympia; Daniel Raventos and Julie Work on the Politics of Violence in Europe; Pete Dolack on Trickle-Down Economics’ Latest Failure; Ruth Fowler on Magnet Schools; Jeffrey St. Clair on Honduran Refugees; Chris Floyd on Virtual Reality Politics; and Charles Pierson on Trump and the New World Order.

“In Order to Dismantle Capitalism, We Must First Destroy the Fossil Fuel Industry,” an Interview with Joshua Frank
