Latest News from around the world

Humanists thankful for life of Barrie Berkley

21 December 2018 | United Kingdom

Where is Ahmad, sentenced to death "for atheism"?

19 September 2018 | Saudi Arabia

Humanists condemn “the politics of division”, resurgent in many parts of the world

5 August 2018 | 406-395 Rock Rd, Pahiatua 4987, New Zealand

What We Do

Our work focuses on those rights that are threatened, abused or undermined by harmful traditional, cultural and religious practices. We have a specific concentration on freedom of expression, freedom of religion or belief, the rights of women, LGBTI equality and the rights of the child.

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Latest Reads

HI event / 24 April 19 - 24 April 19

Fundamentalism rising

An event to discuss together the rise of Islamist and Hindutva fundamentalism in Bangladesh and India respectively, with a panel…
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Humanists International News / 15 February 2019

Humanists International

There is a new name and brand at the heart of the global humanist movement, we are evolving.
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Conference / 31 May 19 - 02 June 19

General Assembly 2019

The 2019 Humanists International General Assembly (GA) will take place on Sunday 2 June 2019 in Reykjavik, Iceland, in conjunction…
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