EPIC Alert

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The EPIC Alert, a bi-weekly publication of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington DC, covers issues related to privacy and civil liberties in the Information Age.

Each issue contains:

  • detailed articles on privacy developments in the US and around the world
  • briefing reports on breaking privacy news
  • book reviews of the latest privacy-related publications
  • listing of upcoming privacy conferences and events

Keep up to date on the latest privacy news and announcements with the EPIC Alert.

Subscription is free, although you can support EPIC with your contribution. To support the EPIC Alert, please visit our donation page.

The electronic EPIC Alert has been published since 1994, and currently has a readership of over 17,000. It is among the longest-running electronic newsletters on the Internet.

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EPIC Alert 26.02 (February 1, 2019)

  1. EPIC, Open Markets, Civil Rights Groups Press FTC on Facebook Consent Order
  2. EPIC Seeks Injunction to Block Census Citizenship Question
  3. Unanimous Decision in Illinois Supreme Court Ensures Strict Limits on Biometric Data Collection
  4. EPIC Honors 2019 International Privacy Champions
  5. EPIC Publishes Simon Davies Memoir, 'Privacy: A Personal Chronicle'
  6. EPIC Book Review: 'Re-Engineering Humanity'
  7. News in Brief
  8. EPIC in the News
  9. EPIC Bookstore
  10. Upcoming Conferences and Events

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