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 Georgia, History, Russia, Europe, Arts & Culture

  We Are Still Here: A Story from Native Alaska From Qatar to Alaska, a personal journey exploring what it means to belong when your culture is endangered.

 Environment, Native Americans, US & Canada, Middle East

  A Moral Debt: The Legacy of Slavery in the USA A journey of self-discovery and education, spanning the legacy of Confederate America and its modern ramifications.

 History, slavery, Human Rights, Racism, United States

  The Cut: Exploring FGM Why does the dangerous and painful practice of female genital mutilation persist in so many countries across the world?

 FGM, Child rights, Somalia, Women's Rights, Kenya

  I run because... We profile people from around the world, who all run for different reasons.

 Sport, Latin America, Brazil, India, Nepal

  Death in the Family  A personal look at the funeral industry and how a traditional family-run trade is being overtaken by big corporations.

 Arts & Culture, Health, US & Canada

  My Own Private Bollywood What does it take to make a Bollywood movie? A personal journey into the fascinating world of Indian film.

 Arts & Culture, India, Poverty & Development, Asia

  Mental Illness: Breaking the Silence One in four people will suffer a mental illness, but will they all get the care and treatment they need? 

 Health, Europe, Africa, Mental health, Human Rights

  Disease, discrimination and dignity  An indigenous village exposes the fatal flaws in Mexico's public health policies. 

 Magazine, Latin America, Health, Mental health

  The sad - and the sadder - me  The story of one woman's struggle with bipolar disorder.

 Magazine, Mental health, Health

  Putting Man on the Moon Al Jazeera's Caroline Radnofsky explores the legacy of her grandfather, the man behind the iconic Apollo 11 space suits.

 Science & Technology, History, Space, NASA

  Growing Up Guantanamo Follow the incredible journey of Asadullah Rahman, the youngest inmate to be held at Guantanamo Bay.

 War & Conflict, Afghanistan, Taliban, Guantanamo Bay 

  Off the Rails: A Journey Through Japan  A personal look at how the country's railways reveal so much about Japanese culture and the changes in society.

 Arts & Culture, Science & Technology, Japan, Asia, Natural disasters

  The Greek Resistance Tied together by a painful history, Greece and Germany are locked into a new conflict that has reawakened old ghosts.

 Greece, Business & Economy, Germany, Eurozone, History

  Once Upon a Time in Sarajevo Can three comedians from Bosnia overcome the bitterness of the past to reunite and reconcile? 

 War & Conflict, Europe, Bosnia, Former Yugoslavia, Srebrenica

  Motherhood on Ice A personal look at one woman's decision to freeze her eggs and the medical and financial implications of the procedure.

 Women's Rights, Health, Europe, Turkey, International Women's Day

  Meet the Correspondents Al Jazeera journalists recount the personal journeys that lay the foundations for their films.

 Media, Arts & Culture, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar

  A Tale of Two Migrations Through the story of one immigrant family, we explore the evolution of racism and migration in the US.

 US & Canada, Latin America, Germany, Mexico, Somalia

  My Digital Addiction How is our need to be constantly connected impacting our lives and could a digital detox be the solution?

 Science & Technology, US & Canada, Social media, Media, Facebook

  'America needs immigrants' Community members in Brownsville, Tennessee tell us what immigration means for the United States.

 United States, Immigration

  The making of Al Jazeera Correspondent Executive producer Farid Barsoum shares a behind-the-scenes look at the inspiration behind the series.

 Media, Arts & Culture

  Who Owns Yoga? We explore the impact of our modern obsession with one of the world's oldest physical and spiritual practices. 

 Health, Sport, India, Arts & Culture, US & Canada

  Metropolis: A Time Lapse Perspective A creative exploration of architecture and human relationships with modern cities.

 Science & Technology, Cities, Qatar, United Kingdom, United States

  Camp Grounded: An analogue adventure Correspondent Phil Lavelle breaks away from his digital addiction at a summer camp for adults in California.

 Science & Technology, Health, Arts & Culture, US & Canada

  Identity and Exile Al Jazeera's Matthew Cassel examines why so many American Jews defend Israeli policies regardless of the issue or cost.

 US & Canada, Middle East,  Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Judaism

  Why We Run Al Jazeera's Andy Richardson asks why people run, as he prepares for his first marathon... in the Antarctic. 

 Sport, Health, US & Canada

  Athletes at altitude Richard Donovan, a multiple polar marathoner, on what motivates people to run long distances in extreme conditions.

 Health, Sport, Arts & Culture

  Scotland the Brave? A very personal look at the arguments surrounding the referendum for Scottish independence.

 Europe, Scotland, United Kingdom

  MS & Me Stephanie Scawen takes us on a journey through life as a Multiple Sclerosis patient and tracks the search for a cure.

 Health, Asia, Singapore, Scotland, Science

  Trail of murder: Indonesia's bloody retreat How the murder of a journalist in East Timor in 1999 impacted the life and work of Al Jazeera's Step Vaessen.

 Investigative, Journalism under fire, Asia Pacific, Indonesia, East Timor

 Show MoreLatest News Venezuela in crisis: All the latest updates Self-declared interim president Juan Guaido returns to Caracas despite arrest threats. 

 Venezuela, Latin America, Nicolas Maduro, War & Conflict

  Bouteflika's offer fails to appease Algeria's protesters Anti-government rallies continues despite ailing president's proposal to hold new polls if he wins fifth term in office.

 Algeria, Middle East

 Trending  Khashoggi messages show distrust of 'Beast Pac-Man' MBS US, China declare trade war ceasefire CNN: Facts first, just not on Israel Poroshenko for 'Normandy format' talks with Russia Pablo Escobar's legacy 25 years on: Tributes and disgust US Navy's Middle East chief found dead in Bahrain Macron tells PM to hold talks with protesters G20 Summit 2018: All the latest updates Moon: Trump says likes North Korea's Kim, will fulfill his wishes 'World is at a crossroads. Act now or risk disaster'     MUST-SEE PROGRAMMES101 EastPartition: Borders of BloodSeventy years after the partition of India, we examine the troubled legacy of the event that shaped the subcontinent.

India-Pakistan Partition, India, Pakistan

WitnessMaria Ressa: War on TruthIn an era of disinformation, the CEO of Rappler takes on forces that she believes are undermining world democracies.

Media, Philippines, Facebook

People & PowerThe Forgotten Heroes of EmpirePeople & Power investigates the UK's scandalous neglect of its colonial-era African soldiers.

World War, United Kingdom, History

WitnessSky and Ground: A Syrian Family's Journey Across BordersOne refugee family faces incredible odds and countless setbacks as they travel over 3,000km across Europe.

Syrian Refugees, Germany, Immigration


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