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               googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1430377943388-2'); });       .oryx-bg { background-image: url(/web/20190304211014im_/; }  LATEST RenderPagesVideo('5786543067001', 0, '100%', 473, 'vdoContainer'); Sheikh Jarrah: A Tale of Eviction and Resettlement Six years on, a young Palestinian reflects on coming of age in one of the world's most contested cities.

 19 May 2018 09:46 GMT |   Jerusalem,  Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Palestine, Middle East, Human Rights

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Show full TV schedule var jQueryScriptOutputted = false; function initJQuery() { if (typeof (jQuery) === 'undefined') { if (!jQueryScriptOutputted) { //only output the script once.. jQueryScriptOutputted = true; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "/assets/scripts/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"; document.body.appendChild(script); } setTimeout("initJQuery()", 50); } else { (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $("#about-programme").mCustomScrollbar({ scrollButtons:{ enable:true }, theme:"light-thick" }); }); })(jQuery); } } initJQuery(); More Silver Fez: Singing the Cape Malay Way Cape Town's urban outsiders put on sharp suits and melodic voices to battle it out for the Silver Fez choir trophy.

 South Africa, Music, Arts & Culture

  The Lizard King: Illegal Wildlife Trade's Poster Boy An undercover investigation into the man at the heart of illegal wildlife trading. Is the Lizard King back in business?

 Wild Animals, Malaysia, Crime

  Alfred's Free Press: Liberia's Blackboard Reporter One innovative journalist has found a way to get daily news and information to Liberians - with a big blackboard.

 Liberia, Media, Poverty & Development

  Race, Crime and Despair in Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City An investigation into soaring homicide rates, a failed war on drugs and urban despair in the US city of Baltimore.

 Crime, United States, Racism

  Australia's Lost Generation: Battling Aboriginal Suicide Australian Aboriginal youth suicide rates are among the highest in the world, so how can communities save their youths?

 Aboriginal Australians, Mental health, Australia

  Spirit Child: Ritual Killings in Ghana Anas Aremeyaw Anas investigates the ritual killings of Ghanaian children deemed to be possessed by evil spirits.

 Child rights, Ghana, Africa

  Joseph's journey: Chasing the American dream A young Liberian sets out across the Sahara in pursuit of a better life in the United States. 

 Liberia, Refugee Crisis, United States

  Mo and Me: African Image-maker Extraordinaire  Rewind looks back at the life of Mohamed Amin, photographer and cameraman who helped inspire Live Aid.

 Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya

  Children of Conflict: Growing up in Gaza Rewind meets the grandchildren of Fatima al-Najar, Palestine's oldest female suicide bomber, a decade on.

 Gaza, Palestine, Middle East

  Mohamad at Eton: From Refugee Camp to UK Boarding School Follow a Palestinian boy's transformative journey from a refugee camp to one of Britain's most prestigious schools.

 Education, United Kingdom, Palestine

  Dirty Little Secrets Rewind returns to 2010 when People and Power investigated allegations America used bio-weapons during the Korean War.

 War & Conflict, North Korea, United States

  Islam in America A decade ago, we travelled across the US to explore the roots and influence of Islam in pre-Trump America.

 Islam, United States, Human Rights

  Silent Bombs: Kazakhstan's Polygon Legacy Decades of nuclear bomb testing by the Soviet Union have left a damaging fallout in Kazakh children generations later.

 Nuclear weapons, Kazakhstan, Health

  Iraq After the Americans Following the US troop withdrawal, Fault Lines went to assess the state of Iraq after nine years of occupation.

 Iraq, War & Conflict, ISIS/ISIL

  Kay Kay: The Girl from Guangzhou Filmed over 20 years, Kay Kay's life gives a unique personal narrative to China's recent decades of change.

 China, Arts & Culture, Asia Pacific

  Pencils and Bullets: Girls' Education in Afghanistan Five years ago, after the Taliban years, two Turkmen girls in Afghanistan were finally able to attend school.

 Education, Afghanistan, Women's Rights

  Behind the scenes at North Korea's film academy A fascinating look at how young North Korean actors are trained in the arts of state propaganda.

 North Korea, Arts & Culture, Asia

  Revisiting Elsipogtog: The Fire Over Water In 2013 we travelled to New Brunswick, Canada after protests by indigenous people against fracking had been suppressed. 

 Environment, Canada, US & Canada

  Locked Up Warriors: New Zealand's Prison Problem New Zealand’s imprisonment rates are among the worst in the developed world. We revisit a Maori family to examine why. 

 New Zealand, Asia Pacific, Crime

  Born in Gaza: The deadly blockade The story of a family trying to get their sick infant son out of Gaza to save his life.

 Health, Middle East, Human Rights

  body : Layout 1 : Cell 1 : Layout 1 : Cell 3 : Layout 1 : Cell 7 : Layout 2 : Cell 10 : Layout 1 : Cell 21Staff PicksStreet Food A taste of conflict: The politics of food in Jerusalem In an ancient city torn apart by modern conflict, can food help to bridge political and religious divisions?

 Talk to Al Jazeera Nadezhda Kutepova: Life in Russia's secret nuclear city Activist Kutepova on growing up in a city that saw the world's third-worst nuclear accident and being exiled as traitor.

 101 East India's Miracle Babies India's elderly new mothers: Are doctors playing God, or does every woman have the right to bear a child?

  body : Layout 1 : Cell 1 : Layout 1 : Cell 3 : Layout 1 : Cell 7 : Layout 2 : Cell 10 : Layout 1 : Cell 22Related content Two Philippine women abducted in Iraq  Police open investigation after incident on road linking Baghdad Erbil.

 Iraq ,  Middle East

  Liberia after Ebola: 'The human suffering changed me' Three years on, a reporter and Ebola survivor speaks to some of the Liberians who were affected by the 2014 outbreak.

 Health ,  Africa ,  Poverty & Development ,  Liberia

  Repairing Palestine's historic mosaics Hisham's Palace, home to one of the world's largest mosaic carpets, is in the midst of a massive restoration project.

 Middle East ,  Palestine ,  Occupied West Bank

     MUST-SEE PROGRAMMES101 EastPartition: Borders of BloodSeventy years after the partition of India, we examine the troubled legacy of the event that shaped the subcontinent.

India-Pakistan Partition, India, Pakistan

WitnessMaria Ressa: War on TruthIn an era of disinformation, the CEO of Rappler takes on forces that she believes are undermining world democracies.

Media, Philippines, Facebook

People & PowerThe Forgotten Heroes of EmpirePeople & Power investigates the UK's scandalous neglect of its colonial-era African soldiers.

World War, United Kingdom, History

WitnessSky and Ground: A Syrian Family's Journey Across BordersOne refugee family faces incredible odds and countless setbacks as they travel over 3,000km across Europe.

Syrian Refugees, Germany, Immigration


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