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The #UnitedStates is now headed by someone pathologically incapable of admitting defeat. This doesn’t bode well for the #2020presidentialelection. Among the most chilling words uttered this week by #MichaelCohen, Donald #Trump’s former personal lawyer and fixer, were 'given my experience working for Mr Trump I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power, and this is why I agreed to appear before you today'.

Even after the election, Trump refused to accept that he had lost the popular vote. Still claiming election fraud, he established a presidential commission to find it. For Trump, losing is the deepest form of humiliation, and humiliation is intolerable. Imagine it’s November 2020 and Trump has lost the election. He charges voter fraud, claiming that the 'deep state' organized tens of millions of illegal immigrants to vote against him, and says he has an obligation not to step down.

#GlobalEconomy #AmericanPolitics #POTUS45 #Politics #AmericanPoliticians #RepublicanParty #TrumpAdministration #PresidentialElection2020 #Republicans #DemocraticParty #Democrats
If Trump loses, we know what to expect: anger, fear and disruption
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#US President Donald #Trump and Chinese President #XiJinping could reach a formal trade deal at a summit around March 27 given progress in talks between the two countries, according to the WSJ. #China would lower tariffs on U.S.-made goods including agricultural products, chemicals and cars in exchange for sanctions relief from Washington. As a part of the deal there would be a $18bn purchase of natural-gas from Houston-based #CheniereEnergy Inc. The United States is working to hammer out a detailed trade agreement with China that will include specific structural commitments, according to U.S. Treasury Secretary #StevenMnuchin.

#GlobalEconomy #Protectionism #America #Globalisation #GlobalTrade #TradeWars #EconomicRisk #Economy #TradePolicy #InternationalTrade #TradeTariffs #Politics #Geopolitics #InternationalRelations #USA #GlobalTradeWar #EconomicColdWar
U.S. and China could reach #tradedeal at summit around March 27: WSJ
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First impressions of my new TicWatch Pro smartwatch which arrived today

I've replaced my LG Watch Sport with this watch mainly because the LG uses really proprietary bands (straps) which have the antennas embedded inside. While the LG just got day's use on its battery (from 07:00 to midnight) this TicWatch should get 2 days battery in smartscreen mode, around 5 days in mixed mode (basically smart reverts to essential mode for last 3 days), or a full 30 days just in essential mode. "Time" will tell over the next week or so and I'll give an update on this. I'm also suspecting the charge time is going to be a bit longer, and of course its charging cradle does not stand upright on its own like the LG's.

The dual screens are quite a clever feature, not only for battery life, but also for bright sunlight as the essential mode screen is a basic LCD which reads fine in the sunlight.

The OS is the same as other Wear OS watches. The DPI resolution is very slightly less than the LG but not noticeable to the eye in any way. At first, I thought the TicWatch was way thicker than the LG but they are about the same - it was a trick of the light with the shaping and textures.

Yes the TicWatch has only two buttons and no scrolling crown button but I can live with that. Same GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth, and NFC but excludes the SIM for making calls. It will make and receive calls when paired with a phone though, and its fitness app will record exercises using its built-in GPS.

On exercises it not only supports Google Fit (and its own built-in fitness app called TicHealth) but will also export exercise data to Runkeeper and Strava. I should also mention that every aspect of health data sharing needs to be allowed or declines(steps, heart rate, etc) so you are in total control. Another nice touch is to opt into step count comparisons with other people where you see their step counts and distance away from you (one person is 20km away!). You can cheer them on if you wish. Maybe creepy for some but you can opt in or out of it.

See all the photos at

#ticwatch #wearos #smartwatch
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Sumatran tiger in Burgers Zoo 3

From a blog on my website!

CAMERA: Canon EOS 80D/650D
LENS Tamron 16-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD Macro


#photography #animal #zoo #tiger #BurgersZoo
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The House Judiciary Committee will request documents on Monday (Mar 4) from President Donald #Trump's oldest son, his business and more than 60 individuals in his administration. Rep. #JerryNadler said the requests for documents are to 'begin investigations, to present the case to the American people about obstruction of justice, about corruption and abuse of power.' The New York Democrat said the full list of individuals and entities would be released Monday, but he mentioned Donald #TrumpJr. and #TrumpOrganization CFO Allen Weisselberg.

Since taking power in the wake of November's #midtermelections, #HouseDemocrats have vowed to investigate Trump's presidency and business as they await the special counsel #RobertMueller investigation's findings. As special counsel Robert Mueller wraps up his Russia probe, federal investigators have focused on conflicting public statements by President Trump and his team that could be seen as an effort to influence witnesses and obstruct justice

#GlobalEconomy #AmericanPolitics #POTUS45 #Politics #AmericanPoliticians #RepublicanParty #TrumpAdministration #PresidentialElection2020 #Republicans #DemocraticParty #Democrats
House Judiciary to request documents from Trump Jr., dozens in administration
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Infinity Pool

Infinity pool facing Sagami Bay in Japan, so Luxurious time goes by quickly...

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Whoa, newsweek managed to post a shot of the crowd at the Bernie rally happening now in Chicago, Illinois!

My question: when he has consistently drawn these crowds for 4 years straight now, how can MSM ignore it? How can established party-line members ignore it? Remember, these are folks that are rejecting the status quo in party politics.
#FeeltheBern #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders
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Mt. Fuji and the Milky Way Reflected in Lake Shoji

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Mueller threatened Cohen 's wife with a thirty year prison sentence if Cohen did not testify against Trump , how many other threats has mueller made against the families of his inquisition , --Flynn's son , Cohen's wife and Trumps son
is this really the way to run a investigation -- 5 am raids on homes and businesses of targeted people for his investigation ......
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Tianjara at sunset
Celebration: countdown 21

In early morning or sunset it is easy to become a little disoriented at the top of waterfalls and find yourself in the wrong place. It is easy to forget yourself in a place like this.

It is always safest to stop and take stock. Shadows move fast, creating illusions: paths that do not exist, flat rocks that slope alarmingly, and firm surfaces that crumble even as you watch.

At Tianjara, near me, the silhouette of a face took form and darkened. Then the sun's horizontal rays hit the edge behind a waterfall and set the rock wall on fire.

Image: The lens flare here is partly due to the sun but has taken on color from water vapor (a secondary/inverse rainbow?). The silhouette rock appeared to move slowly as the sun's rays fell to the horizontal.
A handheld HDR, lightly toned for structure, desaturated slightly in the red/magenta range.

Celebrate: Thank you. To celebrate what we all achieved on G+, i am publishing the 50 most viewed posts in this collection until shutdown. This is a reprocessed image of this fall (21st most viewed: 2,007,742 times).
#CelebrateCountdown (please feel free to use this hashtag to celebrate your own favorite posts)
This platform has been great for photographers and writers. For more Australian photography, please check out my friend +Chris Sutton. Or check the b&w of
+madelene jeffery , the Scottish rambles of +shonie Hutter or the adventures of +Monique Helfrich.


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Ubiquitilink may allow regular phones to receive two-way signals from satellites

Technically possible and many mobile phones are hardware capable. It means that it may be possible in future to be able to connect anywhere on Earth with just a plain mobile phone (and a few additional satellites of course).

The company says that most phones made in the past decade have the hardware required to connect to these satellites, but software modifications are required. This is because most phones are built around the assumption that cell towers cannot be more than 30 km (18 miles) away, since the curvature of the Earth generally prevents signals from transmitting farther than that. Once Ubiquitilink modified a phone's wireless stacks to account for the longer distance, it successfully connected to a 2G satellite in orbit.

Charles Miller, founder of Ubiquitilink, plans for the company to become a worldwide roaming operator that mobile networks will pay to access. That's a long way off, though — at least a thousand satellites are reportedly required, but the service would work with fewer in limited passes. For example, customers might not have a signal for 55 minutes, then receive service for five minutes (when the satellites pass over your location). That's certainly better than no service at all.


#satellites #mobilephone #Ubiquitilink
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That Black mirror episode is getting closer to reality
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The Best Dry Leaves for Your Betta (pH Test) | Betta Care Part 1
What are the best dry leaves to add to your betta fish's tank? Indian Almond Leaves? Banana Leaves? Although there are a lot of other values to measure, in this video we compare the pH of 4 different types of dry leaves over a 5 day period! Watch the video to find out which one works and how our bettas reacted to it!

#bettafish #bettacare
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Soros funds New green deal with a million dollars
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What I did know exactly, because I had traveled abroad since the 90s and could compare with my own eyes -- the packs being sold in Russia started bearing large warning signs much, much later than they did in Europe! I think this very strange and abusive discrepancy can be a great matter for the multiple lawsuits against the tobacco companies and their distribution partners. Indeed, why? No warnings on the packs at all! While in Europe those big, half-size of a pack labels had been already in effect for years! Then they turned into those graphic pictures of the damaged organs, while in Russia only several years later those World's known brands began following the same pattern. It means that for about 15 years, at least, the smokers in Russia were discriminated against knowing the truth!! How many people have died by now! How many millions have developed some terminal diseases! It is a serious fact! I am convinced it must be addressed both in Russia by taking actions against the official dealers, and outside where the HQ offices of the producers' companies are located. Hey, lawyers, pick up this winning case!
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Eating a healthy diet with the right number of calories is one good way to take care of your heart. In this article, we examine some of the best foods for ensuring that you keep a robust and healthy heart.

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Every Time the Force is Mentioned in the Star Wars Movies #SciFiSunday

Super fun from video from Star Wars Kids.

The Force is an an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together. And it’s discussed a lot! Find out how many times the Force, the source of power for Jedi and Sith, is mentioned in the Star Wars movies!

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What you eat can have a big impact. We talked with registered dietitians about which healthy foods may help ease your joint pain. Here’s their recommendations on what to eat.

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G+ Folks - G+ is scheduled to be closed down in April of 2019. If you value these posts on good health, please follow my blog at Been there 9 years.

Here are five strategies to protect your #heart, #arteries and the rest of you, according to Harvard Medical School’s HealthBeat.

Before they close down G+ you can also join to continue to read my information.
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Inle Lake in Myanmar. A local fisherman catches the families meal for the day

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