Britain’s Witchfinders are Ready to Burn Jeremy Corbyn 

The Blairite MPs have been trying to oust Corbyn any way they can. First through a failed re-run of the leadership contest and then by assisting the corporate media – which is equally opposed to Corbyn – in smearing him variously as a shambles, a misogynist, a sympathiser with terrorists, a Russian asset, and finally as an “enabler” of anti-semitism. More

Cohen’s Overlooked Warning – and Other Media Silences Worth Hearing

It’s the silences – the things left out and sent down the “memory hole” – that strike me most in the United States’ Orwellian capitalist and white-supremacist media. More

Remember the Maine? CIA Intervention in Venezuela 

In January 1897, Frederic Remington, a 19th-century painter famous for his depictions of the Old West, was on assignment in Havana for William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal to illustrate Spanish atrocities against Cubans. He sent a telegram to Hearst, noting: “Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return.”  Hearst replied: “Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Wall From the Other Side

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on how Mexico views Trump’s border wall; Master of the Lost Cause: Lee Ballinger on Robert E. Lee, Then and Now; Trump Does Africa: Nick Pemberton on the 21st Century War on Africa; Abbie Hoffman: American Environmentalist by Jonah Raskin; The ESA: Noah’s Ark or Titanic? by Craig Collins; Plus: Dan Glazebrook on Alexander Dugin and the New Fascism; Ron Jacobs on the Antiwar Movement in Olympia; Daniel Raventos and Julie Work on the Politics of Violence in Europe; Pete Dolack on Trickle-Down Economics’ Latest Failure; Ruth Fowler on Magnet Schools; Jeffrey St. Clair on Honduran Refugees; Chris Floyd on Virtual Reality Politics; and Charles Pierson on Trump and the New World Order.

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Eva Golinger
  • TOPICS: Venezuela, Bolivarian Revolution, US imperialism.

David Lynch chats with Harry Dean Stanton
