The Liberals are in chaos as they head for a crushing defeat at May’s federal election.

Mag highlights

Corporate irrigation profits drain towns and rivers of life

Towns are running out of water and fish are dying in alarming numbers in Western NSW, providing a glimpse of what is at stake as the climate crisis drives temperatures to record levels.

Making students pay—30 years since the end of free education

Student debts levels have exploded since HECS fees were introduced 30 years ago, explains Tom Fiebig, as governments have moved to...

Rosa Luxemburg—a fighter for revolution

Rosa Luxemburg defended the need for revolution to end the horrors of capitalism, and her ideas were tragically confirmed by the outbreak of world war, argues Sadie Robinson

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Contents February 2019
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Resisting the imperialist coup in Venezuela

The effort to oust Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro came to a head on 23 January, with National Assembly leader Juan Guaidó appointing himself interim president.

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