People Innovation Excellence



At the BINUS Alumni Center, we are committed to continuously stay in touch with our 55,000-strong alumni and help them seize better life opportunities.

We maintain a synergistic network through which we help you stay closely connected with your alma mater and fellow alumni.

Take pride in being an alumnus of BINUS UNIVERSITY! Stay connected via our Alumni Center and join the ever-growing BINUS alumni circle.


As an esteemed BINUS alumnus, you enjoy a host of complimentary privileges such as BINUS Alumni Magazine, Alumni Card-Flazz, the AlumMAIL – a complimentary, lifelong email address that identifies you as an alumnus of a world-class university – as well as access to the BINUS Alumni e-Community that keeps you closely connected with BINUS UNIVERSITY.

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  1. Ysh. Staff Binus University,

    Selamat pagi!
    Saya Endang Haryani, alumni S2 MMSI 2005 dengan nomor induk mahasiswa 0340008576.
    Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai dosen di Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga. Saya sedang mengurus jabatan fungsional dosen dan salah satu persyaratannya adalah sertifikat akreditasi progdi dari BAN-PT.
    Oleh karena itu mohon bantuan supaya saya boleh dikirimi sertifikat tersebut dalam bentuk file pdf untuk saya masukkan dalam sistem Sijago Kopertis 6.
    Atau jika tidak melalui forum alumni ini, mohon saya diarahkan harus menghubungi siapa berkenaan hal ini.
    Terimakasih atas bantuan yang diberikan.

    Endang Haryani

    • Dear Ibu Endang,

      silahkan menghubungi Alumni Relation Officer di (021) 5345830 ext. 1234, 1235, 1237

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