Coal-fired country

The Minister for Coal warned students that protesting for climate action would only lead to the dole queue.

Lecturing the next generation of Australian voters to ignore global warming really should be an express ticket to the back of that queue. Instead, it will probably lead to a lucrative minerals industry lobbying job.

Cartoon, Minister for Resources

John Quiggin has written on where we’re at in the long struggle over Adani’s plans for a giant coal mine in Queensland.

(The Canberra Times, 1 December 2018 | Gallery of most recent cartoons)

Stick a fork in the myth of Moderate Mal, it’s done

Cartoon: PM blames failure of National Electricity Market on renewable energy

The government is trying to blame failures in the National Electricity Market on renewable energy. Ross Gittins sees the sleight of hand; Richard Denniss deploys a nice metaphor using prawns to completely demolish the stage.

Inside Parliament, ministers brandished a lump of coal; outside, Professor Clive Hamilton resigned from the Climate Change Authority. It is “crystal clear that the Government has no interest in sensible climate change policy”:

Letter: Clive Hamilton resigns from the Climate Change Authority

Cartoon: political climate change affecting the Liberal Party

(The Canberra Times, 11 and 7 January 2017 | Gallery of most recent cartoons)