
I am proud to have been elected as an Alderman of Hobart City Council. The work really starts now, and I’d like you to understand my underlying philosophy that encouraged (compelled?) me to stand for public life. In short, we all have an equal right to the bounty of the earth.

From this simple statement, great insights unfold. If we are born with equal rights, how come some people are rich, while most people are poor – very poor? This site will explain that paradox; it is really about justice – economic justice. Social justice is a worthy aim, but without economic justice, it is unattainable. We must start at the beginning. Let’s get started.

There is a fairer way to share the earth’s bounty, so that the widening gap between rich and poor can be closed. If we are to live up to the lofty title of our National Anthem, then we must put the foundations in place to “Advance Australia Fair”. If we are born with an equal right to the resources of the earth, then we should all share equally in the dividends of our common wealth. That is far from the case now. We live in a society where a few own the resources, and live a lavish lifestyle, while the rest of us compete for crumbs. It need not be so.

I will introduce you to some exceptional thinkers who have promoted this philosophy – from Jefferson and Lincoln in USA, Lloyd-George and Churchill in UK, Tolstoy in Russia, to Sun Yat Sen, the father of the Republic of China. The list is impressive, and is complemented by several Nobel prize-winning economists. The collection of land and resource rents for public purposes is an idea whose time has come.

You will find plenty of local content on this site. I believe Hobart has a brilliant future. Approvals for new projects are at record levels – if only they can be brought to fruition. We are on the cusp of a golden era. We must embrace the opportunities coming our way, and encourage people to take advantage of them.

The Gehl Report
offers a blueprint for a vibrant, liveable city. Some of his recommendations will be controversial. Some will not find easy acceptance. We must engage the public, hear what they say, and facilitate their wishes.

On this site, issues facing Hobart City Council will be explored, and you can have your say. Wider issues of governance affecting all of Tasmania and Australia will be canvassed. But at the heart of all discussion will be the concept of economic justice. A just society requires equality of opportunity and the abolition of privilege.

Justice is the aim! Hence, my slogan: For the good of all

Leo Foley
Alderman of Hobart City Council

Council Issues
Hobart City Council
Council Issues

Taxation is more than just a fiscal system. How we raise our public revenue is just as important as how much is raised. It becomes a moral and philosophical matter.


The Tasmanian Land Tax system should ensure that Tasmanians get a proper return on inner-city land values.


What is Geonomics? Geonomics is a simple idea. We should all share the bounty of the earth!
