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Open Source Initiative
To educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source software
To educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source software


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OSI has joined the FSF in providing our united views to the Supreme Court of the USA in the Alice vs CLS Bank case. We believe this case is crucial to open source as it could determine whether software patents should be valid. 
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Something different, and very cool; An essay contest on the innovative use of Open Source Information and Communications Technologies is being jointed sponsored by the US State Department's Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance in partnership,  the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) and the Center for Policy Studies (PIR) in Russia.  Fascinating crowd-sourcing of ideas - if not policies - to lead public discussion, verify, monitor compliance, for nuclear arms and sensitive facilities. Contest closed January 31, 2013.
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Via our Board Member, +Leslie Hawthorn :

The +Open Source Initiative  is kicking off its first ever individual membership drive. For just 40 USD per year, you can support the valuable work this organization does to protect and promote open source software. From the program incubator that has produced training content, to helping projects like with taking in donations, to stewarding the licensing of open source software, the OSI is an integral and vital part of our lives as open source community members. 

Please join as an individual member today.

(Full disclosure: I sit on the OSI's Board of Directors.)
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Just a note from the community gardener to say we've removed some posts that we consider spam and in some cases banned the poster from further posts because of repeat occurrences. If you believe we made a mistake please use the contact form below, category "Web Site".
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Just a reminder that the community here on G+ discussed recruitment postings and decided they would not be allowed here. Consequently, we'll be removing any such postings. Thanks for your understanding.
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Join The OSI Community

We've created an OSI Open Source community which we'd love you to join. Come and help us as we continue OSI's re-structuring into a community-controlled organization.
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